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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Need to track this one down, as I have a couple of reports of this. Not sure if the new release sorts it or not
  2. Actually, OSE has a more expensive path to Material Kits than MKS does (i.e. OSE requires RareMetals and ExoticMinerals). My mistake for missing this bit when I redid some of the conversions. So the right (least disruptive) answer may be to level set it, and add Specialized Parts to the recipe for OSE modules used when MKS is present, given that MatKits are used for a lot of other things (GC and MKS module expansion for example), and I am very careful these days about any large breaking change given how close we are to '1.0' status. I'd add that OSE/MKS have really good synergy, and @ObiVanDamme has been pretty awesome to work with. The whole reason we even have MaterialKits is because of OSE [Edit] Darn, looks like the workshop is based on a single resource. So I'll have to noodle over something else.
  3. Thanks - will take a look There's also a possibility I already fixed this, given I have an update coming up
  4. Make sure you have the most recent Community Category Kit and try on a clean save.
  5. @sh1pman - yup, that's something I have been discussing with @allista
  6. OSE remains a recommended mod with full support. Ground Construction is, as you noted, bundled. There is no EL conflict, but the parts themselves are legacy and the integration config will be removed as of the next release, and be an optional download. So EL users can just go ahead and use EL with no conflicts and no surprises, and grab an alternate config if they want tighter integration (but one that changes how EL behaves).
  7. Save file please. Make sure the vessel in question is USI/Stock parts only.
  8. Unrelated - wrapping up goodies for a release. It also includes a ton of USI-LS fixes this go around
  9. Yep, biomes have a bit of simplex noise (fully configurable) built in. And the inflatable heat shield is really meant for low-profile stuff like heavy rovers. Too much mass in the back and yes you will flip
  10. Yup. Feel free to make a mod for it, just bear in mind I'm pretty selective about what ends up in CRP to avoid breaking mechanics.
  11. You're also making an assumption RE water. It does not necessarily mean pure water, but rather easily capturable stuff. And at the end of the day, it's a very concious gameplay design choice. If there were no constraints (like being able to get almost anything from almost anything else), then there's not much of a point to having more than one resource... at that point just call everything Ore and call it a day. As mentioned, this can easily be done with the stock system. I'm just not a fan of putting too many locked in values in CRP or you start defeating some of the gameplay mechanics (and we already have folks argue that Duna's poles should be CO2 and not Water).
  12. Except that minerals don't represent silicates (or every single mineral for that matter)
  13. It's by design that you will sometimes find planets that don't have all of the stuff you need. It is random to encourage exploration and to make every save different.
  14. The wiki and KSPedia should be current... resource conversion has not changed in a long time
  15. You guys send a lot of Kerbals at one time
  16. That part is long gone - I deprecated that probably a year ago or so
  17. Works fine with planet packs. And you can either move the bits around with Konstruction, build smaller disconnected bases with expandables, or build in-situ with Ground Construction. All of these options are available out of the box.
  18. I can answer some of it - bear in mind this is all 100% stock behavior. Snap needs to be on for both. Would not be surprised if the angle has to be the same (not sure if a multiple works). And I thought it was angle difference as well not absolute angle, though the roll behavior I am not sure on - again, I just expose stuff stock already has
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