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Everything posted by AlphaAsh

  1. There's a setting in Kerbal Konstructs already for that. Has been for a while. In the Space Center scene, hit the KK button, drool over the possible feature preview then click the Mod Settings button. The option is in there.
  2. I've released those CC extensions I mentioned on Tuesday in Kerbin-Side Jobs. You'd find the BaseExists requirement very useful Keniamin. Documentation is here.
  3. I've always struggled with getting persistency to work in mods for KSP. The database (persistent.sfs) is tricky. You can't close stations without getting the refund, no.
  4. v2.1 of Kerbin-Side Jobs (Contracts Pack) now available. See OP for links. Changelog: Updated for Contract Configurator v 1.11.0.
  5. Paging @Eskandare. It's released in this thread and then rolled in to Kerbin-Side Complete.
  6. @tg626 Yup, it's legacy code that needs fixing. I'll add it to the fix list. Meanwhile, for testing purposes put the image in the same directory as the model being pointed to. So KerbalKonstructs/Statics.
  7. Well done chap. Okay I'll keep investigating here. I'm checking the code and I've a sneaky feeling there's a hard-coded path left over from when medsouz first introduced the feature.
  8. Check the core config for that asset. There's a good chance the same instance is in that, so KK loads that and then discards that pointer instance as a duplicate. EDIT - The core config will be in KerbalKonstructs/Statics
  9. In the model or an Instance in the model? It needs to go in an Instance.
  10. You'll need to take a screenshot then edit it in a paint package. DIY. Then you need that parameter, yup.
  11. Ok thank you. So yeah, unhandled Guids bloat out memory, is my only guess.
  12. Good. That's two test-cases done. Grab (see link above) and try that. I teared out some RT interface stuff but for the life of me that shouldn't cause this issue.
  13. Ok good. I'm just rolling and will put it on Alpha Strike Games. Please grab it and retest in a few mins. @TMS http://www.alphastrikegames.com/FileDepot/KerbalKonstructs-
  14. @TMS and @sent3x Do either of you have Kerbin-Side Jobs update today installed?
  15. Thanks. That narrows it down to today's release of KK which I'm checking over now.
  16. Cheers chaps. Hunting it down now. Which version is CKAN giving?
  17. Roll back to the previous version and confirm that the issue was introduced by the latest version please. Nothing has changed significantly in the last couple of releases that should be impacting FPS.
  18. They can be added manually into RT's config file. Through a mod? Not that I know of.
  19. How To Use Kerbal Konstructs Contract Configurator Extensions (KKCCExt) When Making Contracts First off, be aware I'm currently bundling the dll with Kerbin-Side Jobs and it's covered by KSJ's and CC's licence. That means that if you want to use it in your contracts, then Kerbin-Side Jobs has to be a dependency. Obviously you're going to need Contract Configurator, Kerbal Konstructs and KKCCExt and knowledge of how to write contracts with CC before being able to understand a word of this tutorial. REQUIREMENTS KKCCExt implements five new requirements. BaseOpen Requirement is met if basename is open. Example: REQUIREMENT { name = BaseOpen type = BaseOpen basename = Area 110011 } BaseClosed Requirement is met if basename is closed. Example: REQUIREMENT { name = BaseClosed type = BaseClosed basename = Area 110011 } BaseLocked Requirement is met if basename is locked. Example: REQUIREMENT { name = BaseLocked type = BaseLocked basename = Area 110011 } BaseUnlocked Requirement is met if basename is unlocked. Example: REQUIREMENT { name = BaseUnlocked type = BaseUnlocked basename = Area 110011 } BaseExists Requirement is met if the base exists. That is, it's in Kerbal Konstruct's launchsite dictionary. That is because the necessary statics are installed. Example: REQUIREMENT { name = BaseExists type = BaseExists basename = Area 110011 } BEHAVIOURS All four new behaviours support the following conditions: CONTRACT_ACCEPTED CONTRACT_FAILED CONTRACT_SUCCESS CONTRACT_COMPLETED PARAMETER_FAILED PARAMETER_COMPLETED OpenBase Opens basename. Example: BEHAVIOUR { name = OpenBase type = OpenBase basename = Area 110011 CONDITION { condition = CONTRACT_ACCEPTED } } CloseBase Closes basename. Example: BEHAVIOUR { name = CloseBase type = CloseBase basename = Area 110011 CONDITION { condition = CONTRACT_FAILED } } LockBase Locks basename. A base cannot be opened or closed when locked. If the base was already open, it is still possible to launch from it if locked. Very handy to prevent refund abuse when a contract has just opened a base. Example: BEHAVIOUR { name = LockBase type = LockBase basename = Area 110011 CONDITION { condition = CONTRACT_ACCEPTED } } UnlockBase Unlocks basename. Good to use as a reward for contract completions. Example: BEHAVIOUR { name = UnlockBase type = UnlockBase basename = Area 110011 CONDITION { condition = CONTRACT_SUCCESS } }
  20. So good to have this for 1.1, thank you sir. I can start plugging it back in to Rovers & Roadsters. Any thoughts on where to find some decent licence free sound clips for combustion engines?
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