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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. FYI - I'm fiddling with an analogue to the Alcubierre drive for the USI constellation Mechanics and animations will be a bit different, but I'll see about making a patch that takes into consideration this mod as well.
  2. Eve has almost no atmospheric karbonite. It's primarily oceanic.
  3. Sorry, I give paywall download sites about three seconds of looking for the download link before I give up Can you just toss a screenshot in imgur?
  4. Oh I'm lousy at crafts, that's for you guys I expect someone will oblige, but would be good to know what you were looking for craft wise given the diversity of the parts...
  5. Looks like a stock issue to me, none of those errors are mine.
  6. @hieywiey - I don't understand your question? FTT works stand alone. @mischief / Sarda - one of the reasons it will be at the stupidly far right hand side of the tech tree
  7. Would take a look, but I can't get past the paywall of where you placed it. Can you please use something like dropbox?
  8. And this is also why we can't have nice things. Because people pass off their individual anecdotes as hard data analysis. And the problem is that this kind of misinformation (that x64 is of comparable stability to x86) is precisely what exacerbates the issue. Heck, even Squad has made it clear that x64 is less stable in 0.25, not to mention the collected data on the very same folks who are writing the mods that are now being locked out. So if you wish to help the situation, the first thing I would suggest is to stop perpetuating the idea that x64 is NOT a hot mess and not that big of a deal. For you personally? sure, rock on. But let's not add to the misinformation shall we? (Edit to add link in case people can't be bothered to read stickies).
  9. You are confusing the analogy. It was in relation to support, in which case there simply is no confusion over who the miscreants are. If someone cannot respect property, or abide by social contracts, or acts like an entitled child, then I see no reason to waste my time helping them. Simple as that. As I said - whether you think the current trend is 'right' or not is subjective, and nobody is going to change anyone's world view here. It's about as futile as arguing politics or religion. The difference being in this case, that continued alienation of the producers will, in the end, just result in less being produced. That damage has already been done, and while some will simply tell modders to 'grow up', etc. I'd encourage folks with said beliefs to start learning C# and Unity, or get used to vanilla, because people kinda don't like providing stuff in an increasingly toxic environment, and we'll hit a point where every mod is released under very restrictive licensing because of failure of the social contract. That's pretty much reality. You can debate the right and wrong if it all day long (again, I don't see anyone's viewpoint being changed), but the outcome is already there. For me, as I said, I will personally limit my support of my mods to those I enjoy providing support for. I see it as a party with friends, and folks with whom there's a healthy dose of mutual respect. There is no real argument here - my POV is not going to change, nor do I expect yours to. I'm merely advising of the expected consequences, do with it what you will since it's of no real concern to me. (Edit) And Majiir hit the nail on the head.
  10. "But there is a certain fair treatment which we all would at least hope a mod maker would exhibit when dealing with issues even if you are not obliged to do so. " I find this statement ironic, since it's the very core of the issue, just swap the roles. To be honest, we're beating a dead horse here. People are not going to change their world views, and no amount of words on either side is going to convince someone to be more or less pleasant, or to have more or less respect for the work of others. They should just be prepared for the consequences of being unpleasant. Nothing more, nothing less. And in the end, it makes my job easier because I only have to support folks who are nice. Those who are not nice, get to go find other mods, or make their own. And to be honest, I really should not have to explain what polite behavior is, nor am I under any obligation to do so - because there's really no value in me attempting to educate people on social contracts if they already have no intention of observing them. It's not unlike teaching a pig to dance. It only leads to frustration for both you and the pig. (Edit) Let us put it a different way. I make a mod first for myself, second for my friends, and third, for people who I find to be pleasant. I am under no obligation to be all-inclusive in this. Just as, if I host a block party, and someone comes over (an acquaintance of an acquaintance perhaps) and decides to smash my windows and drink all of the beer, I am under no obligation to provide them more beer. I can't kick them out (it's a public street), but I certainly don't want them to get the idea that they are welcome either
  11. Plug in a github request for dumping tanks on launch. Also one for the cost issue lest I lose track of it (bear in mind I run ten different mods, so when people help out by putting stuff in GitHub it makes my life a lot easier, and means you get a fix or tweak faster).
