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Everything posted by RC1062

  1. I finished AS yesterday. Would it be prudent to start testing today? *Jumps up and down* I don\'t like waiting for tests.
  2. So we start with probes and such (no kerbal flight)?
  3. Canards are just small wings on the front of the plane. The fin under the control tab, yes. I don\'t think wing shape makes much difference to the drag currently. If you have a front heavy craft the centre of mass will be forward, so you need to increase lift at the front to move the centre of lift aswell.
  4. Iz you\'se \'avin a laff?! I\'se gonna order da boyz to gives you\'se a right beatin\'!
  5. Fuel may be wasted going down, but on return it hasn\'t got the dead weight of the legs. I suppose it is an egotistical thing aswell, you\'re leaving something behind that will remain for centuries.
  6. You say it tilts down? That suggests an difference in position between the centre of mass and centre of lift (Eg move your wings forward or move the mass backwards). In real life delta wings are used for super sonic craft whereas normal wings are used for subsonic craft (Drag alters a lot after Mach 1). Craft with delta wings generally have the wings back, but canards at the front. The position of the lift is pulled forwards by the lift from the canards. Craft with normal wings have their wings forward, but have stabilisers at the rear which pulls the center of lift back. Hope this helps.
  7. Current time... I hope.
  8. I plan to be there. 8 pm British time.
  9. Awesome pictures! Welcome to the forums.
  10. The boat race thing. Not the Concorde thing. In other news MKII is on a roll.
  11. I\'m off, 7 - 8 ms^-1. It is very boring... He didn\'t rule out use of a rocket. *EDIT* Lost an engine. Back to base.
  12. Hmm... Looking at the specs... I shall build a rocket!
  13. Boats are very hard to do. If they are slightly above the water they\'ll keep splashing down causing hell. A sub on the other hand...
  14. Ha! Coincidence? I think not.
  15. But you could shorten it to 'Pro' and 'Retro', which might be useful at some point. *EDIT* 'Dire' wouldn\'t be that encouraging...
  16. Yes, RCS... Lots of spare RCS...
  17. I figured it was slightly off-topic. The best thing was I was expecting days of adjustments but from launch one it took about two days total. Have you tried doing an RV? \'Cause with a set-up like this it was scarily easy. I don\'t think I could teach my plan (though I\'ll have a shot and bore my friends) because I just, kinda, went for it...
  18. Well... Today I had my last AS-level exam. To celebrate I decided to attempt my first ever RV. I got it first try. I did it with stock and I am very proud of it. 8) I am now officially ready for docking. Pics coming soon if anyone is interested. *EDIT* Ta da!
  19. RC1062


    SPOILER ALERT KINDA So the tear in space-time was good and jolly then? TBH most of the science was wrong... But that wasn\'t why I went to see it...
  20. Never said the Hobbit would be better... I\'ve just been waiting so long... So long... 'So long and thanks for all the -' I\'m getting my wires crossed... Will be seeing Prometheus though, I\'ve just got to establish whether I go with my friends or my dad...
  21. Looks like a swimming frog. I like it! Very unusual. Buy yourself a cookie.
  22. Well, we can\'t really refer to it by another name... From henceforth I shall refer to it as MARS (Martian Analogue Really Special).
  23. Slightly hyped for it... But more hyped for The Hobbit. It has got Arthur Dent in!
  24. The big one like a spring with a platform on top? It is called babylon(?) kerbylon launch platform or something.
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