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Everything posted by Vince_K

  1. FPS drop for me too with Trajectories. KSP 1.7.2 breaking ground and making history.
  2. I play this game since 2013...I know what I have to do...just tired to do it each time...I hope,maybe one day, I will finish the F!"/$ tech tree before an update broke everything. And yes, I m a steam user and i have downloaded the DLC by myself...I did not think it was going to change the core game like that...
  3. download the new DLC...and now the game just don't load...realy cool.... Another week to wait,to check on the forum, to reinstal, to find the trouble....yéééééé!!!!!
  4. I love this mod but if someone can make a texture pack to match with restock, it would be great. thank you
  5. peu importe le windows...je suis aussi en windows 7 et ca marche très bien. ce qu'il faut c'est beaucoup de RAM, un bon processeur et une bonne carte vidéo.
  6. using SDHI whit the stock Mk1-3...I tryed to make a whitelist file but the F!"/$% restock model reaload each times... I don't know what I'm doing worng.
  7. same thing for me but if you succeed, please, can you share your file? all my attempts have not worked. Yes I know...i am a noob...
  8. pas très bavard ce forum francais...
  9. bonne année en tant que deusième!... on se souhaite un troisième...
  10. I was really happy when i see that someone try to do something with this mod and I think that I am not the only one.Please continue your hard work.
  11. i am in 1.5 and this mod don't work for me...Version no icone and nothing happend when i hit F8. https://www.dropbox.com/s/16vmi6rm0dzizaa/KSP.log?dl=0
  12. any plans to update this to 1.5.1? Also I have many texture who don't work since the 1.2.2. update. (freedom textures). Someone can do something or how can i update this?
  13. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/159443-145-spectra-v117-visual-compilation-1st-april-18/
  14. Bonjours! Juste une petite question technique. Je joue avec TAC life support et j'ai seulement besoin de la ressource ''eau'' et ''minerai'' quand je scan une planete. Comment on fait pour retirer les autres ressources qui viennent avec community ressource pack? Je les effaces simplement?
  15. not today but.... https://imgur.com/a/x76Z0XR
  16. just to put this thread on the top of the list... Maybe something will happend?
  17. really bad idea. I want to chose how I play the game and I don't think mod developer will sold their hard work for 100$
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