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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. You asked 'is this mod still a thing?' literally right after I said it was on my short list to be worked. Seriously, guys. Full of bees. Not forgotten. Being worked.
  2. Good deal Bear in mind I am a bit in triage mode - saw the tech tree and life stuff, but still got my barnstorming done so I call that progress
  3. You, sir, are confusing user error with a bug/design choice and transforming it into misinformation. Sounds like you did not have a base module attached to said MKS pioneer module which has the mulch storage on it. No storage, nothing to convert. In the future, it probably makes more sense to report a potential issue in the relevant mod thread (either the MKS/OKS thread or the USI-LS thread) before spreading misinformation. First, to avoid polluting Taranis' thread with support stuff from other mods, and second, to avoid causing me support issues because of said misinformation. Thanks
  4. erm... MKS/OKS support USI-LS as the default... it would be very silly to make a life support mod and not support my own flagship colonization mod
  5. @Snjw - if you can make me a co-author (or whatever the term is on KS), I can go ahead and update these as well
  6. What was wrong with them? I made a horrible looking one and flew it around
  7. They are not. You ship them in. Or if you use MKS, there's a cultivate generator that turns water plus substrate into supplies.
  8. It adjusts output rate based on the single highest level engineer on the vessel. I would like to see heat generation back at some point, but under a different mechanic. Correct
  9. The 12 per day is just math. By the way - tons of config options are exposed so modders or folks who are comfy with comfig editing can tweak it to suit their needs. The periodic transmission is in there for two reasons. First, it encourages folks to visit their science bases once in a while. Second, it discourages people from just putting the lab on warp to reap the max 2500 you would get from the 500 data cap.
  10. 7.1.1 is up with lots of fixes to attachment nodes. Tested some creative barnstorming along the way If you are getting a version warning, make sure you're using the latest release.
  11. Let me check that - since I was not getting an error with the latest DLL, but I have to do a push anyway because of attachment nodes. Look for a 7.1.1 later today
  12. The max rate is about 12 science per day. And by the time you can max that (five star scientists, etc.) you probably don't need much science, other than for science to funds conversion to fund larger projects
  13. It's that step 2 If you're just min-maxing and timewarping, you're essentially doing the KSP equivalent of watching paint dry while a thousand other awesome things happen right outside your door. Not saying it's wrokg (it's a single player game), but don't be surprised if doing nothing but mashing a few keys ends up being boring Not quite the same thing. The idea behind it is to give bases a purpose, and provide a secondary, passive science stream where there's a bit more interactivity over the long haul (and I expect any mechanic can become un-fun with min-maxing). That was pretty much the intent. It kicks in right about the time folks start getting tired of grinding biomes. Depends on how you define tedious. It definitely is if you feel obligated to timewarp to each transmisison. Same way you can exploit resources by mining on the launchpad and recovering for the (small) value of Ore. Granted, we could unlock the entire stock tree before leaving Minmus anyway. But then, as someone else noted, unlocking the tech tree is not the game. It's just the point at which the real game begins. There's no obligation to stop however. But there had to be some kind of cap
  14. Nope, they work fine in 1.0 Do you have that community science thingie installed? the one that adds a bunch of descriptions?
  15. You should have Karborundum in asteroids with CRP and the stock harvesting system
  16. While cool, that would most definitely overcomplicate what is, at it's core, a very simple mod You are free to edit configs how you like, but tbh they are already a bit on the small side, and are meant to be a bit cumbersome
  17. Node issue (well rather a node fix) - I'll do a run through and take care of these I sleep four hours a day.
  18. And my $0.02 - the reason I prefer option #3 is because it pretty much is how the stock system works. It was extremely frustrating to hit the odd dead node in the old CTT.
  19. Oh yeah... and I totally forgot to add a converter to it I'll fix it in the AM since I need to rename the DLL anyway
  20. I'll take a peek. Probably just a small temperature adjustment.
  21. Ok - I put up the release for 7.1 with KSP 1.0.2 compatibility. All works in my playthroughs, but ping if there are issues and I'll happily lend a hand in sorting them. This is an incredibly awesome mod (it's one of the first things I drop in any new install, even beyond my dependency on it's plugin), and I'm happy to lend Snjo a hand in keeping it current for everyone
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