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Everything posted by AlphaAsh

  1. You make a good comparison with RTS and there's a lot of similar considerations with the design of the features I have in mind. With regards to keeping it optional, here's a simple guide that I use: Features that nerf <<- ->>>>>> Features that empower Reduce game difficulty <<- -> >>>>> Increase game difficulty Essentially, most of the features are designed to empower a player and are therefore optional, since you can ignore them. If you decide you want to use them, that's when you consider increasing your game difficulty to find the balance you want, offsetting the empowerment against the difficulty. I have never really liked nerfing a game just to then replace with more features (see KSC facility implementation as an example) but sometimes it's worth a shot, worth a risk that the gameplay change will be a good one, especially in a mod where you can easily make a feature toggleable. Or just uninstall the mod
  2. Looking like a stock bug here, since I removed Strategia and the scrollbar is still an issue what with SKB's additional contracts. It's likely related to game resolution and/or UI scaling. Need to test further.
  3. Download KerbinSide Complete. Copy contents of the GameData folder in that zip into the GameData folder of your KSP installation. Download latest version of Kerbal Konstructs. Copy contents of the GameData folder in that zip into the GameData folder of your KSP installation, over-writing any files when requested. Done.
  4. Considering the mod's widening scope and looking through some of my plans that will continue to do that, I'm considering renaming Kerbal Konstructs. I'd rather not divulge much about what's coming, since in the past many features have ended up as too much work or not fun and got scrapped before they hit a release, but I can say that as well as bases and their facilities, there's several ideas for extending the overall 'management' side of the game in the works and since I refuse to split such features out to separate mods (that's just not how I roll), hence I'm considering a name change. And breathe. To the point. Your thoughts on whether a change and even suggestions are welcome.
  5. My PA is very active in my wrists and has pretty much made anything Unity ed modelling related impossible right now, so there's nothing I can do for the moment. I've added it to the 'need to fix' list for when I'm fitter.
  6. v0.9.5.7 available from SpaceDock. Changelog: Fixed a bug where using the launch dialogs at the KSC scene would b0rk up flight results and reverting flights. Custom bases now log launches and you can see the log in the Base Manager. Please note that the KSC does not keep this log since everyone thinks Gene should do it and he's busy with things like managing contracts... erm, controlling missions. No I don't get it either. Thanks d4rksh4de for making my week interesting and to Eskandare for confirming I'm an idiot. Carry on.
  7. Same bug reported in the KK thread yesterday. Already fixed. New version will be up today. Coffee buzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  8. That exception is out-of-place since I specifically catch it, which is odd. I could do with seeing the whole KSP.log. NM - Spotted your link. That's the actual issue. Now I'm scratching my head as to how an impossible exception then leads to that. EDIT 2 - Well done chap. You found one of the nastier buggers I've had to deal with in a while. Thank you for giving good repro steps. I didn't actually figureout 'why' the bug (\o/ KSP) but I did figure out 'what' the bug and a fix is in the works.
  9. That was the April Fool. That was the joke. You actually do need the mod. Scott was just playing along.
  10. Grab some examples of a cfg for a static from a statics pack. Switch out the mu reference in a cfg to that of one of your models. Run KSP. Fire up the KK editor tools. Ta da, your .mu can now be placed as a static.
  11. Shouldn't be hard to use the same .mu files with a KK config. Any mu can be a static, as long as it's configured so that KK will load it.
  12. I'll see if I can reproduce the issue then. I'd still like a ksp.log.
  13. Do you mean launching directly from the dialogs when looking at the KSC? Have you tried to reproduce the problem without KK installed? This may well be a KSP 1.1 bug. That method of launching never seems to get much testing AFAICT. Can you provide a KSP.log after reproducing the issue, please.
  14. Yeah, then it looks like Kampus hasn't been rolled in to Complete yet. I'll make sure that happens. The verge thing is just a collider I probably missed when I made that model. I'll check it out. Thanks for the heads-up.
  15. Ok I think I'm getting the hang of this but I keep forgetting to screenshot. Bleargh. Hope I can actually get another whopper like the last one.
  16. v0.9.5.6 available from PizzaDock. Changelog: Fixed a bug in the GUI code for the Inflight Base Boss causing it to appear blank. Inflight Base Boss a little more informative when stuff can and can't be done with it. Added extra cheese as a topping option.
  17. Well I do like GalCiv 2 and that's at least one company that I can think of that got the poophole. Brad Wardell or whatever his name is is a finicky git at times. EDIT - And poophole is not an improvement over the UK version of ass moderators. Just as bad really.
  18. Where's the settings for extra toppings please? I'm lost and don't want garlic and want more pepperoni. I am disappoint.
  19. What version of KSP and KerbinSide? If you're still on 1.0.5, you'll need the separate Kampus release, which is currently sans host when KerbalStuff ended. I have no plans to re-host anything specifically for 1.0.5 and a version of Kampus will be available soon for KSP 1.1. If this is the latest KerbinSide Complete for KSP 1.1, then I've just gone plain ****** up and forgot to roll the latest Kampus into Complete. EDIT - Just in case you thought the strange graphical artefacts at the top of the screenie are a symptom of problems with colliders, that's scatterer and EVE having an argument. I've removed scatterer for now since I prefer EVE and that problem has gone.
  20. Ola again chap. Yup, I've started dealing with recovery related bugs in KK that have come up with the 1.1 update, and there's a couple of fixes out today. However, they may impact what magico13 is doing, so it may be a little while before StageRecovery and KK are good with each other again.
  21. Just quoting this as an endorsement. If you want some less than half-ass contracts (unlike KerbinSide Jobs) for KerbinSide, this is the shiznitz. Try it. Love it. Thank this guy.
  22. Kerbal Konstructs has had a couple of updates today and I'm not making repeated releases of KerbinSide to include it every time it is now, so make sure to always check you have the most up-to-date KK. The one included in KerbinSide releases quickly becomes out-of-date. I'm aware of a related issue where if there are no bases close by, the inflight Base Boss can be blank. This is on the bug list. Sorry for taking so long to acknowledge this. I've been ill and under pressure of work and only now starting to find time for KSP again. I'm not planning such a bare-bones release so you'd have to strip back a release that includes this yourself. Alternatively, wait for the re-release of KSC2. It should be ready soon and you can always remove the spaceplane base assets from that if you like.
  23. works fine with 1.0.5. Go to the changelog of the mod on SpaceDock, and you'll find older versions.
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