  12. In your example, ditch the ones in the UmbraSpaceIndustries folder as you already have ones in 000_USITools. I expect Paul will catch up on folder location in the next patch of US. Sorry for the shuffling, but wanted us to have better CKAN support and the mixed in directories was going to cause some grief.
  13. Please explain why a moderator should remove them? They are simple facts. Unpleasant ones, but simple. Please let me know what forum rule I have violated? I provide stuff for free, because in general I try to be nice. The awesome bit about this is that I am under no obligation to support what I provide. I do so because people are polite, and generally enjoy the stuff I make. So I will happily answer questions and provide support to people who are nice. And people who understand the difference between something being legal and something being right. And for those that can't grasp that, I expect they can find their own way around support, simple as that. I am under no obligation to help them, so I won't. This thread (and others like it) is simply making the task of identifying these folks a lot easier, so for me it's proven to be a valuable tool. (Edit for clarity) - Dismissing support because of a worldview would be silly. Dismissing support because people are downright unpleasant, now that's a different kettle of fish. And these issues are doing an excellent job of sussing out the latter sub-group. So to put it a different way, I choose WHO I support. And that's 99.99% of the KSP player base. Though I expect before this is all through that number will be more like 99.96%
  14. Well at least this thread is making it really easy for me to see who not to provide support to
  15. Yes, they work with NFT tanks. And Dire_Squid - are you talking Karbonite, Karborundum, and were you gathering atmospheric, oceanic, or crustal? These things are important Oh... and the engines are more meant for the StarLifter vs. HoneyBadger.
  16. There is no parts folder in this mod (but there are parts) - you just drop it's GameData in GameData like any other mod, no muss no fuss. Just be sure to (a) drop in ALL of the GameData folder, and ( don't move anything! RE FireSpitter, grab the latest DLL from the FireSpitter thread (btw both work as I just use this for animations).
  17. Oh, for long skinny ships with very low TWRs do NOT use the toroidals The existing 5m SAS is fine. For shorter torch ships with the new engines you pretty much need these. I've had some fuel flow issues in the past with one-piece multi-leaf outrigger bits. My recommendation if you use the outriggers with heavier loads on them (or engines) is to strut. The 5x5 bit you will see used again as part of some model welding for engine clusters by the way. [EDIT] Log me a github issue and I'll see about variable-torque SAS modules.
  18. Try controlling some of the new drives without at least two.. sometimes three of them on They are pretty large and suck up a shocking amount of power. Probably would not bother with them on the smaller drives, but without them the new K+ drives pretty much turn your ship into a spinning top - in a bad way.
  19. heh, sorry, I forget a few folks don't use the entire constellation What you can do is just switch that bit of the config to LiquidFuel and you'll be in good shape. I'll see about a MM config for the next pass for those without FTT.
  20. For now, ship it up. Same as the nukes from FTT (those parts are really meant as FTT extensions as there are no LiquidHydrogen tanks in K+, but landed in this mod because they require Karborundum - so I had to flip a coin on which mod got them )
  21. Hey! USI Tools moved in our latest patch from UmbraSpaceIndustries to 000_USITools. You want to use the latter. If you use my other stuff, you probably purged your USI folder anyway as tons of stuff just moved If you just use universal storage, you can peace out and carry on till Paul does an update (the changes will not affect you). If you use KSP-AVC and want to avoid the nag screen, delete your UmbraSpaceIdustries version (the DLLs and version file are in the root) and grab the USITools project and plunk it in it's new home (000_USITools). If anything causes an issue just let me know FYI - the reason for the move was to better support the folks at CKAN, so I bit the bullet and did all of my moves all at once.
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