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Everything posted by RW-1

  1. sweet, beat me to it, I was working on this as well ... Good job!
  2. I think the petition should be for Bob to stop spelling his name backwards! It's Bob, not Bob darn it!
  3. Cool! I'll try that! Do you remember which one you found it in?
  4. im not too concerned about it, later on i may yet repost the image, its not a deal breaker by any means, the mod dev himself has not worked on it for quite a bit.
  5. sorry, must have removed the image, for the middle of the camera, no longer get arrows, but ;;;;;;;;;; instead, it must be something I added or not updated, but everything else works
  6. No worries here, appreciate it, not a deal breaker, was shall we say, interesting. Wondered just how high one could get hehehe... I know there are a hell of a lot of interactions you have to look at in this, take your time
  7. It will work with 1-3, there is aconfig to change and the front windows look a bit off, but other than that no isssues
  8. Well, I believe something has occurred, while driving is better, walking is not. I call it the "Stairway to heaven" effect. I was on minmus, and EVA'd to walk a short distance to another ship, as I begin walking, I gain altitude, the VSI doesn't indicate a climb, but I can watch my alt meter rise. If I hold space, ill descend, but also 50/50 I'll jump from there. no log as it doesnt crash o me at all, just the stairway effect, anyone else?
  9. sweet! I knew that I didn't know you'd do it today hehehehehehe ... Ooooh, much nicer driving now, Jeb Approves!
  10. @Gameslinx This totally has revamped my experience! Awesome work! Just when I have made my rovers 20m/s capable, you had to ruin it with rough terrain I too, like akkhor have floating areas of rocks on mun, but I'm just going to wait for your next update to enjoy, it's not yet anywhere a deal breaker for me. [rovers now crawling at 2m/s to not destroy wheels, there are only so many repair packs I brought hehehehe]
  11. 1.11.2 introduces more issues than it supposedly resolves. EVA construction is totally hosed, building out or removing parts on a craft is hopeless, explosions or a kerbal spinning off into darkness doesnt bode well ... going to have to await the next iteration.
  12. I'll try both your suggestions and see what I get ... Also wanted to add, STATION not launched all at once, modules flown up on separate launches as it was expanded. modules moved top various configurations as expansion planned. Likely have many ID's, im assuming I have to look in persistant for this info? I think my issue is there must be many containers since each module was brought up and joined to the core of the station itself. Bu tI leave it to you more experienced to figure out what may be occurring I typically have a ship arrive, and transfer the struts to one of the station modules inventory slots, then use an engineer to go eva on that module and connect them, so all the modules possibly having diff ids makes sense to me (anyway)...
  13. same here, quite annoying! anyone found a fix? 1.11.2 seems to introduce more issues than it solves for existing craft or new, EVA const imo is borked, awaiting next iteration.
  14. * Fix same part collisions invalidating valid EVA construction placement on some parts. I'm hopeful this cures my strut additions on orbit! Well, i guess not. Can anyone explain why if I'm putting struts on my station to assist in rigidity between modules, tat they go into place, but when i return to the station, they are gone, except one anchor for each?
  15. Yeah, i'd like to see that added, for the motors i use for SARJ's, and having them react the same would be good, or im missing something else ....
  16. Eva Construction is terrific! Updating a station i have in orbit, I switched out motors at the base of my power truss with panels. What I noticed, is that each motor now says non-symmetry this part only. Did i miss something in construction mode? I didnt add the motors together (2 of them) but separately, and didnt think of trying as symmetrical such as in the VAB, nor if it's possible. Might there be a way to edit persistant to change it? Thanks ahead of time... Marc
  17. Mk1-3 Capsule, only issue i have is the docking camera, have symbols for what I believe is velocity vectors but they dont look right. Any thoughts to why? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xAeMNz-fcF_iMZWOMibjLykJ3rgbWhyX/view?usp=sharing
  18. Ugh, a question ... Ok, have a station in Kerbin orbit and I've used my engineer to add struts to pieces of it for stability, latest example is a rocomax orange fuel tank (lot o mass) that I need to support so it and the other side of my station doesn't oscillate... I add the struts in building mode with the engineer, and all's good, until I reload it, the struts at the initial anchor points are there, but are no longer attached to my tank. I had this as well between a few other modules and no matter how many times I re-setup that set of struts, they are gone on the next load. Im not shutting down improperly etc, so is it a bug, or am i missing something? Thanks ahead of time
  19. Mk1-3 Capsule, only issue i have is the docking camera, have symbols for what I believe is velocity vectors but they dont look right. Any thoughts to why? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xAeMNz-fcF_iMZWOMibjLykJ3rgbWhyX/view?usp=sharing
  20. Tossing in my request: I'd like a toggle for experiment sounds! After a while, the Goo monitor drives me up a wall .......
  21. SB, I don't use the mask, only took the photo to illustrate what was happening, as I onl;y just discovered why it seemed that my chutes were blocking my side window views. Here's the thing, earlier on when we were patching with the "MK1-3_ASETinternal-patch" cfg file, I had it working ok, Now, maybe that was before 1.10, and now I'm dealing with that. I might re-extract another copy to a different directory and retry loading the mod and patching it, and see what I get.
  22. Ugh, I figured that ... but I swear I had it corrected at one point with the patches, no biggie, just looks weird covering the external windows with chutes to avoid this.
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