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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. I moved stuff Specifically, the ORS folder for Karbonite. This will cause sadness. MKS is in the same place. This is why you need a clean Karbonite install. Forewarning: MKS will be moving too in it's next release. This will make it a lot easier for folks to use MKS/Karbonite resources without a weird USI folder there when they are not using my mods, or confusion about overwriting, etc. (i.e. CRP will be versioned separately and seen as a dependency).
  2. I was thinking more a combination of both - i.e. I compare my local version file and all of it's goodness not on the get request for file change, but on the version of that file tagged with the latest release. That gives you best of both worlds. An option that allows the workflow of: - Release version 1, tagged as 1.0.0 - KSP-AVC picks up the version with the tag of the last release - 1.0.0 - Draft new release (1.0.1) - Include new version file in draft - KSP-AVC does not pick up new release, because it looks at the version of the version file tagged with the last release - still 1.0.0 - Publish release as Pre-Release - KSP-AVC still does not pick up new release, as it is not tagged as Latest Release in github - Save pre-release as a real release (1.0.1) - KSP-AVC now sees the new version file, and does all of it's goodness. That would have me sold in a second. It handles a nice workflow with no muss no fuss, lets me draft releases and do pre-releases without confusing my users, and does not depend on any third party servers - just Github - so it's simple and easy to explain to my users.
  3. Bug. Laythe is supposed to have Karbonite. I'll need to go look and see.
  4. Oh - that refers to conversion of asteroid resources to Karbonite, not Karbonite to anything else. And sure, feel free to remove any you are not using. The reason I am not going to do two versions is twofold. First, because there's a huge venn diagram overlap. Second, it's two parts - only one if you are also a TAC-LS user (or one of several mods) wanting water. And folks will mess that up. Sorry you're not a fan of packs with large sets of parts, but that's kinda how these roll. One thing I do make sure of is the names are prefixed so they all stick together. The gimbal will not help with RCS... these things are absolutely a stupid pain to move and rotate, hence the RCS and being tied to the RCS system. I totally get your deal with part count - really I do. Understand that from an opposite angle, some of the bits we include are designed to reduce ship part count, not catalog part count. We do this when possible (like the fuel hatches that use FireSpitter, or TweakScale for some of the MKS modules). But in other cases, this isn't practicle. In those cases, we reuse textures where possible and keep the bits together. But I think if you're looking at small part count mods, these aren't going to be those mods (at least not if you're looking for stuff that has 3-4 parts tops).
  5. Side note... because I hate scooby doo mysteries... Looks like there are two versions on Curse. curse.com as 0.8, kerbal.curseforge has 0.9. I'll let you guess which version Google decided to give me first... http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/221022-tac-life-support http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/221022-tac-life-support Looks like our poster above got the 0.8x version judging by the can textures.
  6. Or more accurately, if you use Karbonite, just delete Karbonite and re-download (the CRP folder will overwrite itself with the new values). Current Karbonite version with the fix is 0.2.3). If you delete the CRP folder entirely you'll kill Karbonite
  7. Only works in version 7... I think I say that a few times in the video
  8. There's a converter right there in Utilities (this is in the Karbonite mod, not this one) - been there for ages. The ratio changes because you have a LOT more rock, and it's a conservation of mass issue. So you will land in the same net place you were before, but if I did not change that you'd have one unit of rock at 0.00025 density making a unit of Karbonite at 0.0125. FYI Karbonite always came from enriched rock, just that it was hidden in the probe, now that function moved to this part. First, coding and design reasons. Second, dynamically swapping out converters is kinda a pain and outside of the scope. Always appreciate constructive and polite input, but at the end of the day I have to weigh how much I feel like fighting with KSP. Three actually. Sounds like you didn't wipe out your old folder before installing this - you may want to do that (such is the joy of pre-release software). The 1.25 and 2.5 are engines, the 0.625 is tied to the RCS system. You will need this if you want to maneuver asteroids around as their COM will be all ahoo. Side note, the config should be 750 vs 50 for the RCS (and even at that they will drain quickly). The rub is, those other resources you see are for other mods that are supported (Ore, Substrate, and Water are needed for MKS for example) and the converter set is meant to be an example. Side note - turning rock into Lf/Ox does not make a lot of sense So if you wanted to just mine for Karbonite, you need a handful of parts: - A probe to determine makeup (all asteroids are different) - A Jaw to drill stuff out - A separation module to convert your rock into the aforementioned makeup ratio - Your actual converter to change your rock into something. You could drop that to two parts if you modified a config... just have the jaw, and a converter that makes rock become Karbonite. Or fluffy bunnies or whatever. The extra bits are in there for randomness of asteroid quality and to support other resources. The mass drivers are gravy. At the end of the day, the bits you see, and the conversions that take place, are all in there for very specific game mechanic reasons (whether it is to prevent/discourage exploitation, deal with KSP limitations, or to handle some of the things we're doing in the mod). That being said, all of this stuff is CC so feel free to fork and have at it (and I mean that in a positive way - I make this stuff CC so that if someone wants to change something and do their own version they can do so). You won't see the crew hatch for a while because Squad broke stuff. And I have to figure out a mechanic to unbreak stuff (see notes on having to do things to wrestle with KSP above). Part wise, you could shave this to that level if you only want to do one thing - but this does do a lot of different stuff. Storage, mining, etc. so this will lead to more parts. Overall I think we'll land at around a dozen or so for launch, but three of those are engines, and four are converters (which may have differing levels of applicability to folks - they are includes as examples). You've probably figured out that I tend to put out larger mods with deeper gameplay - I think the airbags and my escape pod are probably the only ones that fit in that 3-4 part rule - - - Updated - - - Flying asteroids...
