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Everything posted by smart013

  1. Wow, thank you very much for the answer. No more questions, just some pre-christmas feelings Nice job!
  2. Is there a (coming) option to disable the OS contracts? While the instruments are really great, the contracts are slowly but surely taking over all my science slots. In combination with fine print i rarely get any vanilla contracts at all. Great mod anyways
  3. When can we expect to get a release with dynamic track loading? Since the first post states that it is finished and it works, the major memory footprint right now is the only thing keeping me from using it. My system is in a sweet spot for playing with a lot of mods, opengl and atm is working great, but when installing this mod its always the end for the camels back
  4. Somehow Kerbal Space Program and extensive personal Drama doesnt mix together very good. At least outside of the rocket builder forums of course. So good luck in your future endeavors.
  5. Am i right in my suspicion that we will have two separate ksp interstellar versions in the future to choose from, supposed that fraktaluk will continue to develop the original? The latest announcements from wave, and the last postings from fraktal seem imho to describe two separate mods. Just asking
  6. Its not only you. But it seems one has to live with the shortcomings of mechjeb autopilot, since there is no noticeable development going on around the autopiloting module beyond lesser bugfixes. With time one learns more and more about the finer art of landings anyway, so maybe its by choice that the autoland module is as non perfect as it is
  7. Yes, and i love it and hope blizzy (and / or others) will do more of this in the near future. Good job, blizzy!
  8. Its really sad that a website like http://what-if.xkcd.com/ could make so much out of such an interesting question from the OP, but this thread preferred to debate the completely unrelated semantics of nuclear weapons. It may be not an insult, but a deliberatly effort to derail the thread nonseless. Sad.
  9. Thanx a lot! Will check it the next time, and maybe there are other problems with mods or from my side involved. Exeptional job from your side, my one year duna career mission would stand no chance to do everything in their missionprofile without kas and you
  10. As said before, kas is mostly working for me in 32bit. But recently the eva struts dont work anymore. I can take them from the container, but i cannot attach them to anything. The rest is working ncely for me with the newest updates, thanx!
  11. Symmetry of the vessel is ok? Center of mass balanced with thrust? The command pod is chosen as "control from here" and not the mechjeb case?
  12. Exactly. Also: i fail to see this huge (!) amount of gamers like you. Maybe speaking for yourself is a better way in the future.
  13. Exactly. Just go out and play the game... in Space! All the things you apparantly learned by now in kerbin soi are the preparation you can put to the test in interplanetary space. Never understood the players that stay home in a game thats about exploration. So boldly go dammit!
  14. Thanx. I follow these threads only as a "forumer" with very mixed feelings but without professional credibility, and i`m very thankful to see these concerns voiced by you and others in this informed and spot on way. Again, thank you. As a sidenote: it is not impossible that the current, potentially "golden age" of mod development for KSP is exactly this - the golden age on which we will sadly look back after some people with "the best intentions" corrupted a lively and extremly creative modding community. I hope it will continue to be one where incredible stories like Kerbonite (outstanding pace and quality) can still happen, but its existence is no law of nature but something that should be protected. my 2c, youre mileage may vary
  15. Yes, i now this tool, and its great. But i still have to understand how to transfer these informations into a precise usable manoever node. I know you should be capable to do this with mechjeb manoever node editor, but at this point everybody seems to think that placing and edititing this node is self explanatory and needs not any explanation. It isnt selfexplanatory for me, thats the problem
  16. Hi. First of all, i am no hardcore - pure stock - no mechjeb player. And I am not a mathematician, nor a astronomer. My gameplay right now is that of an epic journey in my space program, and the enhanced problems following my decision to use deadly reentry, tac ls and far and trying to work mostly with reusable launch systems, recovering whatever possible. But right now i find myself most of the time with possibilities, ideas and goals for visits to the planets, but rarely fitting launch windows. And i do not timewarp very often more than 3-6 days, since alarm clock has already a lot of missions that i should handle. My old ways of playing ksp with only one mission at a time and timewarping like crazy are long gone So... say i want to fly to moho or eve, but there is no optimal transfer window. Ok, use non optimal, maybe more expensive transfer windows with the information that alarm clock, mechjeb, protractor and the online calculator are offering, right? But here everything goes wrong for me. When i try to find possible manouevers i rarely find something that is a bit more expensive - mostly the transfers are extreme in every way. And often when trying to burn one of these manoevernodes with a nuclear engine and lots of time and dv to spare it doesnt hit the target at all. Mechjeb and protractor rarely get a hit either outside of the optimal launch windows. Surely nothing to rely on. And the very impressing online tools show some tempting options and windows, but give no hint how to use this information to my advantage. And yes, i tried to follow one of the rare guides from 2013, but found it really complicated and not very good explained. Most of the available guides rely heavily on timewarping one single mission anyway. So... I learned so much in ksp, how can i manage to at least find reliable, non optimal transfers, so that i can concentrate on building vessels capable of handling the extra dv? Is there an easy, step by step explanation that also makes use of the available mods like alarm clock, protractor, ker, mechjeb & co? How do you handle these situations?
  17. I would think that majiir (and / or KospY) have the only relevant "votes" in this question.
  18. You can find everything about the authors licensing for KAS here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53134-Kerbal-Attachment-System-%28KAS%29-0-4-7-Pipes-as-fuel-lines-and-even-fewer-explosions%21 His party, his rules.
  19. Yes, i use the recompiles, everything in 32bit. I try to update everything 24/7 so it should be up to date, but it grows into a fulltime life dedication this mod-update-thingy
  20. Hi, im not sure if this already on the radar, and its possible more a KAS problem again, but the EVAx Unit right now doesnt use the extra monopropellant, only the normal amount. A kerbal lost his life on minmus for this information Also, after the occurence of this bug the hatch of my main craft (where the EVAx Unit was attached) was shown as "obstructed" after the quickload, so i had to restart for it to work again. Great mod anyhow!
  21. With 32bit ksp, and the fixes for 24.2 in this thread kethane is not broken. At least it works for me. The scanning, ok, not so sure. There may be still problems. Drilling, converting, using, no problem. Did it extensively today.
  22. Career, with a selected number of mods that make ksp a little bit more complicated, and a bunch of part mods for building more versatile rockets and spaceplanes. My own little space saga. Everything has gotten pretty funny lately for me.
  23. Please talk only for yourself. My respect for the OP as part of the communtiy depends not on the question of him using the Stock (!) Rapier or not.
  24. Ha! Ok, i meant other things,like the magic boulder or the duna face, but yes, it seems i got pwned by squad and i was not fast enough to get it. Nice job Squad .. well played.
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