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Everything posted by RW-1

  1. Oleo struts ? Shock Absorbers ? For future mods ....
  2. I was thinking this morning about possibly a smaller app that interfaces thru the network (phone on wifi, PC or mac on same) and could function as a multifunction control panel / display. Think about it, toggles, even a joystick interface could possibly be implemented to send keystrokes and axis movements to the main program ... Alas it's always easier to think about what could be done, than to actually code it
  3. A mobile version of KSP! We could kick simple rockets outta there .... hehehe. I'm sure it has been discussed ...
  4. Ok, so now we can petition Squad to give each different colored spacesuits for a reason, instead of aesthetics, (of course, we've already had our own version of redshirts for quite a while
  5. Yes, not to be slammed here but when I read the thread I thought "What's the big deal?" you launch and go west instead of east, a little more DV but other than that it's all the same ...
  6. Is Jool's atmosphere that thick now that being 10Km in and you're getting re-entry effects? Or were you flying by that fast in the upper atmosphere?
  7. I've never had a bad word for Squad, nor the people who were given the opportunity to test out the software pre-release. I believe in that Squad, for whatever reason, fell victim to their own hypetrain for a 1.0 release. don't know the exact reasoning, and don't care: I got an update to a terrific program, and I didn't have to pay for it. Plain and simple. I certainly have received my payments worth a couple times over. already. There is so much put into this, that I don't see any release that comes out that will "fix" everything without imparting other bugs, nuisances or annoyances. I consider them challenges until fixes are in place. Humans are involved, mistakes can be made, the re-entry heatshield thing seems to just have been an omission - flip a 1 to a 0 and fixed (unless that was the temp fix and the actual one is more involved.) Using that one as an analogy here, yes, it slipped past, but throwing out curses and being negative on the BB doesn't do squad squat (see what I said there? ) Make the report, send it in and play. Hell there are so many here that are fairly expert with the configuration and code of the software that someone already had a temp fix in place within a day. Yep DrD, even "releases" ..... Lastly, IMHO, if you have had the game for a long time and are complaining, my thought is "you've played how many iterations of this without paying extra for it? hmm?" Squad could have just said that 1.0 would not be covered for early adopters, and with all the clambering (see what I said there? ) going on about this release, who says the next one needs to be free to all of us? I look forward to playing with 1.0 shortly (haven't been able to for a couple of days) and look forward to 1.0.1 or whatever you guys decide to call it.
  8. I lost Jeb trying out a dual return spacecraft for tourists. I had a hitchhiker module with heatshield, and above that a mk1 capsule with heatshield. I was hoping to take advantage of the larger physics bubble on separation, however I didn't separate before re-entry (which I need to try). So during re-entry, the mk1 blew up, though I was able to stage and pop the chutes on the hitchhiker and the tourists were saved. BTW, if you have a tourist that wants three different locations, you can do one, bring them back, then add them to a mission to another location, etc. Until you happen to hit all on their list. doesn't have to be at once, but within the total time of the contract...
  9. Perhpas this finally ties into them saying the shielded ones were "recoverable", since you can no longer retract the un-shielded ones, good luck surviving an atmosphere on reentry, they'll break off.
  10. Alas, She died in an out of control Capsule return and explosion (I had batt juice, but think it ran out and lost sas hold), I had stepped away from system for a moment ...
  11. They picked a hell of a day to do that eh? Perhaps there is no migration, it's a placeholder page to hold us at bay. (That's what I'd do ... )
  12. Surprised no one said it yet - Take it at Night ....
  13. Originally Posted by r4pt0r This is the forum equivalent to holding the world record for eating the most sticks of butter. Please don't set a new personal best. Geez, I wouldn't want to be near the rear of the person who won that about 3-4 hours later, especially if they were intolerant of butter ... Parkay! Butter! Parkay! BUTTER! PARKAY! HYPE!
  14. 1. I agree with this, but knowing the masses, we would be condoning mass murder of many many Kerbals due to misallocation of supplies "Nothing like landing on Laythe and forgetting the ore to O2 Converter Jeb!" Ooh, that would bring to mind the next step after resources - Terraforming. Laythe to a breathable atmosphere, yes, you would have to have squad really up the warping to see it happen hehehe.....
  15. This. forget numbers, launch and turn so that it comes close to the contract orbit. then circularize and maybe make small aN or dN adjustments, and if you went the correct direction (pro/ret) then you'll get it.
  16. Darn, I just kinda knew it's location on the continent, and knowing that continent's relativity to the others was never a problem for me. For reentries from either prograde or retrograde orbits, you don't have to know where KSC is, just your deorbit burn points for what you're doing, and you'll get there, and those are not over KSC. Just MO ...
  17. What is it about these larger ships that is giving you trouble? Larger ships - larger mass to work with, and affectionately you need "moar thrusters" and placement to make sure that when you are using the tug and that payload that it isn't offset from COM (IOW RCS is evenly spaced from COM on the tug/payload, makes a huge difference in control), which I'm only assuming is the issue, if not let us know.
  18. I have moments of where thinking sandbox is cheating somehow, however it comes down to that you don't get the rewards when you do stuff there. Career is fun to do but can get tedious, you can make it more frustrating by turning off options, nothing like creating a masterpiece and forgetting one item, and knowing you already hit space to launch it hehehe.... So periodically I wipe out my career and start over with enough funds and science to skip some of the basics, but I do love the challenges.
  19. Have to agree here. I play stock, no mods, and it runs fine on my machine, maybe one crash in a month... 32 bit is not the death of anything: there are too many applications out there that run 32, a majority in fact, and they will continue to do so, and be supported by processor architecture; backwards compatibility.
  20. All of you are wrong - you all installed it first, demo or otherwise. Now, if the question had been "what was the first thing you did after launching KSP for the first time?" then .... Launched a capsule to about 6000M, came back down on chute.
  21. Sadly, I lost a 2 crewed lander at Tylo, they were coming in from Bop, and I had a SOI capture, however (Doh) I warped just a little fast, and came out lower than expected _IOW not a low AP, but going down to the surface hehehe), with not enough time to blast out into orbit, just poor planning on my part. I't been a blast with .90, I'm looking forward to 1.0 to begin yet again
  22. Would having it disabled result in a different message about status (currently reads operational). Just for the hell of it, try cntrl-F12 and hack unlimited fuel on/off, that might kick it back on for you, nothing to lose there.
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