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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. I'll take that in the nicest way possible
  2. So what is the latest version of Unity I can reliably use with PartTools 0.23? Asking because of some random silliness with particles, and figured I would make sure I was on an appropriate version of Unity. TIA!
  3. Actually, that's by design so you can see how long a tube will extend when they are attached in the VAB. No point in the label if it is not clearly visible
  4. The problem of course, as Regex is that now the damage is done. CC is effectively broken since the very fact that a bit of code that pretty much sabotages it at a global level exists. Let us say that someone installed this bit of code because they were sure FireSpitter worked just fine under 0.25. They then, later, install another new mod. One that happens to not be compatible and would have popped up and warned them, but since this bit of code is so ham-fisted it blocks pretty much everything. CC has been rendered useless because the fact that (a) this mod exists, and ( it has been stated clearly that it will mutate as needed makes CC damaged goods. The proverbal toothpaste is out of the tube, it's not going back in. Even if 0.0001% of the users use this, it means that an author depending on this as a first (cursory) line of defense has to assume that it's broken, because it's been compromised. Kinda like if I dropped my house key on the NYC subway. The odds of someone actually picking it up and breaking into my house are slim, but I can pretty much guarantee I will change the locks because they are no longer reliable. This mod is like a dude that steals my keys every day and throws them on the subway. So, either someone will just re-release CC with alternate class names to nullify this, or if your previous position of essentially mutating around this holds true, then everyone will just wire in their own code, and in the end, the users lose because now they get half a dozen popups and warnings (the Nyan cat of MM being a small taste of what to expect), versus the consolidated screen. Then the next proverbial elephant in the room will be KSP-AVC, which (as adoption increases) also has pop-ups. If the precedence is set that it's perfectly ok to release a hostile mod who's sole purpose is to break and/or bypasses the behavior of other mods, then yeah, might as well go mod for minecraft because the toxicity level of the community would be heading in that direction. In my opinion, pieces of code like this should be expressly forbidden by the forum rules, but ultimately that's up to squad. At the end of the day, it will be the users who lose out. All over clicking one button which amounts to about, what, half a second of time? Heck, it doesn't even delay the loading process so that's really your entire net gain. Sounds like a lousy trade to me.
  5. Oh really? We 'Must' deal with it? My, what an unfortunate and entitled attitude. Let's be clear... I don't use CC, but I deal with enough support issues related to it that the last thing I would want to do is have it sabotaged (and yes, this mod sabotages other mod's intended support functions). It's rude, it's not neighborly, smacks of entitlement, and represents some of the worst aspects of having a modding community. As a result, any of my users who end up using this 'mod' will forfeit all support from me for any mod I develop now or in the future. I simply will not encourage bad behavior. As stated earlier, the saving grace is that this will wind up on the trash bin soon enough so we'll get to deal with a temporary issue. That being said, please tell me again how I 'MUST' deal with it?
  6. I don't see how intentionally distributing code for the sole purpose of breaking the behavior of other mods is in the right.
  7. The problem though now becomes a support one, because I expect a certain behavior. Just like when I am supporting my mods only to find that someone dug in and changed things. Also this does it kinda globally.... so suddenly said user has no idea that stuff is actually broken, what is broken, etc. and they come to our support threads. This bit of code has negative value to the community (even without the OP's position that he will mutate it, etc.). The only silver lining is that this will pretty much end up on the rubbish heap within a week or two. Of course by then you're going to have a few less modders, or at least a few less active ones, because of the unnecessary toxicity to the community. @Alshain - there's a pretty big difference between delivering stand alone packages that extend the game functionality, and delivering a piece of code who's sole purpose is to sabotage other mods. It offers zero value other than causing grief to modders. I think it's a reasonable request on the part of us providing content that if you install our stuff, please don't go about actively breaking it or making our lives harder, unless you're fully prepared to live without it, or rebuild it yourself when we leave (looking at Sarbian's post above). This is toxicity this community does not need.
