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Everything posted by smart013

  1. Since i rarely have the pleasure to share an opinion with you i really like to point out that this is exactly what i am thinking on this topic. Very well put, thanks. By the way, FAR is great and i use it now for weeks with great fun. Once you can handle the athmospheric and personal stresses of the initial learning curve flying is in fact a lot easier.
  2. Sorry again, but it tried to make the necessary changes in karbonite and /or CRP Pack, ORS / ORSX, community ressource pack but failed miserably. Whatever i did i could toggle karbonite for collecting, but nothing gets collected in the process. Any help from anyone would be highly appreciated. On a personal note - if any planet in the kerbol system should have karbonite for athmospheric collection imho its duna. I understand your intention to make a lot of things in and around karbonite (imho) artificially hard and complicated to prevent to get labelled "too easy" or "cheating" by the hardcore crowd, but i as a humble player with only challenging fun on his mind dont like too many restrictions .) Needless to say that i really admire your work, these are just my 2c worth of critique.
  3. Sorry for repeating a question thats posted before, but since then there were a lot of changes. So, right now, does the collector get karbonite from anywhere around duna? In orbit, not in the atmosphere. Af if it is still working as intended that there should be none, where and how can i change it in the configs so that the collector can collect (maybe small) amounts of karbonite? Right now i play with the actual version of karbonite, ors, orsx, kspi (not lite), and everything besides this works great. No k+ installed, because i dont want to lose the option to convert karbonorum for my jump beacons
  4. Maybe some people have weird reasons not to run linux? Whatever these reasons may be, this thread is about ksp32 + opengl on windows so please dont try to derail the thread.
  5. Hi... is there a possibility for the landing module to enter some offset from the target? Say 20m beside the target or so? Right now its easy to land right on top of it on planets without atmosphere
  6. Just started to play with this mod, and wanted to say that i really like the descriptions. Really funny, really kerbal
  7. I really, really like the sound of this mod. Right now i'm using paramedicums mod, and thinking about switching to this. BUT ... how great is the risk that infrastructure now build and installed is made unusable in the next versions? Yes, i know, i always have to expect this, but some kind of mild assurance would be nice
  8. Yep, had a blast with vtols in non-far ksp, got to the part where i was fine with (only) smart a.s.s and KER when lazy to do everything i want, and stock manual when in need for some increased heartrate. As a matter of fact building vtols and a bit "enhanced" spaceplanes (for my capabilities) resulted in the idea that maybe this experience and the fantastic new b9 & spaceplane parts will do the trick to get the hang of far. This and some scott manley binges of course Thanks again for this gradiose work!
  9. Congratulations ... this mod is quite possible the reason why i actually prepare for a switch to FAR in my game. *sigh* VTOLS are easier in FAR, right? Right?? Riight??? (*sob*)
  10. Sorry if this came up in the past, but when i updated kerbonite i got a weird "bug" where the framerate on planet surfaces dropped to near zero. I am pretty sure that its a installation error by myself, but i dont know where to start searching. Anyone with a hint around?
  11. My guess too, as is soooo often the case. By the way i_killed_jeb, thanks. Learned a new word (for me) today that explains alot of postings here and in reddit (for me)
  12. Would it be possible to continue this otherwise interesting thread without tagging posters as "realism mongers" or "the anti realism crowd"? Maybe the "aggressive tone" the mods were warning about would soften a little. On topic: i myself would draw the line for a "kerbalised reality" somewhere around FAR and deadly reentry. RSS elements would in my opinion sacrifice too much of the playfulness of ksp with his learning curve from "explosions are fun" to "a really efficient encounter with moho is fun" for a lot of unhappy people on all sides. Something like the "snacks" mod would be fitting for ksp, something like tac ls would not. Of course *my* perfect ksp would have a lot of things included, some from mods, some from my preferred playstyle, some from my shortcomings in math But in contrast to a lot of posters in these threads i am not believing that *my* way of things is the one everyone else should adapt. And with this i feel quite at home at ksp, whereas orbiter and his community ... not so much. Just my 2c.
