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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. I'd need logs and context. As for the processor, you'll have to edit your save and find the SnacksScenario to set the maxValue to 100. It should look something like this: SnacksProperties { snacksPerMeal = 1 mealsPerDay = 3 enableRandomSnacking = True enableRecyclers = True recyclerEfficiency2 = 40 productionEfficiency = 100 }
  2. This is how stock could look. Well done @benjee10! Are you planning to make the Jupiter Upper Stage?
  3. I launched a new space station in my new 1.4 dev build: This is my DSEV Deep Space Habitat reference design. My plugins compiled pretty well with minimal changes. Tomorrow I get to integrate with 1.4.1.
  4. Kinda busy with personal stuff at the moment but this says it all. Well put, @Joal ban Kluane! Modders are NOT at the beck and call of forum users. We don't jump just because you say so. When it comes to my mods, they're currently on 1.3.1. 1.4.1 rolls out tomorrow, and to expect instant updates is to invite disaster- just because a plugin compiles doesn't mean that everything is perfect. I'd also point out that it's unclear how @SQUAD treats mods with the new EULA. Yes, I'm aware of the big discussion going on and the differing opinions- this thread is not the place to discuss them. Suffice to say that I know modding is very important to the company and that they need to protect their investment in the latest update. But I and a lot of others would appreciate clarification of the User Generated Content clause and how it pertains to mods, and I've already expressed that concern. Patience is a virtue here, but if you want to financially make it worth my while to not worry about what the changes to the EULA mean and to get started right away on 1.4.1 compatibility, great! We can talk offline. In the meantime, Pathfinder in 1.3.1 is pretty stable, though you may want to download the Wild Blue Tools pre-release to fix a couple of WBT-related bugs.
  5. Not really, no. I would have to add a feature to save the delivery package that you set up, then a scheduler to auto launch the package. Even then, you would need to periodically visit your bases to give converters a chance to catch up. It is something I can look at once I get my other projects done. Thanks for the suggestion.
  6. I’m not sure if kOS can be used with the Pipeline. If it needs KSPEvent style methods to create a delivery package, then probably not. If kOS can create ConfigNode objects and pass them to a mod, then it might be possible.
  7. I'd need logs to know what's going on. Are you using auto-strut? What version of KSP are you using? None of my mods support KSP 1.4
  8. Exploding parts happens to me when I put stuff on the ground, and for the life of me I still haven't figured out why. I've been experimenting with statics though, both to make building on a hill much easier and to resolve the exploding parts issue. For now, definitely save often.
  9. That does seem to be a problem with EnrichedUranium. For some reason, the resource isn't transferable. It's a CRP resource and beyond my control; you'd have to find EnrichedUranium in the CommonResources.cfg and patch it so that its flowMode = ALL_VESSEL and set transfer = PUMP.
  10. For any part, you have to fing its config file. It may take some digging to find the right file as I haven’t used MKS in a long time. But once you find the right file it is a simple matter of cut and paste.
  11. Try using the 1.41 pre-release of WildBlueTools and see if that helps.
  12. A sprawling tech tree is only good when there's stuff to put in the nodes. If you have a tree whose nodes are mostly devoid of parts because the scant few mods who use them aren't installed, then what good are those nodes? I still think that there are plenty of CTT nodes in which to put parts. Heck, with careful design I've managed to put nearly all my parts into the stock tech tree. DSEV does add a few extra nodes but only when CTT isn't installed. In that case I just go with what's already there. Adding more and more nodes to the baseline CTT will just dilute it; if you really need custom, then try creating your own branch. I've done that in one case.
  13. Actually, in DSEV's case, the fusion reactors and engines are developed at the same time, so splitting them up in CTT would be inconsistent with what I have when CTT isn't installed. I like having fusion tech as a broad term because from a play perspective my tech tree isn't cluttered and I'm not wasting several hundred science points just to gain 1-2 parts. I need those science points to feed BARIS and improve quality.
  14. I did things right when I designed the Buffalo... I disconnected from the airship and had 4 flat tires. My engineer isn't skilled enough to repair them, so I used KIS to pull spare wheels out of my inventory and replaced them: This rover lacks the ground stabilizers that I could use to jack up the rover, which would make wheel replacement easier. So I had to use the winch to hoist up the front so I could lift the wheels off the ground. Otherwise the rover would go flying if I tried to replace the wheels.
  15. I'd hate to see the tree become cluttered with even more empty nodes when only one or two mods would benefit. As it is, many nodes go unused, and unless you have a mod that hides unused nodes, it gets to be a bit cumbersome.
  16. The beauty of blocking users is that I don't have to be bothered with "last word" posts. Go bother somebody else, I literally ain't listening.
  17. That's why, short of hiring an intellectual properties lawyer to explain the new EULA, we need @SQUAD to clarify what the new Terms of Service are. How, for example, do the new terms of service fall in line with their desire to support the modding community.
  18. They can't. What they can do is prevent use of future versions of the software. In this case, KSP 1.4.
  19. Take a look at MM_Stock in the ModuleManager folder. The patch for the stock MPL (largeCrewLab) has a snack processor that produces snacks from Ore. There is no greenhouse per se, but I do have plans to add one in a “SnacksPlus” extension that might get made at some point. Depends upon how the upcoming EULA changes apply to mods. It would essentially be the same one used in Pathfinder.
  20. These look neat! I have used your Airplane Plus pack for awhile and these ground vehicles are a nice complement.
  21. Not a bug, sometimes you don't have kerbals that BARIS can make go AWOL. What I should do is make sure the event card doesn't show up if you don't have any valid kerbals to mess around with.
  22. This looks like fun! Thanks for putting together the challenge.
  23. Thanks for the info, I'll take a look. Haven't run into this one..
  24. First I was like, maybe I should address your concerns, then I was like, not worth my time to bother with an entitled user like you. Go bother someone else, I have better things to do.
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