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Everything posted by RW-1

  1. Though its said that Volumetric clouds look like heaps of mashed potato's from far away, kind of Thanksgiving like, wink wink, nudge nudge ...
  2. The first rule about EVE Club is you do not speak about EVE Club. The answer is there in the thread.
  3. Damn, this is really going to bring more people towards the aircraft side of things. Low Fog = ILS actual approaches hehehe .... Right?
  4. Another reason to upgrade my GPU, let alone3 system, another 7 years has passed since I last toyed with it, ugh!
  5. Moose, we're in agreement, I hold the same opinion on 2 vs the original at this moment. I didn't feel devalued at all. More I was defending the right to have an opinion, whether or not I might agree with it. I would hope that when it can, it loads faster Ya still teasing eh?
  6. I disagree. First off, everyone is entitled to their opinion. We've waited for KSP2 for a while, and IMHO while the "Core" game being released is a great idea, it can also be viewed as it just isn't finished. Now, that said, two camps, one which will grab it and play/test, and one that wants all the things that were marketed at the game's outset. Sound familiar? No Man's Sky, and realistically KSP itself which was a work in progress for a tiny bit I fall into both categories, I'll keep playing KSP, and may not get 2 right away, even though likely I could run it side by side. I believe they shot too high with the initial marketing of 2, and if they had just overhauled what they are calling the "Core" game and released, then added the other stuff as DLC's when bugs were worked out, then we wouldn't have this fracturing of the fanbase. [opens saved KSP to play until Feb 24th, but not continuously from now ... ]
  7. I believe the equation is (Donuts) Squared = Volumetric Expansion Quotient X M (Current) That or the Kracken has taken over my scale. (Those things LIE! )
  8. If you use scansat, you can use the BTDT too locate the rocks/craters to visit. if not there is a cheat setting to show you their location too, can turn on / off at leisure.
  9. The new release will include a free copy of HL-3, does that assist you with timeline calculations? (you have kursed the group an awakened the Kracken ...}
  10. Glad to hear headway is being made on this, it is not a dealbreaker, but I wondered why only minmus (so far ...)
  11. Sounds like one will have to send landers with paving capabilities for a runway
  12. OMG! What would we all do if someone didnt have an issue? You're fine, we all learn something when one of us has an issue my friend.
  13. I have Planetshine, not sure if I even touched its settings ... will look later...
  14. It happens, not like I'd notice .... no worries GL at least it was easy right?
  15. BR or anyone who knows, City lights are fixed with Parallax, however how might one change the brightness level?
  16. There are two types of players here, those who use and love your stuff, and those about to. We're patient for the fixes, whenever you can get to them!
  17. I got it to do it again, if you look close you can see a slight faint outline of the flames (waterfall) but nothing there ... Not sure of the cause myself, not a dealbreaker either, haven't seen it on kerbin or mun so far, just minmus. Minmus Burn
  18. Thanks! Between you and GamesLinx, who needs KSP2? {Sits on LKO or LMO and admires the scenery .... ahh, so beautiful...)
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