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Everything posted by Kobymaru

  1. If you're talking about SSTO's with RAPIERS, this is a known Issue and should be fixed hopefully soon:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/18230-1-0-4-Kerbal-Engineer-Redux-v1-0-18-0?p=2217715&viewfull=1#post2217715 If not, please provide detailed instructions on how to reproduce your problem to the Kerbal Engineer Redux thread.
  2. Hi! I have a few questions about asteroid mining with the Community Ressource Pack: - Which ressources can be contained in Asteroids? Is it only Ore and Water, or others as well? - Is there a way to tell which ressource an Asteroid is made of before coming in Physics range? - If I come in the asteroids physics range, how can I tell what the asteroid is made of? Do I have to actually use drills and see what comes "out", or is there a simpler way, like a scanner or something?
  3. Well that's the question, isn't it? I'm not sure, but I think it's UKS that's responsible for that. Here's my mod-list:
  4. I'm gonna be rude for a bit and piggyback on the question: My Install has a mod which apparently makes it possible that an Asteroid is made out of Water (Ice, I guess) instead of Ore. Had that once, and was kinda disappointed because I designed my craft with the expectation of free fuel. (Still "mined" it to make it lighter and could complete the mission). So is there something that I can do if my 'Roid is made of water instead of Ice? Can I turn that into fuel somehow? Is there any way to tell before I get in physics range? Or do I actually have to send a reconnaissance probe?
  5. Which reminds me... http://munchies.vice.com/articles/we-spoke-to-the-guy-who-spent-six-months-and-1500-making-a-sandwich
  6. Well, my smallest Spaceplane has 6 seats, and the the fuel costs about 2.500 per trip. That would be about 400 Kerbucks.
  7. Ok, I see. I tried this version and I still have the gray buttons bug. I think I'm just gonna have to accept that it's not working for me.
  8. I really like the new atmosphere compared to the previous one. It feels much more realistic, and now I don't feel that I'm cheating if I don't have FAR installed. A few things still irk me: - Occlusion only works for parts in a stack. Even if one part is clearly "behind" another part, it still creates a lot of drag. This is especially nasty for struts. If you want to strut your noodle-plane, no matter where, even "inline", they still create drag and heat up on reentry. - Attaching air intakes to the *back* of engines, rotating them into the airstream and offsetting them away from the exhaust stream actually *reduces* drag. No, really. - I still haven't gotten a single plane to stall. Flatspins - yes. But no stalling. Is that even a thing in Stock aero? - Eve and Jool atmospheres are *super* mean. If you just so much as scratch the atmosphere (like 5km below the cutoff), you burn off all of your surface attached assets. Sad kerbal. I kinda wish they would hire Ferram. That voxelizing thing sounds amazing.
  9. Am I? It's listed under the freight category, so I figured it would be part of USI-Freight And the not calm part was supposed to be a joke. But oh well... Sorry for that.
  10. Hi! Im having some weirdness with the MK-V Supply Redi-Pak. I tried to use it to store some EnrichedUranium for an outer system probe (is there any smaller container for it btw?. If I switch to the NuclearFuels using the "Next Texture"-button, the cost of the vehicle becomes negative! And if I launch it, I indeed create magical funds for the amount of the negative cost. Happens with the "Commodities" (ExoticMinerals+RareMetals) too, btw. My Modlist: Is my install borked, or is this a bug? Or am I being bribed to not steal so much precious Uranium off Kerbin? Is that what's happening?? On a sidenote, why does the *empty* Pak's cost change so much depending on the (nonexisting) contents?
  11. While you're at it, could you also update the thread title? From it, the mod looks kinda unsupported which couldn't be further from the truth
  12. I poked around the interwebs a bit and this fact did not seem apparent to me. Sorry that I started those rumors. Honestly, I haven't seen much jerkiness in the discussion. Most posters have simply explained their preference for TAC-LS (because we're in a TAC-LS thread; in a USI-LS, more people would preferer USI-LS). However, I am still conflicted about which mod to use. I think they are both great. I like your idea of simplicity, kerbalness and gameplay, but I also like TaranisElsu's research and accuracy on Real-Life Life-Support systems. Regarding that, I am actually pleased to read arguments for or against one or the other mod because it can help me make up my own mind. I understand. But also I still haven't decided and want to hear peoples opinions. If I were to open a "TAC vs USI"-Thread, would that be closed immediately?
  13. No help here, only Sympathy. I know this bug, and I noticed it first with a single stack separator. I recently noticed it again when I was synchronizing communication satellites around Ike: the orbital period was increasing one second every second without thrust or rotation. So it's definitely real. Unfortunately, in order to fix that, the Devs would have to dig very very deep into the physics code, which traditionally they aren't inclined to do. So from me just another sad Kerbal: - - - Updated - - - Well I do have workarounds for you though: - 1m/5s is not very much. For normal-precision maneuvers such as transfer burns it doesn't really matter. You could simply ignore it. - Someone mentioned that no drift occurs above 100 km Altitude. You could try orbiting above that. - Also, the drift only occurs while physics are active. If you are extremely OCD on the zeros of your altitude, you can try lowering the apoapsis under your target altitude, waiting for it to raise up by magic and then go into timewarp, effectively "locking" the vessel into its current orbit. I have to say due to physics inaccuracies, I have used the timewarp-locking technique way too many times.