  9. 0.4.0 is up. THIS IS STILL A PRE-RELEASE, ASSUME IT IS FILLED WITH BEES!!! This one has some breaking stuff (less that your save will break, and more that your ships with legacy bits on them will act funky). Some changes: Mass drivers in 1.25/2.5 form factors along with a high-thrust RCS version. Yes, you can fly asteroids around. No, they have no more gimbals. Oh.. and the fade of the emmissive is prettier. The probe now requires direct activation to perform it's analysis. IT also shows analysis results (so does the asteroid). Turns out asteroids are very fluffy... conversion rates and hollowed out volume adjusted accordingly. A new part - Intermediary Separation Module - handles the separation of rock into the specialized types. It will attempt to do this when it sees you have a lot of rock. It also handles Rock=>RockDust conversion. Fixed the whole 'probe zooming in the VAB' thing Mass should now remain constant (until conversions start expelling waste). I'd say this fellow is about the closest we have to a release candidate, but would like to get some feedback before sticking a fork in it and doing a new video.
  10. You need to remove the ORS folder from the Karbonite directory. This folder was moved in the more recent releases. No small drill/converter, Nertea is working on those and I expect is busy with his other projects FYI there's an asteroid update coming out, which includes the Karbonite converters and such
  11. Fair enough, the downside being you lose the benefit of GitHub releases, or have to hack things up.
  12. So to clarify, this mod just goes to whatever URL you put in the config to check against said file, regardless of where that file is located at correct? Although I agree on the issue of timed commits - i.e. either it knows about a release before I change the release from draft to final, or I have to commit the version file after the release is ready, and we're stuck in a circle of sadness. Is it using the Github API under the hood? Meaning, is there an option to just do a comparison against the actual releases on GitHub?
  13. KSPI-Experimentals (basically a KSPI fork). The rub at the moment is that since core KSPI is broken and Fractal is not around, folks are going here, and looks like it conspired to break something.
  14. So my apologies if this has already been answered and all that jazz. I like the idea of this mod. But I have a very specific concern:
  15. I blame curse The TAC-LS download link went to an old version
  16. FYI I am preparing a new patch, but would like to get some affirmation from folks who have 0.2.2 working first before I add any more tweaks.
  17. Yep looks like the curse version has bad data in it. Ah well, tweaking my stuff now
  18. Looks like the issue is with the version on Curse... May want to fix that. For now I'll pull the numbers from GitHub (Edit for clarity) I pulled my TAC build from Curse, which lists it as 0.9 PRE #4. Apparently whatever I downloaded is incorrect because it has different LS numbers. Is it safe to assume that the current Github version can be considered canonical?
  19. Really?? Let me double check that because I literally copied mine from the TAC-LS configs. Here is the current Karbonite definition (as of 0.2.2) RESOURCE_DEFINITION { //TAC Life Support name = Oxygen density = 0.0004290144 flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP isTweakable = true } And the one I have in TAC-LS 0.9 PRE: RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = Oxygen density = 0.0004290144 flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP isTweakable = true } (Sorry, I just do not see how this can be Karbonite... those values look exactly the same to me)
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