  8. Sorry, meant are you using stock aerodynamics or do you have FAR/NEAR installed? And I just carefuly adjust my thrust and COB
  9. The rub is that someone is having you click 'Ok' because they are advising you that stuff may in fact break. It's there for a reason. And intentionally distributing code for the sole purpose of circumventing this is sabotage, not help. The product offered in this thread in it's current form offers no value, and I expect before the dust settles, will see more than one modder just say 'screw it' and leave for greener pastures. So yeah, your net loss for not having to click 'Ok' may be that we suddenly have less mods due to the "Read the posts below and see the tears flow!" attitude of the OP. - - - Updated - - - @tedach Check out the CKAN project and KSP-AVC. Both are good products headed in the right direction IMO.
  10. Here's the rub. His mod actively overrides behavior of other mods - behavior put in by mod authors specifically to warn of compatibility issues in support of their users. That's the issue. That's toxic. As an earlier poster put it, this is not a mod, this is sabotage. Calling this a 'mod' gives it a bit too much credit. Fortunately, I expect this will soon be buried in the rubbish heap of bad ideas.
  11. Gotta say, I personally don't use CC, but the toxicity of this mod is most certainly enough to make me aggressively not support anyone who installs this if not outright disable plug-ins with a giant box telling them why and pointing them at this thread. As noted earlier, a better course of action would be to enhance the existing CC code (KSP AVC has examples of how to thus kind of warning unobtrusively past the first warning) vs the barrel of toxicity this current implementation is.
  12. Yes, with the 11/1 release. Including safety light, will probably toss it in ExpPack for lack of a better place.
  13. The latter is your better solution. Because the RCS block is meant to be an RCS block, not an engine.
  14. Oh - that limiter is for the engine not for the RCS. The RCS thrust was non-tweakable. So it's plugin territory (engines and rcs work in different ways). So even RCS engines are just... engines. You don't get the RCS translation and rotation bits. Another example being the DERP engine, which has a monoprop engine and RCS combined. The rub with changing that little RCS block is that I would have to do transforms, and dictate which direction it thrust from as engines (and you only get one). Which would be very bad for about half the folks using it Probably a better bet for you would be to use the built in KSP monoprop engines or a MM'd one, or if you find those to be a bit too beefy, log a github issue for me to make one
  15. Soon, for now you can either whip up your own converter or ship from Kerbin
  16. Karbonite no longer uses Fractal's version of ORS. We have forked and made a new version (ORS-X as it includes a few new modules as well as animated drills, converters, etc.). SCANSat/Resource scanner also are now ORSX vs. ORS. The nice bit is that there is zero conflict between the two mods. But there is also zero interop (unlike what we enjoyed with KSPI-Lite). Ultimately up to Fractal if that ever changes, but in the interim, UndercoverYankee is maintaining a series of MM patches that bring KSPI back into compatibility with the USI mods (including Karbonite), and by extension better interop with TAC-LS, Near Future Tech, Extraplanetary Launchpads, Universal Storage, DangIt!, ECLSS, Near Fuels, and several others. Short version - KSPI won't break Karbonite and vice versa ans they no longer use the same plugin. community enhancements exist to bring back resource integration.
  17. Nothing I can fix as I don't run that mod But the current version works fine, and there's an even newer FireSpitter out there which also works, but I am waiting till FireSpitter has an official 0.25 release before re-bundling it. Actually... given that LiquidHydrogen is 5 units per liter and LqdHydrogen is 1 unit per liter, the densities are pretty darn close. In any case, CRP took it's values from Nertea's NFT mod, so will not be changing as they will break that mod, and that's just not very neighborly. Feel free to create your own MM configs to adjust whatever you see fit, but the values in CRP simply aren't changing unless the folks who curate those resources see a need, and if everyone else is cool with adjusting all of their mods to reflect this (that is, folks that participate in CRP). Since Real Fuels does not (nor do I anticipate them doing so), it's kinda a moot point. They are on their own playground from the folks who use CRP, and everything USI uses CRP.
  18. Yeah that's coming soon, I just need to work out with Taniwha precisely how to work it where I cause him zero support issues. Also, waiting on his next release that updates recyclers to not have the Kethane dependency
  19. Very cool! I'll need to see about RCS thrust if someone has a plugin for that already (v. writing from scratch). There's a mini claw coming up in a new expansion...
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