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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Whoops - sorry for the typo. I reply to a lot of threads and questions and mix up the fingers once in a while In any case, hopefully that answers your question.
  2. You probably want Regolith if your goal is fuel, not ART Both have drills, both do asteroid stuff. You can then use ART to convert leftover rock space into other fuel tanks. ART = Storage, some resources. Regolith (the tech demo) = Resources, some leftover rock that ART can convert to storage
  3. Eeloo and Eve do not have surface Karbonite. Eeloo and Eve do have Karborundum, but it is not everywhere, it's very scarce (but once you find it there's a logic to where it is), so you have to use the scanner and either fly low, or use a Rover.
  4. Fancy engine with high ISP, also jump beacons. Also silly valuable. Saw one guy haul over a freighter worth 80 million on recovery.
  5. Testing testing testing. Once it's done and I do some refactoring I'll toss it out
  6. Hard enough that I have no plans on doing it Zero fuel usage is normal, the two bits are tied together, and coding for a second engine module would likely be more trouble than its worth. The entire point was something stand alone - and it's still at the very far right hand side of the CTT tech tree, so assuming you're also using NFT, etc. you will go through a lot of tech to get to this.
  7. Limiting is precisely the point - the ring is a fixed size, too. That's why there will be different drives with different characteristics, to include bubble size. Sorry, not changing that one
  8. Altitude? Hop up to at least 500KM (this varies a bit in the next release)
  9. Works the same way, the thrusters are aesthetic (and it still uses an engine module) Smaller one has a lower max velocity, superior ISP, and folds. But a small bubble, limited storage space, worse altitude requirements, and average accelleration (which is to say, it's a hair better than the 2.5m model).
  10. Let's try this again, since this has as much to do with 'unrealistically filling up tanks' as ham does with hamsters. Whatever the amount you use for conversion. Whether it's a microgram or a kiloton. You have to have enough working space and production slack to cover a single day of production... even if that production is one gram. If someone is having a problem with converters, odds are something in the chain has insufficient storage for a day of stuff, so it breaks bits further down, and sadness happens.
  11. We will not discuss how many Kerbals I have killed in my dev save.
  12. @Justin Kerbice - Looks like he's setting this up for ELP, which makes sense and is very valid. And it's a nice (alternate) approach from how I'm tackling it from the MKS side. RE 'redefined gameplay' what happened to the project you were doing to do precisely that? Best thing about being able to mod stuff is that you can make the game whatever you'd like
  13. It's a different mod, not mine. Oh... and here's a tiny foldable warp drive I am finishing up:
  14. Stand alone, and it will be the reverse. Karbonite will move to Regolith once I have the planetary bits wrapped up.
  15. Can you provide examples of mods that are incompatible? Because in my experience incompatibilities are extremely thin on the ground.
  16. There's an existing jump drive beacon that plays very well with the USI constellation. Easy answer. In KSP, you die if you try that.
  17. @Joshwood - see the notes above on why I am doing this. And merging implies other modders are interested in working on projects together. Because merging into an existing framework without the cooperation of the (very likely still active) author just means you now have two frameworks And inability to have stuff out there do what I want means I have to roll a ton of custom code, or... wait for it... build a framework for all of my mods. I chose the latter path as the one of least resistance. Oh... and I answered this question in the first post
  18. For this one, 100% props to WaRi who did all of the awesome model work
  19. Those would be jump beacons - already have them The logic for this one by the way is increasingly large micro-jumps for precision reasons.
  20. For folks saying the drive is too slow / requesting 7c. I can get from Kerbol to eeloo in four minutes. Most trips I spend more time circularizing that actually flying. Does not sound too slow to me Don't get me wrong - just I have had a rash of people posting this and thus far it's been a ton of misinformation like one dude who told everyone it took four hours to get to Jool (totally false). RE spinning - some updates are in place to square that away (basically a rotational lock once your bubble is on).
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