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Everything posted by AlphaAsh

  1. Hmmm, might be something silly like you've switched off showing tracking stations in the toolbar. I'll see if I can reproduce the issue - it's been a while since I tested the tracking stations and they may have been impacted by something and I never noticed. I may need more info if I have difficulty reproducing the problem.
  2. Not a lot of info to go on. Theory 1: C:\Program Files (x86) is a protected directory and Windows is throwing locks on dlls trying to write to files. Many mods do this and rely on those writes. Theory 2: You've installed the version of Kerbal Konstructs in the latest Kerbin-Side and then haven't checked to see if there's a more recent release of the dependency. There is and you need it. And that's all I got based on what little info you've provided.
  3. Seems to be fixed now. Good work and thank you.
  4. I don't get any of this. I release versions of mods because I want my mods tested in KSP 1.1. If someone decides to use one of my mods in 1.1 without getting that simple fact, it's not my responsibility for any possible whining or whatever that comes from them. Obviously I haven't purposefully pulled any versions for 1.0.5 but KerbalStuff's demise may have left some mods for 1.0.5 without a host and it's entirely up to those modders if they choose to re-host them. I assume that those using my mods are intelligent enough to know the what's what. If they don't, well, they get ignored. I'm not not releasing versions of my mods for the smarter users. EDIT From ferram4's post: I bolded the bit I'm agreeing with. That other bit, not so much.
  5. Nah chap. I haven't forgotten who helped make KerbinSide happen. I'm just a rubbish doccer of these things, so consider me told
  6. Because of the way group caching actually works properly in KK now, any static you want to appear in the Space Centre scene needs to be in a group called KSCUpgrades.
  7. Any progress on fixing View Your Profile and Create a New Mod being fixed? The former is still leading to an Internal Database Error this morning and the latter I haven't tried since yesterday when an Internal Database Error kept coming up everytime I tried to complete submitting a mod.
  8. Yup. Delete the AirRace folder from GameData/KerbinSide. Job done. No more air-race tracks or their components.
  9. The collider problems that came with KSP v1.0.5 have been addressed by a community patch and now by myself in the most recent Kerbal Konstructs for KSP 1.1. You've likely inadvertantly rolled back to an older version of KK. Make sure you have an up-to-date Kerbal Konstructs. EDIT - I just successfully flew the track at Black Krags. KSP v1.1. No collider issues.
  10. You're welcome. Kerbal Konstructs gets updated far more regularly independently of Kerbin-Side and since it's a dependency, it's worth keeping an eye on updates for it, since I won't update Kerbin-Side everytime I update KK.
  11. Yup, that's an old KK bug. I'm guessing you're using the one out of the last release of KerbinSide. That version of KK gets out-of-date quickly. Update it. That bug's fixed.
  12. v1.6 of Kerbin-Side Jobs (Contract Pack) now available from http://www.alphastrikegames.com/FileDepot/KerbinSideJobsv1p6.zip Changelog: Contracts for high altitude research above the polar bases now requires some specific experiments being done at a more precise altitude. Added optional parameter to Jeb's International Rescue contracts to inspect the crash site. Added an easier JIR contract for rescuing a single kerbal. This update of the contracts has not been tested in any version of KSP less than v1.1. Like all contract packs, you'll need Contract Configurator. It is also highly recommended that you have Kerbin-Side Complete, which requires Kerbal Konstructs. Kerbin-Side Skyways may be missing some bases that are referenced in the contract pack.
  13. *nod* From my own experience, it's very valuable to be have a stable setup you can roll back to ready before going live. Of course it depends on the type of roll-out you're doing but I'd suggest going big bang - that's a heck of a lot easier to roll-back from.
  14. You consider losing some mods to host a threat? To what? EDIT: Constructive criticism? The last 48 hours I have had numerous Internal Database Errors when attempting to: Download a file. Upload a file. Update a mod. View my profile. I conclude that the database is currently in a unstable state and therefore am concerned that my users cannot get the mods they want. I am concerned that this will continue to be an issue and am therefore seeking a more reliable host. There you go.
  15. I'm going to be switching hosts for downloads in the near future. This is likely to be a combination of my own webspace and GitHub and will probably take a few days. Whilst it may reduce the user-base of my mods somewhat, it will hopefully make it easier and more reliable to get hold of what you want when you want it.
  16. You aren't and it certainly is. Sorry chap but you offered to provide a service, then asked me to trust you that you aren't just mucking about and it's become clear that you are just mucking about at the expense of the service you offered. Thanks for volunteering your time and effort but this 'customer' needs a reliable, consistent and usable host to serve his mods.
  17. Internal Server Error. Internal Server Error. Internal Server Error. I'm rapidly becoming disheartened with the stability of SpaceDock, considering that only a few days ago, before all these changes were being pushed, it was stable and worked. Guess it's time to find another host for my mods.
  18. Of course. And I appreciate that my criticism may not be welcomed. I'm just upset to see the site I'm using to host mods in a constant transitory state. That'll put off users. Okay. This requires design changes to your live environment every few hours why? Thanks. I'll just be unhappy. Erm, what? I didn't mention any bugs. Ok. I didn't see your advert. SpaceDock wasn't anything like Curse. That does seem to be changing.
  19. Because the original design was fine. Because you keep shaking up a site that a large chunk of the KSP community go to to get mods. Because you have two other environments you could try completing new layouts in. Trial them, get feedback, then push to live. I know you are a community site but you're coming off amateurish and starting to make bloody Curse look attractive. That ain't right.
  20. I'm confused. You have a dev, beta and live environment, yet the live environment seems to be changing every other hour. Quite honestly, I think some of the design decisions that I've seen made these last two days are (IMHO) not an improvement over what was a classically suitable layout inherited from KerbalStuff. I know I only host my mods on SpaceDock but I do like to think that the main priority for the site was serving mods to the KSP community, and that the live site isn't a playground for trying out OMGBBQWOW design ideas.
  21. KerbalStuff did have the feature. The decision to archive older versions in to the changelog section is the business of the service kind enough to actually provide an archive in the first place. I am in no way obligated to make releases of any mod backwards compatible. Red Iron Crown speaks in an official capacity but I'm also quite happy to tell you that if you post in one of my threads this way again, you'll be on my ignore list and if I could I'd ban you from the thread and from using the mod. No modder has to put up with such a crappy attitude.
  22. v1.7.1.1 for KSP 1.1 is now available from SpaceDock. Changelog: Added a new finance strategy that I forgot to in the previous release: Corporate Initiative. It's the exact opposite of Leadership Initiative and focuses KSC's goals on contracts.
  23. v1.7 for KSP 1.1 is now available from SpaceDock. Changelog: A few tweaks to most strategies, to take advantage of a few new strategy handles that have been added, as well as minor re-balancing of some strategies that seem a little under-powered.
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