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Everything posted by RedRockets

  1. How about a penetration aid? And I don\'t mean an obsession with KSP. Quote: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penetration_aid 'A penetration aid is a device or tactic used to increase an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) warhead\'s chances of penetrating a target\'s defenses. These can consist of both physical devices carried within the ICBM, as well as tactics that accompany its launch, and may include one or more of the following: MIRV bus carrying the nuclear warheads can have some form of stealth technology... Chaff wires may be deployed over a large area of space, creating a large, radar-reflecting object that will obscure incoming warheads... Decoys consist of mylar balloons that can be inflated in space and are designed to have the same radar characteristics as the warhead... Incidental or deliberate fragmentation of the final-stage rocket booster can cloud the enemy\'s radar by projecting a radar cross-section much larger than the actual missile' Check out the pic and the article.
  2. That is Titanic huge. What was your inspiration? The Nova rockets of von Braun and direct assent mission profile in the early days of NASA and the moon mission? I do not own this picture. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nova_(rocket)
  3. Anyone give crash courses in part design?
  4. M - multi-KERBAL I - independently - targetable R - reentry V - vehicle I can imagine a mini - 1 kerbal reentry capsule that can be jettisoned separately, placed symmetrically, and designed to look like one of the real reentry vehicles below. All pics from Wikipedia. I do not own these pictures. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIRV
  5. Why will the Mun orbit? Kerbal doesn\'t orbit the local star or even rotate along any of its own axis\'s, or am I not visualizing this right?
  6. A great Rocket and thank you for taking the time out to create such a detailed manual. RRs
  7. Any landing you can walk away from is a successful one! RRs
  8. Reminds me of something from Avatar or Aliens RRs
  9. Great Rocket! Keep up the designing! Have you tried any of the mod packs? RRs
  10. Great advice everyone! I hope this thread is inspiring some new ideas for everyone. RRs
  11. My version of a KERBAL - MUN orbital mission! Drew it in ms-paint did my best to label it. Any suggestions? Changes? Anyone take a college physics class?
  12. I like to land with my pegs or legs and then take off again and fire my second set of parachutes.
  13. Thanks for this info. Couldn\'t find a thing about it in the help section.
  14. Love the attention to detail on your rockets and stations. My latest attempt at a station.
  15. All these view and no comments? Is this workable? Has anyone tried it?
  16. That\'s Amazing!! wow!! Love the lander!! Its bullet proof.
  17. Came about as an idea while researching Robert Goddard and his first attempts at liquid fueled motors. He placed the motor in front of the fuel tanks. Wanted to see if he was on to something. I think I now know why von Braun didn\'t follow in his direct footsteps. RRs
  18. How far is the moon expected to be from Kerbal? Anyone know how to fly a free return trajectory, or how to do a Trans Lunar Injection? Kerbal Orbit Rendezvous, Lunar Orbit Rendezvous, or Direct Assent? Which will be the first to try and which has the best chance of success? What about getting back to Kerbal? How much delta-v to get back HOME? RRs 'Land a Kerbalite on the Mun and return him safely to Kerbal'
  19. Damonjay, I love your flying boxcar! I have had no luck with any of my attempts at designing or piloting any kerbal aircraft. Any suggestions for a first time flyer. No full flight manuals just the for dummies version. Thanks, RRs Never stop building it just keeps getting better.
  20. Umm...Where to Start? First of all get rid of the fins. The look cool but they just de-stabilize your booster. To get the fairing, it is in the silisko ed. .4 a 2 meter faring and a faring attachment ring. My favorite faring for so many reasons. It is first of all, very easy to place and stack. On your rocket you should be able to conceal everything above the 3m tank. Just get rid of the 3 to 1 adapter and just place the 2m faring all the way to the top. Be careful of staging!! When separating the payload faring use your rcs control to thrust forward - H - on the keyboard and avoid those panels. Re-assess the first stage, too much weight and off center-line, altogether not worth the weight to boost any significant height. The strap on solids attached to the 3m tank are excess weight as well not worth carrying for the minimal amount of total change in speed attained after firing (delta - v). Play around with the overview Map while you are burning your motors to visualize how your path of travel changes when you burn your stages. I will offer this suggestion as well, perhaps lengthen your 3m tank and place a more powerful motor on it (look at silisko he has a 1500 thrust/four chamber/bad ass motor). SAS and RCS are your best friends!! And don\'t forget your smart SAS module, Computer controlled rockets are the way to go, most are just to fiddly to pilot by hand. Keep Playing with the game it gets so rewarding as your design skills continuously improve. When you start to visualize everyday objects as parts you could strap to one of your creations it means you have begun a journey with the game which will bring your understating and enjoyment of science and math to new heights. Best of luck RRs PS The PLFset is another set of fairings...while being harder to work with, they are just as good and even better in some respects because it contains a 3m faring option and a set of bulkheads to attach the faring to. Don\'t get the two confused play with them individually first and learn their characteristics.
  21. 8)Just take a look at this ultimate in moon travel comfort. 8) ???Two habitation modules, two reentry capsules, a lander for your lunar excursion needs and plenty of power to spare for all of your additional docking modules (when that is initiated). ??? ;DAnother Big Lifter from the workshops of RedRockets! ;D
  22. I agree with the assessment of Silisko. I should keep the feelings of the designers in mind for the most successful launches. However, I enjoy designing with the largest available palate of parts. I enjoy the variety and new ideas which come with each subsequent mod. In a personal message to Silisko: I would like to say that I am in awe of your talents at constructing original parts out of whole cloth. It is a talent which i do not control but look to with an envious eye. It is a mark of admiration to your forward thinking design that I have found your 2m faring to be so useful it has become my go to payload concealment device. Thank you for your efforts and I hope future parts kits will be as exceptional as the current mod. Thank you for putting your skills toward an effort which brings out the creative nature of so many people of the same mind for, and connection to, space and science. RRs
  23. Love it! Looks like a long march from china!
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