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Parts Hero
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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. I made some parts... (Basically there are multiple phases - this is part of the first phase)
  2. In this case, sure - But at least you got an earlier preview
  3. Already available on dropbox I warn the folks in the MKS thread first as they tend to have all of the constellation (and I do my experimental releases as all in ones )
  4. Pretty easy to knock one out, I think someone made a Kethane texture, just copy and paste one of the configs and edit to your heart's content
  5. (You probably want to kill one of these two threads as it's a bit confusing... or merge them... or something)
  6. AMT requires two mods to be done... the first was FTT (which you saw a bit ago) because I needed a 5m platform for some of the truly massive mining equipment. The second is a complete overhaul of asteroid resources (phase 1) and planetary resources (phase 2). The former is *almost* done. After that, it's off to mining It's probably going to wind up as one of my largest mods (in terms of code and gameplay, not parts). After that, it's an EPL extension and science!
  7. For starters this will not work on the launchpad - you have to be in a launched state. Start with that, let me know how it goes.
  8. Actually was tied to warping - but if you want give the latest experimental version on dropbox a swing and attempt to repro in case I missed an edge case. Neither You just need one.
  9. Sorry, you just made my 'Do not ever support or answer questions for again for any mod I author or curate' list. It's probably better that way.
  10. Yep, correct action in this situation is to fork, provide a pull request, and until the author updates it, start your own new thread with the updated version. Once the author comes back and re-releases, simply deprecate your fork. Numerous examples of this in the past, and it's a lot more community friendly than putting the proverbial dab of electrical tape over the check engine light - since the 'mod' referenced above will disable this for not only more benign cases, but pretty much all of them. Fortunately it looks like the vast majority of our users are not interested in that particular bill of goods. Love this mod myself, would like to see a temporary fork. Ping me if you have GitHub questions.
  11. The clever thing would be to use MKS's proxy logistics and have your drilling platform on the water, with a refinery and docking/transport mechanism on the beach.
  12. Probably easier to ask on the FireSpitter thread as this is an FS feature
  13. Important: Is that 0.24 or 0.24.2? Also show me a pic of your craft
  14. See CKAN, and publish a mod list. I'm all for mod lists.
  15. First I have heard of this - do me a favor, verify and log a github issue if it persists.
  16. And given your commentary in that thread, let me be the first to say that I will in no way support the addition of any mods that I curate in a modpack that you are even tangentially associated with, and would actively encourage others to follow suit, though I expect most will already.
  17. Here is fine, I read it, though the main thread is better.
  18. Yes, 'whatever'. The numbers by the way are invisible when the tube is attached given that their point is to put two things together... hence, your premise has no basis.
  19. I disagree. The visual cues, in my opinion (and in my experience, as well as based on user feedback), are a lot more user friendly than having to right click on parts, especially as you're setting one of these up.
  20. You seem to misunderstand the phrase 'a matter of opinion'. No, there's not a cosmetic version with less parts out there. You can always delete the ones you don't want.
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