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Everything posted by Kobymaru

  1. TBH I'm not that worried about the Memory, I'm more worried that the cache will be hit much much less and the CPU load will be way too high. Thanks for the note! TBH I'm not really for "scale factors", especially if we know that without the cache, the calculations are precise.
  2. Yes, it should show. Yes, please do whip up some pics. Bear in mind that on bodies with high rotation rate (such as Gilly or Minmus), the impact point might be on the other side of where the trajectory ends at the moment of prediciton.
  3. Sorry, I misread that and only saw "unable to reproduce" I can reproduce this and will work on a fix. Also, how can you launch the rocket in map view? Staging is disabled there Correct order: 3) Create a rocket that has the following parts (all stock) 4) Hit spacebar to launch the rocket 5) Go to map view 6) Press the trajectories button to activate the mod 7) Lock the game with NaN errors. I'll investigate this. Anyone who wants to help is welcome.
  4. You might want to read through this: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-support/wiki/Adding-a-mod-to-the-CKAN#help-i-need-to-overwrite-another-mods-files It even specifically mentions TAC-LS: you should provide a package TACLS-Config-US-HumanConsumption or something which in terms provides the TACLS-Config package. Also, something about Module Manager is mentioned so maybe you can fix it this way too.
  5. Thanks for the note! I have seen this before and it is definitely a trajectories error, but I couldn't find a reliable way to reproduce it yet. If you're interested in helping out, you could try to find the conditions where the error occurs! There is some career-disabling logic in place, but TBH at least the Toolbar Logo should be displayed. Could you check that you installed it correctly? Which version do you use? Does it work in Sandbox mode? - - - Updated - - - Regarding the accuracy issues, I have good news and bad news. More info in the dev thread.
  6. I've got good news and bad news. Good news first. I found the culprit of the inaccuracies when FAR is used! Turns out the cache system uses a constant altitude (half the atmosphere height) for Mach Number calculation (see VesselAerodynamicModel.cs, Line 228-230). This means the Mach number is wrong for pretty much all of the trajectory. Disabling the cache (see VesselAerodynamicModel.cs, Line 463) fixes everything. I hit the KSP runway the first time I tried it. Now the bad news: Apparently, without the cache system the performance degrades dramatically and makes the game unplayable. So much for that :/ Any ideas how to proceed now? My wild guesses are: - Temporarily using a much lower altitude for Mach Number calculation, because that's where most of the forces go missing. - Somehow (???) improving calculation performance of the trajectory
  7. Sorry, can't reproduce this at the moment. Will pay attention and come back if I have some details.
  8. The alarm is one day away :/ But maybe when I first set it, it was too close and after I added some orbits it did not re-update the node.
  9. Usually, this is an issue of wrong AoA settings. Trajectories can't (or rather won't) guess your flying, so you can set the AoA (or the pitch) in the descent profile. It defaults to 0°, but if you reenter with a single capsule and point retrograde, it should be -180°. Try that first. Also, which versions of Trajectories and NEAR are you using? Oh, and also wings dont work yet. If you have wings, your prediction will be wrong.
  10. Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that your Idea of combining the packs was EPIC It goes perfectly with CKAN. That is all. kthxbai
  11. Sorry, this has probably been asked before: If I enable a maneuver node autodetect alarms and add a maneuver node, why is it sometimes gray and doesn't stop timewarp?
  12. I love you guys! Predictions are actually perfect with NEAR. I will investigate this further, before any of the Staging talk if you don't mind. This has been bugging me for weeks now
  13. Please check the FAR version number by clicking on the FAR button and reading the title in the main window. Only FAR 0.14.6 is currently supported.
  14. Version 1.1.2 released! Nothing new, except - Fix NEAR support Please download from the usual places. I have the same problem. I'd love to tackle this one first. All the drag calculations for the trajectories are done by FAR itself, so I don't think so Fixed in 1.1.2. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Fixed when Kerbalstuff goes back from Readonly mode. I love this idea, but I have no clue how to implement that. I don't think it would be impossible though. Feel free to poke your noses in the code! There's a new section in the OP, called "Contributing", you might want to flick through it. First sentence: "This mod is a community project!" I feel that this is not something a user should "work around" TBH, I think that's the smallest problem of all Teaching FAR to temporarily calculate only one stage however, ... I'm sorry what? Both FAR and NEAR should be supported, and are since the last patch. It should "work", but then again we do have the accuracy problems.
  15. That's a good question, really. Something's fishy about the AoA settings anyway, because: - There's +180° and -180° which should would be the same position on a circle - I think the "best" setting is -180° if you enter retrograde. Best to try it out. I'll have to look into that next. About rescaled Kerbin: I don't know. Maybe just try it and report your findings here Thanks, I will look into that. Stock revamp has nothing to do with it; apparently there's an incompatibility between NEAR and trajectories that needs to be fixed. Stay tuned for updates.
  16. Not long, about an hour before the post. I just wanted to know how to proceed.
  17. Ok, thanks. Fixed in a new build. Please re-download from GitHub. I'm just glad you wrote it. And I'd be super happy if you could stay around with advice and patches, since a great part of the code is still magic to me
  18. Thanks! I reuploaded a new build with the proper version number.
  19. Hey guys, stupid question: I updated my Mod to a new version and now I want it to show up in CKAN. It's already in the NETKAN Repo, and the updated version is uploaded to GitHub and KerbalStuff. What's left to do now?
  20. Alrighty, Version 1.1.1 released! In this version, Reenabled FAR support Fix g-loading estimate Note: If FAR is used, this version only works with FAR 0.14.6 or above. Download from KerbalStuff or GitHub (or CKAN once I figure out how to upload new versions there).
  21. Nice! I'll take down the DLL link then. Also, is there a NEAR dev build? Some people need it apparently.
  22. I guess not? I don't use NEAR. But I assume i could upload a patched NEAR version as well. Give me a day or two.
  23. As you wish. Here is a pre-release and recompiled FAR version. Don't tell Ferram https://github.com/fat-lobyte/KSPTrajectories/releases/tag/v1.1.1.0-pre1 Edit: as Tebryn pointed out, you can obtain a recent dev version of FAR from here: https://github.com/ferram4/Ferram-Aerospace-Research/raw/master/GameData/FerramAerospaceResearch/Plugins/FerramAerospaceResearch.dll
  24. Thanks the hint, I fixed it in the repo and the fix will be included in the next release. Thanks, I found it. Also, "A body in free fall experiences "0-g"" as Wikipedia puts it, so I subtracted the gravitational pull from the acceleration. It's not about accuracy. There is a bug in FAR and if you use Trajectories with it, your game will lock up completely. Please wait until the next FAR/Trajectories release, then it will be reenabled. If people need it badly, I could post a prerelease and a recompile of FAR
  25. Yeah, that's always preferable We should take advantage of the fact that the KSP community is so close and Mod authors are just around the Forum corners
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