  14. On one hand, I really, really hate low Framerates. It hurts my eyes, the controls are sluggish, the game runs so much slower... It's a PITA. On the other hand I cannot and will not reduce my vehicle capabilities in favor of part count. Of course, if I can use a part that replaces multiple parts functionally, I will. But not if using fewer parts make my vehicle "worse". This is just one comprise that I am not willing to make. I really, really hope for a 10%-20% performance boost from Unity 5 alone, plus a 50% performance boost from a fix of the ressource request bug. I know that might be a bit optimistic, but it's the only way I can keep myself from going (ãƒŽà ² ç›Šà ² )ノ彡ââ€Â»Ã¢â€Âââ€Â»
  15. I'm less worried about stock parts, however, I'm more worried about Mods taking weeks to add compatibility However, I have a "contingency plan": - Depending on how the Antenna features will work out, I'll dump RemoteTech. In this case, I'll try to savefile-edit my Relay Network probes to use the new stock antennas. If that doesn't work, I consider those probes lost. - I'm still playing with the idea of switching from TAC-LS to USI-LS, because I have a feeling that RoverDude will be quite a bit faster in porting USI-LS to 1.1. For that, I have already started to use mostly surface-mounted supplies-containers so I can easily pop them off with KIS. I even "rebuilt" old crafts so that in-stack containers are easily removed with KIS - I plan to bring all of my space-assets with incompatible parts back to Kerbin so that they can undergo maintenance and so I can replace any parts It looks like a lot of work, but I think I'm gonna go through with this, for one sole reason: I already restarted my career twice, but if I always restart my career everytime a new version is out, then I will never get "far" in the game. I really want to improve my existing infrastructure and capabilities instead of building up *everything* from scratch once again.
  16. If you use the Kerbal Alarm Clock mod, the save is backed up everytime you use the "Jump to Ship" feature. This has saved my S on many occasions.
  17. Well, I would agree, but this is out of line with the stock parts: The Solar Panels always show the current flow, the Engines show zero kN thrust and zero fluel flow when idle and zero ISP when not activated. RemoteTech also shows zero power usage when the antenna is deactivated. So while you may be right individually, I feel that sometimes consistency is more important than being right. Either way, I think there needs to be a clue right inside the action menu whether the processor is enabled and drawing power or not.
  18. Believe it or not, "realistic" is not an antonym for "fun". For me for example, solving more realistic engineering problems is a lot more fun than working around game limitations.
  19. Hi. Patched Conics lie. That's a fact. This is incredibly annoying. How the heck am I supposed to know if there is going to be an encounter? Any way to fix that? This is exactly the kind of bugs that make this game not fun to play. I posted it into the modded section because my game is modded, but I'm pretty darn sure this is not a Mods fault. - - - Updated - - - Actually, this is a stock Issue. I managed to de-mod the save file and it still occurs (obviously). Here are the save files: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1414175/ksp/quicksave-patchedconicslie.sfs https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1414175/ksp/persistent-patchedconicslie.sfs The vessel is called "COMSAT-Duna 3". Knock yoursef out. Also, dear Mods, please move this to the Support (unmodded install) forum.
  20. Hi guys, I have a question: I have a kOS CompoMax Radial Tubeless processor onboard a probe which claims to requires 0.24 ec/s. If I use the "Toggle Power" button in the part menu, the power use is succesfully stopped. However, the readout still says "Required Power: 0.24". Is that intentional? Shouldn't that display the current power usage?
  21. In this case the FL-T400 is the root part. However in all other SSTO's that show a similar problem, it's not.
  22. Yes, it's a stock Vessel, hower it's very awkward to fly and I don't want to waste your time. I found a much simpler way to trigger the bug (or maybe a different one, lol) Apparently, if the tank that contains the Oxidizer does not have any more LiquidFuel, the dV readout is zero even if other LiquidFuel is available.
  23. I feel ya. I had this with my Minmus refueling base. I sat down and wanted to make an awesome base, and it just wasn't in my head. I had to go on hiatus for a week until the muse struck me. It's ok, but it does it's job and I finally got around to liking it:
  24. Yes, yes you are. Then again, so am I. I just can't live with simply clicking the X-Button in the tracking station, it feels like cheating. When I play other games, I sometimes let KSP run in the background at 4x time accel. to deorbit old debris. Recently I have taken to using my SSTO's launches that have delivered payloads to de-orbit derelict ships piece-by-piece. Sometimes they even pay for the whole mission!
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