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Everything posted by SlimeCrusher

  1. But... you can do orbital construction... Just add docking ports and connect them into orbit, or just add claws. That is orbital construction
  2. Well, if we put the Grox on the Kerbal universe, Kerbals would win, Spore phyisics imply that spacecraft behave like planes, in KSP they don't, and odds are they won't know how to manipulate spaceships on this universe. Also Spore planets are ridiculously small, minmus or gilly-sized, Grox would be the size of ants for Kerbals Now, if we put Kerbals on the Spore universe, odds are the Grox will win, they have much superior crafts with much advanced weaponry, but Kerbals have SRB-powered rockets with Radio-Isotope Thermo-Electric Generators strapped with duct tape on the tip, and implying missiles ALSO behave like planes, then it would be really easy to get a shot. But, Grox may destroy these really easly. Kerbals also have the disadvantage of having to use chemical rockets wich are really inefficient, Grox have that "cheaty warp drive" thingy. So yea, no idea on this one :/ Edit: But on top of that, Kerbals have infinite resources and instantaneous craft construction, they could basically spam unmanned "fighters" and launch them on top a huge launcher lol
  3. The Europa probe finnaly got to Europa! It said there were living creatures there, they looked AWESOME! Did you guys see it on TV? Also, KSP 2.4.3 was released! It added alot of stuff, but because i don't want to spoil it, i'll let you guys see it for yourselves
  4. Maybe landing lights? Maybe a landing "laser" thingy? Or retractable engines (doubt it though)? Anyways, whatever it is, im really curious to know
  5. Wait... Hills have kids? Didn't knew that!
  6. Oh wow these are perfect! And they even match the stock style! Can't wait for it to be finished All of these will be the size of the octagonal strut or will they be bigger? I suggest on adding an adapter for changing from this to other sizes such as 0.625m and 1.25m.
  7. You're doing great progress with this! Before crashing i was having so much fun flying airplanes!... And then noticed that i had 1000 funds left Next time im going to play in science mode
  8. Build planes, any type of them, big ones, small ones, ridiculously small ones, VTOLs, "MK-1 Cockpit+4 nozzle ARM rocket+small wings"-type things. Anything! Sometimes i have awesome ideas as such an interplanetary trip that requires docking or making a space station and all that but i end up getting bored after docking the first module
  9. 92. Build the smallest, simplest and functional probe you can think of, strap a seat on top, add some wheels and send that thing to every planet!
  10. Its... -ERROR-!!"·!"$&!"·ERROR!&!·$!·&·$%"·(&/%&MUST·/%&)"·!("·$/RESTART·%"·&$("·$ERRORERRORERORRO1R1232126"·$!61237% Is a missile made to heal bananas?
  11. Pro: LOOK AT MEH IM SWIMMING IN LAVAH! Cons: If a meteor strikes, you will probably be the only one still alive because you survived the heat... Soooo i hope you like being in a molten piece of rock for eternity... Having your body replaced with a mech exoskeleton (I said body, not the head, so you'd still be alive)
  12. Someone with a glowing finger that i've never seen before...
  13. Say do like the and stuff do what is yes or not does you The moon is orbiting the sun, the earth is orbiting the moon and the sun is orbiting the earth right?
  14. Don't worry, its a decoration... *backs away slowly and then runs away* Waiter! There's a bunch of electronics on my soup!
  15. You just... Broke a rule... On YOUR game... lol
  16. I don't actually remember... I think it was because i played Minecraft at the time and liked killing Slimes (although they were my favorite mob...), i don't play Minecraft anymore because of how RPGey it got and its survival aspect is crappy, but i got used to the name and yep I also used Raizinght before, it was a bunch of random letters that i wanted to sound russian-like-ish, so yea lol
  17. I made a small family of planes, crashed version 3, the cockpit survived. So i made a rescue helicopter, that for some reason used heavy plane KAX parts, 3 helicopter rotors and 2 jump jets JUST to make it fly Took a while to fly all the way to the crash site, but i got Jeb, Bob and Bill safely back to the space center after tumbling out of control in the way back, didn't crash though Sorry, no pics
  18. I have 0.24, not 0.24.2, tweakscale seems incompatible...
  19. I agree, it can't be that hard to implement can it? I actually know all of the names of engines, but with the SLS parts i instead try to see what the name means, for example KR-1x2 (LFB, is liquid fuel booster, KR-1x2, i think that means 2 engines, so its the SLS liquid booster!). I think most people don't know the names because they simply find engine X and without even seeing the name of it they slack it into the rocket, and end up calling them "big powerful orange engine" instead of "Rockomax "Mainsail"".
  20. I would try to make an exoskeleton, i really like making walking things, but the problem is that IR doesn't work with 0.24 for some reason, it works but they can't be resized. I would go for a mechanism instead of a script or a "press key X then X and then X to move half a meter"
  21. Exactly what i was thinking, RC=Bad unless you're flying a low-ish speed aircraft
  22. I actually meant adding RC controls to the rocket plane itself, not making it an actual RC plane with propellers and that stuff. I had an RC helicopter long ago, fun to fly, but it broke after 2 weeks after a crash I still have some parts i scavenged from it, 2 small lights, the landing gear and a random chip lol
  23. Thanks for the tips guys! Because i don't have a phone in wich i can take pictures and upload them to the interet, i will post a quick drawing on some blueprints to show what im doing. I don't think i will go for sugar yet, i preffer getting the whole thing finished and then start to find a suitable propulsion fuel. Now the blueprints: The things on the side of the wings aren't engine mounts, they're "struts" to keep the wing from moving as much, and yes, they're hollow, i know what "drag" is Currently i have too much weight on the back so it wants to pull up, but i can fix that. I also made the wings slightly dihedral for better stability
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