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Everything posted by smart013

  1. Youre right, you were a little too fast for me. Updated and all is good now Thanks!
  2. Just for info: latest version is noted as incompatible with .24.
  3. Just for info: latest version is noted as incompatible with .24.
  4. ah, ok. then maybe this thread is a bit early... sorry for that
  5. One of the main hindrances of including mods right away in .24 (apart from compatibility, but i expect not very much trouble on this front) is the price of each part in contracts/career. I suspect some prices are defined out of thin air, but others maybe not. So, do you know any mods where to the price/costs information for each part is already correct or at least reasonable?
  6. Imho the goal is to have things to do, not so much maxing out science. Whereever you go, there should in my view be always the possibility to do science in the great overview, and also in the nearby observation of the details
  7. Great idea! Please dont let this mod die.
  8. Its 16:02 (CDT) in juanacatlan, mexico, so there is still room for later releases
  9. Since the waiting game goes on... What do you think should / would be the most expensive part per launch either in stock and/or in mods? My money would go to the warpdrive in ksp interstellar. Any suggestions?
  10. I also would like that there are .. hmm ... sometimes random things happen when activating. Maybe vanished kerbals (changed kerbals? color?) loss of fuel.. random fluctuations of speed, wrong destinations (face of duna instead of your target) and so on. There were similar (?) trinkets in games like wow with malfunctions like these that were very funny Or ... suppose you have a spacefaring vessel (no landing legs, no way to lift horizontally) or a station that rematerializes on the surface of eve. Lots of problems
  11. Ah, the pressure criteria is something that i dont knew about till now. Thanks!
  12. Since mechjeb cases attached to a vessel count as controlpods... And with the perspective that recovering parts in .24 is a good thing... What kind of problems would i get if for example i put mechjebcases at boosters, so that they can be controlled and brought down on parachutes after separation? Part count? Memory? Problems with more that one instance of MJ? What would happen with a mj equipped booster after reaching the 2.3km distance while i keep controlling the mainvessel during launch? Ok, the main question is about performance, maybe i should test the distance problem myself. Or has someone already the answer?
  13. Great mod! The fairing thing was a pleasent surprise for me too.
  14. Sounds like a great movie title! Are we talking about Kevin Bacon, or some delicious italian (canadian?) bacon?
  15. Just look at the amount of text from one user about this topic without even any etas given. Multiply this by 100 for every hour a potential given eta passes by, and you have a guess about the kind and amount of threads we would see here. No thanks
  16. It may seem harsh, but Squad thinks the ksp community has proven to be not mature enough for these kind of eta dates. So Squad acts accordingly. In other news: Squad thinks the ksp community has proven to be mature enough to handle a buggy 64bit Windowsversion of ksp, so this version will be released. Will be interesting to see the result and if squad will repeat something like that in future releases after this one
  17. One idea that could make it at least as legit as the warpdrive from kspi (means, its maybe scifi, but its not really op): When you access the problem of a stationary teleportpad you will of course encounter the differences between the velocities in m/s and deltav between the origin point (say kerbin surface, velocity relative to the sun) and the destination (say moho surface). In kspi this means that you maybe start with 3000 m/s in kerbin orbit, and end with 15000 m/s in moho orbit. (I am not really good at orbital mechanics/mathematics, so excuse my crude example here, hope you get the point) In kspi this means that you should try to reduce your deltav when arriving at your destination through planning or brute force and burn the difference with your engines. A jump drive or a teleport now could take these numbers and calculate the energy needed to bridge the differences between origin point and destination. If it works in kspi, it should be dooable here too (if you are good at math, so this excludes me ). A stock solution would revolve around some major batteriepark since stock has no reactors or such. If you think about integrating kspi or near future mod, you could generate the needed power ... or you integrate some kind of powergenerator as part of your mod (nuclear, fusion etc..) On the plus side it would be no easy task (as it is in kspi to bridge the deltav differences) to produce the energy to teleport a kerbal from kerbin to moho... so no more resemblance to hyperedit. Of course it would make your smart and easy to use mode a lot more challeging. Just my 2c.. i had fun with it anyways
  18. Newsflash: you get no score, no credits, no fame and entintlement, no feelings of superiority above other players out of ksp. Just fun. I would like too see that unchanged.
  19. One little detail, not really a bug, but maybe something to investigate. If you activate "Smooth throttle" in the Utilities a lot of burns for rendezvous and such, and of course landings go horrible wrong ... ok, thats to expect. When using MJ and do such things i regularly uncheck this otherwise great feature. There could of course be some kind of security check before starting precision maneuvers, or do i get this wrong? (no, this was not the cause of my landing rant above, i learned these error of my own a while ago
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