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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. Performing an experiment... Gondolas are underwater, but otherwise she floats.
  2. Complete sentence? Grammar? Event cards and part failures are untouched when KCT is installed.
  3. KCT integration is now a thing. When KCT is installed, you won't see BARIS' construction windows. I like the simple construction facilities in BARIS, but I like KCT's more sophisticated methods too. Thanks for the tips, @magico13!
  4. Oh, that's perfect, I think I can work with that. With KCT installed, I can disable BARIS' vessel construction in favor of KCT's construction, and watch for that OnVesselRollout method. I'll give that a try and see what I come up with, thanks!
  5. BARIS' ship construction is deliberately simple by comparison to KCT, which offers a lot of great functionality. The idea is that BARIS will defer to KCT if installed. For me to do that, I'd need to know when a vessel that has been built by KCT is being prepped for rollout to the runway/launchpad. If players can only roll out a vessel that's been built via KCT, and you can't use the stock method of loading/building a vessel and immediately hitting the stock launch button, then that's all I'd need.
  6. Yup, totally optional. BARIS is turned off by default and is highly configurable.
  7. It doesn't and it doesn't. I'd like to have it work with @magico13's KCT but it depends upon whether KCT has an API to let me know when a rocket is done. The feature does interact with Kerbal Alarm Clock though. KAC has a reflection-based API, I hope KCT has something similar. I'm finally at the point where I can reveal what I've been working on, it's the last part of the original vision for MOLE that I had back in 2014: BARIS is almost done!
  8. Looks like a problem with Trajectories and some kind of Dynamic Battery Storage, none of which are from Pathfinder.
  9. I added event cards to a new mod I'm working on: The image is a test...
  10. I've been resisting creating a list for fear of being an accessory to murder, but here goes: Ability (least to most): Clauselle, Nimzo, Melbe, Lisa, Dilsby, Jebediah, Bob, Bill, Sarjint, Kenlie, Tedus, Valentina Cuteness (least to most): Nimzo, Melbe, Bob, Bill, Jeb, Clauselle, Lisa, Dilsby, Sarjint, Kenlie, Tedus, Valentina
  11. Event cards are almost a thing: With apologies to @Kuzzter, whom I hope will allow me to use that shot.
  12. I think Bob is Bear Grills in his spare time, he'll just parachute in, live off the land, make a documentary about it, and just nonchalantly say "Hey Jeb" as he shows up.
  13. I built a Sarnus Shuttle: Flew the shuttle to the Mun to deliver two micro satellites... Dumped the External Tank during the aerobraking pass... Circled around and de-orbited... On approach to Kedwards... And wheels stop... Colin's mission to deliver Munar Microsatellites completed! Shuttle by: Sarnus by:
  14. I'm more of a Saturn Sarnus Shuttle kind of guy... With Sarnus by @CobaltWolf
  15. Vehicle integration is coming along... Cormorant orbiter by @Pak
  16. Looks like things are heating up between Dr. Angelo and Dr. Wernher! Nice to see that they figured out the design flaws. I hope Dr. Angelo can walk the line between speed, efficiency, and safety, because building a rocket isn't simple...
  17. One might also wonder how Jeb is going to clean up all the radioactivity... I'm intrigued!
  18. Ok, just for clarity, after installing Snacks did you visit the vessels in flight? I know it sounds odd, but Snacks needs to know about the vessels in order to process them, and when you install Snacks into an existing game, you need to visit each vessel in flight for Snacks to know about it.
  19. @TriggerAu Just wanted to say thank you for creating the KACWrapper, it works great!
  20. And here I was thinking it was this: Doesn't the Kraken Lady know that Badie is a member of Squad??? She's totally gonna get it.
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