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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Oh, much more resource goodness coming up. I had to do FTT as a precursor to what I want to really do with mining.
  2. Nice For parts requests log a github issue with lots of specificity and I will see what I can do
  3. There's an IVA in it though - it reuses the Mk1 pod one, which works since it's the right size and has no windows. Totally on board with IVA only, just don't see the benefit in adding a brand new IVA space (which means texture, model, etc.) to KSP for minimal value.
  4. I do this almost every single time I test this mod Until there's an official version with a KSP-AVC version file from the author, I will not bundle it because to do so will cause massive confusion. The current version works other than an annoying popup, and I expect there will be an official properly versioned release soon enough.
  5. hm, I've heard of this before, but can't seem to replicate. Are you testing them out in the VAB before departure? I'll take a look, a few tweaks were done for FAR but at this point, I'll probably revert those a bit and reposition the COM. If you could log a github issue that would rock. No reason why it should not work as nothing has changed - and don't blame me for your crashes Log me a github issue with details on what you want, given heatshields and other goodies are on my list. Which issue? I can't see what value a custom IVA would have for this mod, other than sucking down precious RAM. No windows, so no issues with positioning, and if it were to have an IVA it would pretty much be an empty beachball with a compass
  6. 100% compatible. If your textures are white, delete the TGA's in assets (there are now PNGs) and try again. TGAs are buggy
  7. And even better, as noted there is no model for the SAS (I thought I was being nice and part welding to reduce the memory footprint). So if you dislike the aesthetics of the 5M SAS, feel free to create a new model and texture and publish a part.
  8. Procedural fairings will work fine if you're looking for fairings, there is no value in building a custom fairing model for this mod.
  9. See below looks like Nori has a config. There will be an out of the box option relatively soon (need to do uranium while I am at it). Not in it yet, will be next constellation push TGA issue. Delete your old FTT folder. Try a reinstall, let me know if that works. Known TGA issue so I replaced them with PNGs.
  10. I would never consider assembling these with docking ports - that's a non-starter due to the issue with docking port strength (we have six figure breaking forces due to how node scales work). Launch empty with 3.75m decouplers and the launch vehicle attached radially, or get creative. Sorry about the 'sloppy' and 'shoddy-looking SAS', feel free to download blender and publish a part.
  11. 0.2.3 is up! Replaced TGA with PNG Updated tech level of some HoneyBadger parts Updated HoneyBadger descriptions Introduced all parts for the StarLifter - a 0.25m freighter Structural parts 5m Command Pod 2.5m and 3.75m nuclear engines 5m reactor 5m SAS 5m Karborundum and LiquidHydrogen tanks 10m LiquidHydrogen tank Cargo racks and adapters Larger Kontainers
  12. So glad to see this out Awesome work as always!! And I agree with floats looking like floats. I usually normalize all of mine to 0.0 in my configs given the chance.
  13. CIT Utils is used for EVA maintenance. Relevant for anyone using these guys to do refueling of nuclear reactors (or SpareParts if you also have MKS)
  14. Oh yeah... you also get the most luxuriant part ever. A 40,000 unit Karborundum tank. Which comes out to over 8 million funds if you load it up.
  15. Should not be an issue - log a github issue and I will see about a refresh
  16. I just finished the last model. So I'd say you will have this in your hands for the weekend if all goes well.
  17. will take a look in the morning and see if something broke
  18. Interoperability - UndercoverYankee has a thread for it
  19. The nukes are actually pretty impractical for the launch, I assume you'd launch the freighter dry with a very large launch vehicle UndercoverYankee has a thread for that
  20. I saw a bit of this when I was testing for 0.25 - won't be able to look at this till tomorrow (have band rehearsal tonight, which means dragging home in the wee hours of the morning and no KSP to play with).
  21. Already asked and answered Hope to get assets when he has a chance.
  22. Where is USI_Tools in that list? It also has a version file. Should be 0.2.3 - - - Updated - - - Also.. can you more precisely describe the issue? Does your asteroid have a rock resource? Do the claws arm? etc.
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