  13. Since it seems that the orbiter devs did most of the things you hold dear right, why not lobby them to do some (small) changes and become the "better ksp"?
  14. A simple question: would it not be more in line with the recent nerfing of top tier reactors and the emphasis of subjective gameplay decisions over the physical (fantastic) potentials of future innovations to remove the warp drive alltogether and rename the mod? Or to quote Scott Manley on your fork, who based a entire video series on this mod: "It's good to have this, but it looks like there's a lot of rebalancing that is concentrating more on gameplay rather than say the laws of physics." Sorry if this sounds harsh, i like what you did (your work is exeptional) and the way you seemingly want to go, but in my opinion "interstellar" means more than near future mod + warp drive
  15. Ok, i respect your decision, but in my world such "i quit ksp because curse" reasoning is exactly the kind of drama i am happy to leave to the mc crowd. Just saying.
  16. Yes, the rewards are way down. Also it seems that the "rescue a kerbal" contracts are removed completely. I recently removed this mod from my install (sorry, great mod, had lots of fun with rovers and such, but it seemed that there were only lots and lots satellite contracts left) and these rescue contracts, and some of the more lukrative testing contracts were suddenly back. Call me a wussy and not hardcore enough, but 300000 funds reward for a permanent 10 kerbal base on eve is not worth it. Edit: to be fair, i had the dmagic contracts also active for some time, what resulted in total overkill in repetitive contracts for less and less funds. Had to dismiss contract on a regular basis, and the vanilla contract where practically gone.
  17. Yes i get it, times are changing. But instead of breaking saves completely, could it not be possible to at least ensure that all vessels in the savegame are loaded albeit with now non functional parts? One of my longlasting missions to duna (i play without heavy timewarping) could easily handle if the on board reactor stops working. Or even if its working in strange, non exploding ways. But i really hope there wont be errors telling me that this or that vessel isnt loading at all. Infernal robotics handled this quite well including the change to tweakscale. Old parts worked (somehow) and got replaced in new vessels by the new parts by the player.
  18. Thats not how i experience it ingame, but different players, different playstyles. Playing stock is trivial enough in my experience of building and flying vessels, and kspi adds complexity rather then taking it away. But, ok, we agree that we disagree, case closed
  19. Its strange. Now that the vessel was in flight for some days the "obstruction" is gone. No action or alterations done from my side. Maybe its the kraken and not kas this time.
  20. Quick question: where in Precise Node, mj or others can i edit the ejection angle? Pro and normal, ok, check. Time? Check. But everything else from alexmoons data provided i still need to find out. Help?
  21. I understand where you come from, but if you are thinking researching the whole kspi techtree in career, building up a sizeable energy transmitting network infrastructure (with the actual costs of 24.2 where reactors cost millions and millions of funds each), getting your hands on enough antimatter in the process, build the needed (you guessed it *expensive*) spaceplane(s) is a "trivial task" you are mistaken. But when everything is researched, paid for and delivered to eve... then its great
  22. Hi. Recently i have more and more issues with "hatch is obstructed" problems, and kerbals that cannot leave on eva. Right now i have a vessel where eva on the launchpad is no problem, no error message, meaning there is no part "obstructing" the hatch, but the exact same vessel on course to dres where the kerbals cannot eva and the "hatch is obstructed" message appears. Ok, granted this is not my only mod, but i suspect kas is the bad boy in this one. Any ideas what to do?
  23. "Might be possible" with mods? Might? in my last career game with b9 and ksp interstellar i had a antimatter propelled vtol / ssto spaceplane capable of launching vertical on kerbin, flying to and landing vertical on eve, return to eve orbit and fly back to kerbin. No kethane or karbonite needed. The essential combo were the atmo breathing, antimatter propelled turbojet engines from kspi. Once the antimatter from jool orbit was provided these badboys were fantastic. I think getting karbonite from the atmosphere is more or less the same as burn eve atmo as intake air so this should be no problem. In my new careermod with deadly reentry there may be new issues to be overcome, but with interstellar eve is yours
  24. I think this mod can evolve into something essential for sound as EVE is now for optics in the future.
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