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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. Unfortunately I don't know enough about USI-LS livingspace. Can you provide examples? Awesome, I'll fix that in the next release.
  2. In between working and modding, it's really nice to read well written stories such as Perfect Tomorrow. Bravo!
  3. Glad you noticed! Yup, I indeed had a Space Western/Texan/Cowboy theme in mind when I started designing Pathfinder. There's a lot of bootstrapping and jurry-rigging built into the mod's theme. I listened to music like The Magnificent Seven, Gunsmoke, and NSYNC's Space Cowboy. I also listened to Save My Soul (used as the theme song to The Men Who Built America) Forgot to mention that while I haven't implemented it yet, once I finish up the remaining parts and IVAs, I'll add in the Gold Rush aspect to the mod that I've had planned from the start.
  4. It's definitely doable, I just have to figure out the right combo to make it work. That's going to take some time, but KIS is going to help me on that front. Once I get the basic concept figured out, I can make variants for the ground and orbit.
  5. LOL! Didn't know that, thanks for pointing that out. The Wiki is here, but currently doesn't list USI-LS values. Pathfinder modules do have living space as well as wear. Take a look at MM_USILC.cfg in the Pathfinder/ModuleManagerPatches folder. It has the info you need.
  6. 0.9.25 is now available! Get the latest here. - Updated to latest WildBlueTools, which fixes NREs and Input is NULL errors. - Improved GUI for selecting storage templates. - Fixed missing texture files in the Hacienda. - You can now click on the laptop prop's screen and change its image. - Updated to latest ModuleManager.
  7. Maybe it's the merger between Jeb and the monolith... notice the color of the text?
  8. Helldiver said it is a WIP and that it isn't even ready to be textured yet. There is nothing to download yet. We're being given a preview of the KSO EX and its features. I like the new look, too! Now if I could have a dialog box that let my type in a name and the KSO plugin could generate a texture for it and dynamically load it into the scene, I'd be in heaven. I know how to do all of that except generate the texture.. I will miss the originals but they flew well. This new KSO is a worthy successor.
  9. Fun to watch all the different developments with the Forgotten Space Program.
  10. In can do that, can you point me to a config that has whatever part module is used to prevent boil-off?
  11. Get 1.1.6 here. - Fixed Half Hex Truss support for CLS. - Fixed NREs and Input is NULL errors. - Updated Supernova description. - Supernova's part catalog description now lists the ElectricCharge needed to start the engine, and FusionPellets consumed when idle/running. - Buffed the Supernova's pulsed plasma mode ISP. - Removed debug button from the Supernova; Charge Capacitor and Debug Reset are now context menu buttons. - Defaulted the above debug buttons to false (you won't see them normally). All units are in liters. DSEV doesn't have any LqdHydrogen boil-off code in it, you probably have another mod installed that does. Depends upon how you build your craft. The NASA Discovery II reference design uses 10 of the large radiators. You can change the dump speed in the config file.
  12. @JPLRepo I'm doing some research into adding DeepFreeze support into MOLE, and was curious about the cryopods. By chance do the internals use a prop for the internal cryopod? I didn't see anything in the Spaces or Props folders but I might have missed it. I'm hoping you used a prop for the cryopod because that would make it a lot easier to incorporate DeepFreeze.
  13. Yeah the ModCategorizer isn't working at present. Use the one in WildBlueTools.
  14. The parts are designed to be attached using KIS. To get an idea of how this works, here is the getting started guide from the Pathfinder Wiki.
  15. That jet was wicked cool! So if I'm reading it right, KSC sent a robot spy plane to KSC2, did an aerial recon, then destroyed the plane?
  16. Now, did Wernher bring along Flash (aaaaahhhAAAAAAAHHHH!) Kerbulan and Dale Kerbulan?
  17. I don't have the ability to delete posts, so no. I will look into the NRE and hopefully have a fix in the next update.
  18. Probably an oversight on my part. Sounds like I need to edit the description to help make more sense of things. As for the half-hex truss, I may have missed that one when adding CLS support. I'll create a bug fix in the next few days. While I don't give out timetables, my current plan is to get MOLE and Pathfinder to 1.0 before returning to DSEV to update it with the.... Knautilus. I have things in the planning stages but there is a lot in my backlog to get through first.
  19. Well, I'd think that it would work there. Not sure why it doesn't, If you drop other parts, do they explode?
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