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Everything posted by vosechu

  1. Any chance you could mention the unfixer program in the first post? I had trouble for a bit until I realized that RealChute was silently deactivating. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/101888-win10x-ksp-x64-total-unfixer-v22-04082015/
  2. Aside from the stack chute, was there anything else that is unlike the stock chutes? I'm wondering if the stock nosecones could have an optional chute, the normal chutes could be taken over, and maybe the stack could be put in some of the command modules (at least that's what I always used it for). What do you think? - - - Updated - - - I don't quite understand this. What does the category mean for a save game? Also, if someone is using realchutes, installs stockrealchutes, you think it would break their save? Doesn't that happen for most of the stock* mods since we're disabling it in the tech tree?
  3. Vosechu's Stock configs are configurations for Module Manager to keep a savegame without plugin's parts. This is entirely based on MalahX's StockPlugins modules. Released: [1.0.X] StockLS [v1.0.2 - 2015.10.10]: USI Life Support with only stock parts StockLS StockLS is a ModuleManager config file which adds the possibility to use the various Life Support mods without the additional parts. Currently it only supports USI Life Support, but I'd like to add support for TACLS and Snacks! How to use Once installed, all command modules will get 50 days of supplies. If you need more supplies, the hitchhiker contains a lot of extra supplies. For long missions, adding in a cupola module will allow you to grow some supplies out of mulch, or the science bay will allow you to grow supplies using fertilizer and much less mulch. Download Kerbal Stuff Github
  4. I made that mod, but with lots of help from Malah. I couldn't have done it without him! Here's the support thread if you want to ask questions! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/137560-Vosechu-s-Stock-configs-added-USI-Life-Support-2015-10-10?p=2261307#post2261307
  5. Is there any way to disable the bit where it scans savegames for legacy awards? I have a very large savegame, so this process actually takes about 3 minutes. But I know that there's no legacy awards in there so there's no reason to scan in my case. At least I think this is the case, I've been watching the output_log and it pauses at "FF: scanning save games for legacy data" for 3 minutes, then the next log entry is "FF: 0 games with legacy data found". Thanks so much!
  6. https://github.com/malahx/StockPlugins/pull/3 Let me know what you think!
  7. I've been digging into the logic of this and here's my thinking: In order to be really future-proof, I need to override some squad object. Unfortunately, there isn't a really obvious thing to take over since there isn't LS in stock. So I'm thinking that I could do a shim. I could duplicate one of the fuel tanks and: If there's USI Lifesupport, add the resource, set the weight, and optionally try to use the texture from USILS If there isn't an LS mod, leave the tank without resources, make it weigh what it should (ballast), use the stock texture This opens up some other things for supporting TACLS or Snacks My thought is that this module would be very tiny and pretty resilient to version changes. So we really only have to wait for MM to get updated and the fallback strategy would still work. We could remove the LS mod and the part would revert back, but would still weigh whatever a full LS module would weigh. What do you think? I'm concerned about the weight bit, and I'm concerned that this is tying this mod to MM being updated before people upgrade.
  8. Yes, but funniness may happen as you progress through time and your new planets start to affect the existing planets. Also, the new planets may not actually be in realistic orbits to begin with, so you may find them rapidly falling out of place. But that's because it works with mods that add planets.
  9. Malah, First, thank you so much for these! I just went through the awful motions of deleting all my favorite things because they had parts that I know won't work in 1.1. This is much better! So my question, do you think that USI Life Support would be feasible since it only has three inline parts? I'm happy to do the MM config, but I wanted to ask your perspective since you understand it a lot better. My thought was that I could use MM to clone an existing stock part, then add in the resource; but is that a bad idea? I see that most of your mods are taking over parts from Squad which makes me think that I shouldn't attempt to clone. What do you think? Thanks!
  10. regex, as an upstanding community member, I would happily use your fork until pozine is able to finish up his school. I was just in the process of making some of these changes myself so I could use ATM. Let us know if you start a temporary fork!
