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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. Yeah, but I will wait a few days to avoid spamming releases. It is a dependency for my older mods. It has a lot of things like the basis for MOLE’s science experiments, resource switching, converter switching, and many other things that are common between my old mods.
  2. In the deprecated parts folder you might need to add this to the part config: TechRequired:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] = unifiedFieldTheory TechRequired:NEEDS[!CommunityTechTree] = wbiWarpTech Try adding that to the part configs.
  3. wbiS1WarpCoil should be in the Parts/deprecated folder. I had to deprecate the original because I changed the radial attachment node. Not sure why you are seeing issues though.
  4. Configuration with FFT, no FS, no WBTools, with B9PS. Configuration without FFT, with FS, With WBTools. Configuration without FFT, without FS, With WBTools. Configuration without FFT, without FS, without WBTools, with B9PS. Configuration without FFT, without FS, without WBTools, with B9PS.
  5. Correct. SpaceDust isn't required to make the collectors work. Blueshift has its own exospheric resource collector to power the collectors. When SpaceDust is installed, the SpaceDust supplements the collection. @Aelfhe1m Thanks for the triage on the config file! Here is the updated version.
  6. Blueshift 1.8.0 is now available: New Parts - S1 Bussard Collector: This part collects Graviolium in the depths of space. It also works with SpaceDust. - S2 Bussard Collector: This part collects Graviolium in the depths of space. It also works with SpaceDust. - S1 Plasma Vent: This part reduces Static Charge built up in the ship by expending Xenon Gas if you have Kerbal Flying Saucers installed. Otherwise it just looks cool. - S2 Plasma Vent: This part reduces Static Charge built up in the ship by expending Xenon Gas if you have Kerbal Flying Saucers installed. Otherwise it just looks cool. - Miniature Jumpgate: This miniaturized jumpgate has limited range and has a limit to the mass that it can transport, but it can be used on a celestial body as well as in space. Plus, the gate's vessel pays the graviolium toll, not the traveler. - Mini Jumpgate Platform: This platform is designed for use on planetary surfaces and to support the Miniature Jumpgate Module Manager Patches - SpaceDust fix- Thanks Rakete and Grimmas! - Added ExpensiveDrives patch to increase the cost of warp tech. This is optional and found in the Blueshift/Extras folder. Just rename it from .txt to .cfg to use it. Thanks Grimmas! - Fixed tech tree node positions for Community Tech Tree and Unkerballed Start. - Added B9PS support to the Far Future Technologies patch. Part Modules - WBIModuleAnimation: This animation module lets you loop animations, play the animation in forward/reverse, and adjust the emissive textures on desired model transforms. Its state can be synchronized with a warp engine on the vessel and/or with a converter on the part if desired. - WBIWarpSpeedHarvester: This specialized resource harvester collects resources while the vessel is at warp. Resource distributions are defined by INTERSTELLAR_DISTRIBUTION, GLOBAL_INTERPLANETARY_DISTRIBUTION, and INTERPLANETARY_DISTRIBUTION config nodes. Check out WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/Resources/ResourceDefinitions.cfg for examples. - WBIResourceVent: This is a souped up version of Kerbal Flying Saucers' WBIResourceDischarger. It is affected by warp engines. - WBIJumpgate: Implemented ability to jump a vessel to a gate on the ground. Disabled the portal trigger when in the editor. - WBIWarpEngine: Updated max warp speed calculations. Added Planetary Speed Brake toggle button. When enabled, the ship's max speed is limited based on how far down the planet's gravity well it is. When disabled, the ship can travel at interplanetary speeds within planetary space. Use with caution.
  7. Totally digging this: I'll have a release later this afternoon, just adding some polish.
  8. Finally figured out the texturing issue on the platform. Time to playtest, The Gate Ship has 10 gates to deploy around the solar system. It'll be warping around to each celestial body and dropping one off. Here's the Mun:
  9. Next release you can do that. The mini jumpgate has a 20-tonne mass limit but the larger ones have no mass limit. And next update they can safely be used on the ground.
  10. Gate to gate transport zeroes out all relative velocity.
  11. Got the base done: Time to deploy some stargates- uh, miniature jumpgates- around the Blueshift save for testing. I'm aiming for a release this weekend.
  12. Trying to get a release out this week, time permitting.
  13. Yup! It will be tethered to the ground like the stock ground anchor. Heh. Make a seed ship that warps around, drops off a gate, and moves onto the next world. Better yet, install Extraplanetary Launchpads and build a gate on the spot. And what happens if it falls over after being dropped?
