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Everything posted by RW-1

  1. Ditto here, have an SSTU docking module and I can't release it from the arm. 1.3.1 Magnet off as well ...
  2. Space shuttle system mod ... Nice mod! Questions, more of a use than issues. 1.3.1 ... In IVA, not seeing mechjeb, latest installed, same for vessel viewer. I finally decided on this shuttle to construct my station, and am using cxaerospace parts. I'm kinda proud of myself getting latest versions of the dependencies installed and working, I have control of the robotics arm, and no issues putting the STS together. - But how do I go about attaching the cxaero parts to the bay? It doesn't want to align and attach. - Do I use the cxaero grapple or the one that comes with the canadarm? - Can I use the APAS from Cxaero as well? I note the default APAS attached to the docking parts included witht he mod, but nothing separate I can attach to modules, or I'm blind ... That's enough to chew on for now, launching Unity this PM .... hehehe ... UPDATE: Well strike that, don't know why, but now when on the pad, hn physics eases in I blow up, and the error is related to SSTUreflectionprobe ... I'm not sure how to correct this.
  3. Hi, Nice mod! Questions, more of a use than issues. 1.3.1 ... In IVA, not seeing mechjeb, latest installed, same for vessel viewer. I finally decided on this shuttle to construct my station, and am using cxaerospace parts. I'm kinda proud of myself getting latest versions of the dependencies installed and working, I have control of the robotics arm, and no issues putting the STS together. - But how do I go about attaching the cxaero parts to the bay? It doesn't want to align and attach. - Do I use the cxaero grapple or the one that comes with the canadarm? - Can I use the APAS from Cxaero as well? I note the default APAS attached to the docking parts included witht he mod, but nothing separate I can attach to modules, or I'm blind ... That's enough to chew on for now, launching Unity this PM .... hehehe ... UPDATE: Well strike that, don't know why, but now when on the pad, hn physics eases in I blow up, and the error is related to SSTUreflectionprobe ... I'm not sure how to correct this.
  4. Either really, if there is a whole ship that's great, but to build with another parts pack sounds interesting as well. For the CxAero parts I'd need a RMS to assemble one on orbit.
  5. Well, after playing for stock so long, I decided to add a challenge and go ASET IVA, love the instrumentation and the cameras! Added mechjeb for boring automated stuff, plus I hate when you have inactive stuff in your new IVA panel , but lets face it, NASA flys by computer, do why not at this point? Ok, so then I found CXA Aerospace aprts, love the APAS, etc. But ... I have no shuttle and arm to go really build up a station, I was "Launching" parts by using rnv cheat to place 150m and then docking, but witht eh realism of the parts and ASET IVA, I'd like to go for a real time station assembly as the new way to enjoy myself. Current mods installed in 1.3.1: ASET, CxAerospace, RPM, mechjeb, DPAI, prob control room, SCANsat, and vessel view. Any recommendations? I know for most I'l lbe adding more dependancies, but with to give this a shot. Thanks beforehand. Marc
  6. Have I missed this for so long? I was just working on an orbital station and went into darkness, but noticed the panels were still tracking Kerbol. I would believe they should return to a "flat" (Installed state-extended) for that duration. But I could be off ...
  7. Well, got it squared away, seems the "panel fit options" was set to "maintain display scaling", I set to "Scale Full Screen" and poof! It's back! Interesting, as I had never had to fool with those options before, but stranger things have occurred.
  8. Career, but with cheats to open it up a bit so I'm not starting from scratch each time ... I think its the enticement of points, science and rep rewards for completion. Nothing wrong with sandbox, great for testing out stuff.
  9. It continues ... Next new build, and same thing, though I manually updated the Intel HD4000 drivers to the latest from Intel's site. At one point though, I got the unable to switch monitor resolution, for this lappy, can't find a particular "monitor" driver either. 1.2.2 no longer working as well, so I know it;s something on the OS side, just frustrating. My main rig is nvidia, but well supported, not worried about it on 10, as it is not taking insider builds.
  10. I don't believe all that that website says... I've had no issues with this build, nor most of the others that came before it. KSP had always worked fine, I'm just surprised. This lappy uses the intel HD 4000 integrated chipset, looked and latest are installed. Been reported already on insider feedback. It's not a dealbreaker for me, I have plenty of systems, this is not a primary one that I play on. Primarily I used to just build with it and then transfer ships to my primary rig for use I agree that it is entirely possible that on the next build it may work too, stranger things have occurred. . .