  11. Plus you'll need extra fuel to refill the lander.
  12. Agreed! I have trouble playing stock without KSPX. There's very few mods on my mandatory list, but this is absolutely one of them. Thank you so much for maintaining this set stupid_chris! So many of my absolute favorite mods end up falling into your bucket and I appreciate you resurrecting/maintaining them!
  13. Xeldrak, you were right. I got word back from Kasper that one of the design goals for the actual stock craft was to make them slightly crappy so that people could see the problems and fix them. That wasn't obvious to me as a new player of course, it just looked sloppy to me, but I'm not everyone. Anyways, you were right that Squad is unlikely to include BSC craft, because (reading between the lines in a way that pleases me) they're just much too nice. Anyways, thank you for putting these challenges on regardless! I learn a lot every single time!
  14. This is so exciting. Thank you for working on this and for publishing the math crib notes. It's revitalized my interest in mathematics! I've been watching some khan academy stuff about partial differential equations, which is shocking because I've never liked math before! Wonderful and meaningful work!
  15. Well, while I have literally no pull with them, I'll ask anyways and see if one more voice will convince them.
  16. Thanks for putting this together! I hope that Squad will take these ideas and actually put them in the game. These are major improvements!
  17. If you make the changes and submit them on github it won't automatically go into the mod; the people in charge have to sign off on changes. So you should feel free to submit fixes and changes without worry. Most of the time, the authors will leave a comment on your change with helpful advice about how to make it better.
  18. Beautiful! I'll add it to the github repo and to the front page tonight. I'm excited to try these out! What should I put down for this entry? Bronze, silver, or gold? Seems pretty fancy so I think it's at least a silver, but if you think it's gold worthy I'd be happy to have our first gold entry on the front page - - - Updated - - - Update the top post with immelman's entry, but also added a table of contents and moved the primary scoring rules below the current scores. I don't know if that's the right way, but I was feeling like the primary scoring was hiding the awesome work that's starting to come up. What do you all think?
  19. +100 to getting this back into the world! Is there a way to redirect where it sends data? I have some analysis software for our university sounding rocket that is love to send this data into. Also, you could use MM to add the part to every command module. If you'd like a decent example look at "mechjeb and engineer for all!" mod. It's just the one MM file to add the partful mechjeb to all command modules. The nice thing about going partless and using MM is that it won't delete out crafts in orbit if we have to remove the module or if it goes out of date. Last question, how much data does it continue to send after initial orbit? Do your servers get crushed if I go to 1000x warp?
  20. I've officially made my lifter for the stock version and I think it's pretty amazing. Downloads here: https://github.com/vosechu/ksp-mars-ro-challenge/blob/b00c7d6d2dfea9f60aacb5794a873998f31985a5/stock/ships/vosechu/Mars%20HHLV.craft.zip I think that it deserves a bronze or a silver. I've put a lot of effort into making it easily reusable, beautiful, and fully stock (despite my leanings ). Here's some glamor shots of it in action: Works best if you tilt to about 80-82 degrees as you pass 100m/s velocity, stabilize, and then turn off SAS. No adjustments needed at all. RCS is a little rough with a payload this large, so it would be a pretty good idea to attach a little RCS module to the front of payloads. Maybe I can do that for the next version
  21. Got some work done on my all stock 110t lifter today; it's so much easier to make pretty craft in 1.0! I still need to sort out one tiny explosion then I'll post pics and the craft file. Very exciting to make progress! I've also been looking into how to pack rovers and I don't feel any closer to understanding how to do it well. Either my rovers land on their back or I can't get them out. I can undock mid flight but that seems gross for some reason. Risky at the very least.
  22. My experience is that the install order doesn't matter, but it's worth a try reinstalling RO first, accept the recommendations, then adding on top. My problems have usually been more catastrophic than this though! Wild guess, is it possible that the rocket plume (name?) module got a version update but RO isn't requiring an old version? I can look at my versions tonight and see if we can hunt that down.
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