  14. The platform is modeled but not textured. Two of these gates fit in the smallest mk3 cargo bay...
  15. Sorry, I should clarify by saying copy the wbiAstriaPorta.cfg file, giving name = wbiAstriaPorta a new name, and then editing the WBIGateAssembler as noted above. That will make your copied gate show up in the editor as a complete ring. Be sure to give it a new title and description.
  16. Hm, you could clone the Astria Porta, edit WBIGateAssembler, and set enabledMeshCount = 9 to complete the ring. Then you'd have a fully assembled ring to construct your stations with.
  17. I haven't run into those issues. What I do is this: // If the destination is in space then rendezvous with its orbit. Otherwise, land next to it. // We can use size here because, while inaccurate, it is overestimated, and we just want to get in the vicinity vesselToTeleport.UpdateVesselSize(); Vector3 size = vesselToTeleport.vesselSize; if (BlueshiftScenario.shared.IsInSpace(destinationVessel)) { Vector3 position = destinationVessel.transform.up.normalized * (rendezvousDistance + size.y); FlightGlobals.fetch.SetShipOrbitRendezvous(destinationVessel, position, Vector3d.zero); } // Land the vessel next to the jumpgate. else if (BlueshiftScenario.shared.IsLandedOrSplashed(destinationVessel)) { // Get destination's location. double inclination = destinationVessel.srfRelRotation.Pitch(); double heading = destinationVessel.srfRelRotation.Yaw(); Vector3d worldPos = destinationVessel.GetWorldPos3D(); // Now, calculate how far to offset the teleporting vessel relative to the destination Transform refTransform = destinationVessel.ReferenceTransform; double distance = Math.Round(Mathf.Max(size.x, size.y, size.z), 2) / 2 + 5.0; Vector3 translateVector = refTransform.up * (float)distance; Vector3d offsetPosition = worldPos + translateVector; // Get the offset latitude and longitute Vector2d latLong = destinationVessel.mainBody.GetLatitudeAndLongitude(offsetPosition); double latitude = latLong.x; double longitude = latLong.y; // Off we go FlightGlobals.fetch.SetVesselPosition(destinationVessel.mainBody.flightGlobalsIndex, latitude, longitude, distance, inclination, heading, true, true); FloatingOrigin.ResetTerrainShaderOffset(); } My code is all GPLV3, so take what you need.
  18. Thanks! Regarding the chevron material, since the chevrons are individual meshes, then you can definitely set their material's emissive. Are you going to make a DHD too? I could see individual buttons light up as you press them, and it sends the coordinates to the gate. You can monitor mouse clicks on the button's collider (in Unity, set isTrigger to true), so the DHD will know what button is pressed. Something like this to watch the click event, and then this to set up the button. Imagine that the stargate "vessel" has the gate part, a platform part, and a DHD. If the gate and DHD pair up, you could generate a random gate address and, to be nice, let the DHD list all the gate addresses. Then the player would just need to tap in the address...
  19. @Grimmas @Rakete much appreciated, thank you! This weekend I will grab that and incorporate it into Blueshift. I also need to finish up the miniature jumpgate texturing and make a platform for it. I will also make sure the destructive effects toggle is always available. The gate automatically shuts down after you travel through it. As for what happens on the other side, better wear a helmet, you are likely to go poof if you port into a vacuum. The gate doesn’t store Graviolium, hence the tanks mounted to the side. It is up to the player to find a refueling system- KAS pipes, docking ports on the vessel, and the stock grabbers come to mind. The cone-like bow wave warp effect moves as best it can to the front of the vessel. It isn’t perfect so it will need experimentation. @SkyFall2489 Done! Without Kerbal Flying Saucers it is just a decorative piece.
  20. @Blaarkies If you manually control when the chevrons move instead of using the stock animation part module, have you considered controlling the emissive texture on the chevron’s model as well? Something like: Transform target = this.part.FindModelTransform(textureTransformName); rendererMaterial = target.GetComponent<Renderer>(); rendererMaterial.material.SetColor("_EmissiveColor", new Color(1, 1, 1, 1)); I hope that helps.
  21. I hadn’t seen that until you mentioned it. It looks great and I like the sound effects. The mini jumpgate is something that I have wanted for Blueshift for about a year now, after I made its much larger cousin: At the time, I only had it working for in orbit to orbit transport, but last night I got ground transportation working too The plugin can do both ground and orbit transport or a combination of the two. The miniature jumpgate won’t connect with the larger jumpgate space anomaly/kerbal-made gate. It technically could, but I put it on a different gate network. It also has limited jump range compared to the larger gates and a maximum mass limit. On the plus side, it is easily transported- put a few on a warp ship and seed your galaxy with them.
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