  11. Hello gang, Unmodded KSP_x64 dir on desktop, earlier this week went to run it and got a video mismatch error for screen size. Pulled the directory and reinstalled, both by installer and by extracting the x64 dir from that package. Not running, just sits on black screen, on occasion the cursor changes to a pointer, but that's it, no loading graphics or info. Drivers are up to date, no other new software installed, anyone else having issues? Marc
  12. Of course it does! I typically figure I'm missing something on the install, before I figure that it's the build, etc. so knowing others have had similar issues is relaxing. Yeah, something under the hood most likely. I'm playing 1.2.9 in a separate folder than 1.2.2 anyways... can wait to try in 1.3, plus look it over first before adding, as AD mod should be in there.
  13. I realize that, so I suppose the question remains, has anyone else tried either of these with 1.2.9 ?
  14. Likely been covered before, and I did search, but ... sigh ... Tried adding asteroid day for 1.2 and parts overhaul to 1.2.9 pre release, but not successful. Placed the folders that were under gamedata into gamedata, like they should be, but parts not showing up. something change I missed? Or was the structure borked?
  15. Very nice, always good to relive those early days ... Wait a minute,I do that with every career restart Enjoy!
  16. In related alternate reality news ... Verizon Wireless announced today the end of $$$$ Vampirism of its customers, beginning with the Google Pixel, you can unlock, mod, and purchase the phone without extra fees, and in addition, get updates on the same day as Google releases them. No Man's Sky Developer Hello Games sends an invite to the departing dev's. "Come work for us and improve NMS, we need it to be as promised, not delivered" Mark Zuckerberg announces that Facebook apps will no longer hose phones like a virus. On a very tiny link at the bottom of Valve's main website, it was announced that the link to Half Life 3 can finally be purchased, click there. Drug ad's are no longer allowed on broadcast television, instead, more ads for eating right and staying fit. Well, if you believe any of the above .... [Making more carmel kettle corn to watch this]
  17. [Eating fresh popcorn] I like this show, it's exciting! [making carmel kettle corn for the next episode ... "As the Kerbal Krashes" or "Days of Squad's Lives"]
  18. That's true as well, they may not. Action or inaction will only lead to more assumptions.
  19. Spin is spin,looking forward to seeing how Squad continues to try to spin this into something good, might even be more entertaining than the General Election. They had to announce 1.2 because the departing Dev's beat them to it with the departure notice, not that they didn't know about it or fathom it occurring with 1.2 set for release. [Settles in for the two big shows]
  20. Simple really, someone left their Note 7 near the second stage ... http://www.androidpolice.com/2016/09/01/samsung-galaxy-note-7-recall-due-exploding-batteries-might-imminent/ Really, we can speculate, but I'm sure they'll announce later today/tomorrow what occurred, etc.
  21. Oh they kind of did. There's no way Apollo designs would have been man rated today, forgot the site that talked about this however ...
  22. You won't encounter the middle distance conundrum if when setting up your initial encounter you match up planes. Match Orbit planes, then when you select it as a target and have a intercetion point, when at that point, make a burn prograde (or retro if you have the height) to bring your sep down to under 2Km, and then you won't have to deal with it. From my experience and watching others, it's when you don't have the planes matched that you run into this, because they'll burn to get closer, but differing trajectories cancel it out. Or you "drift" away.
  23. If you like KSP, you will love this, depending on your mobile device of course: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Stormtide.SatelliteCommandFull&hl=en https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/satellite-command/id1122639306?mt=8 Apologies if already posted, or if links for it are not acceptable, mod's may remove if so. I'm not affiliated with the devs in any way, just like the game.
  24. Pokemon [players] will continue to screw things up. Those of us who have played Ingress (look it up, an the pokestops/gyms are from our portals to boot) have done so for FOUR YEARS without being noticed at museums, parks, other landmarks, etc. We have not walked off cliffs, gotten robbed, gotten stuck in a tree, hit police cars while playing (all listed, documented occurrences of pokemorons). We too, have no remorse for those pokemorons who get in the way, it's basicaly Darwinism, remove them from the gene pool and everyone benefits!
  25. Because you're, Human. and even with 500+ people checking stuff, things happen: Gravity sensor installed backwards on Genesis. Mars lander burn up due to miscalculations (metric vs imperial) I'd go on, but those two stand out for the length of time (and then the mishap) before it was discovered.
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