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Everything posted by Kobymaru

  1. Hey guys, I was wondering: are there RO and RP-0 balanced configs for the Stock antenna system? I think it's mostly about the antenna ranges, masses and e/c consumption. I'm coming to realize (once again) that RemoteTech just isn't fun for me, and back when I played stock, the antenna system gave a good enough challange. ps.: How do you do ullage with RemoteTech?
  2. Yes, airbrakes are currently broken in Trajectories, sorry about that. There is already a [GitHub issue](https://github.com/neuoy/KSPTrajectories/issues/58) about that and I will take a look.
  3. OK, so performance and precision comparisons are up, fresh off the press: https://github.com/neuoy/KSPTrajectories/pull/121#issuecomment-354307994 Of course, everyone is welcome to verify my results on their machines.
  4. Hm, isn't that implemented in the old GUI already? No! Unless you want to of course But there is no hurry, take as much time as you want I think so too, but before releasing I want to get a good amount of testing in. I will also formally submit a PR for the Integrator branch so people can verify what has happened.
  5. Hi @PiezPiedPy, I was wondering: how's the current state of the GUI? Is it ready for public consumption? I was toying with the idea of a 2.0 release, with the new GUI and the Integrator. What do you think about that?
  6. Hey guys, a little heads up: I've been playing with my Runge-Kutta 4 integrator and I think I've made a little breakthrough. Precision seems better than before for most situations, performance a bit better and all that without the cache. My game plan now is to see if I can further increase the stepsize (better perfomance!) without losing too much precision. In the end, there should be a slider where users can choose their desired stepsize (performance-precision tradeoff). People with a compiler can check out my branch here: https://github.com/fat-lobyte/KSPTrajectories/tree/integrator For people without one, I will cobble together a testing release tomorrow so you can help me identify any potential issues. Cheers!
  7. Yeah, I saw that after my post but I wondered why this was the case. Depends, do [Workrkshops] get boosted by other [Workshops]? I shouldn't think so. And if they are not ,then there wouldn't be any problems. Thanks, but nothing in there for our fabrication robot friends.
  8. Hi guys, question about the [Workshops] module of the inflatable Workshop: I have two parts on my vessel, one is the MKS 'Tundra' Assembly Plant, one is the MKS 'Tundra' Mobile Workshop. They are both configured to produce Machinery. Screenshot: Uncrewed, both converters run at 5 % efficiency. When turning on the [Workshop] module of the inflatable workshop, the efficiency of Assembly Plant is boosted (in my example to 8%), while the efficiency of the MKS 'Tundra' Mobile Workshop is not! What is the difference between those two? Is there a way to boost the efficiency of the MKS 'Tundra' Mobile Workshop?
  9. I don't know, but I would very much appreciate it if you tried it out, and gave us a detailed report back here
  10. Sorry, I don't quite get this one. If you enable trajectory display and put down a maneuver node, you should get the trajectory display no matter how far you are zoomed in. I am pretty sure that this is not normal behaviour and a bug.
  11. Thanks, that seems to work! With one Ranger and one Tundra Workshop set to [workshop], i get about 11-15 % production, depending on how many converters I have turned on. Maybe, but I wanted to try something different for a change.
  12. Hi! I wanted to do something new and Instead of going the usual "Kerbals do everything" route, I wanted to rely on automation as much as possible. My plan is to send a small-ish ship in advance that uses local resources to produce a stock of MaterialKits and Machinery, and only *then* send my Kerbals in to finish and inhabit the base. The new Material Processing units are great for that. However, it's a bit slow to produce anything useful out of it. Without Kerbals The Tundra Mobile Workshop and the Assembly plant can produce Machinery/MaterialKits only at 5 % of their capacity! I was wondering if there is anything short of a Kerbal that can speed things up? Are there some sort of Bonuses that can boost my production output? I understand that automated production at full speed would be quite unbalanced - but a rate of 5% is a bit too meager in my opinion.
  13. Yes, it's probably still broken. I will take a look at it when I have time, which is not now.
  14. That's funny, because I think nowadays, FAR predictions are broken Yep, it was. Thanks! Luckily it was as simple as one missing variable.
  15. https://github.com/neuoy/KSPTrajectories/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-report-bugs
  16. Yeah, so that's clearly a bug, this is supposed to actually work. I'll take a look.
  17. No one said that. I even specifically said that it is very playable and also very fun. But there is still plenty of room for improvement, and all I mean was the observation that the needed improvement is probably not going to happen anymore. Actually I would prefer several small patches. Because if they are small, then the chance of compatilibity problems will be miniscule. So mod authors could just say "compatible with all versions from 1.3.0 to 1.3.99", and trust in squad that they won't break things with minor patches (anymore).
  18. I know that's it's a big thing, internally, and I acknowledge that it's important. But for players with sufficient english skills, 1.3 was a version bump with no visible changes. That's pretty much what I read every week: "bugs begin fixed, QA testing, etc." Usually no specifics, and if anything it's pretty minor things like runway seams and wrong shadows. And that is good if that's chugging along slowly - but there is no ambition anymore to make larger improvements. We all know that the wheel physics have big problems, we also know that the engines and capsules are unbalanced. That's also "bugfixing", but the effort for fixing it is bigger. And that's what they don't do anymore. At least not according to anything I read that's public.
  19. A release devoid of features and the complete focus of all development and communication towards a DLC. For months now, we've only been hearing about localization and the expansion. There seems to be no drive, no desire anymore to improve the stock game (save for some stuff needed for the expansion). No Art passes on the Rocket parts, no fixing of wheels, no balance pass on the engines and capsules, no visual overhaul (remember the former Producer Maxmaps publicly dreaming of a KSP that looks as great as the EVE mod?). When was the last time you heard something like "we are not content with how this core system is behaving, so we want to invest significant work to improve it"? Don't get me wrong - the game is great and I enjoy playing it. But there are things in need of fixing (devs obviously disagree with players on just how much that is), and not only are they not getting fixed, there isn't even talk anymore that there is something worth fixing in the first place. It's all about the expansion now. I would be suprised to see a KSP 1.4 at all, and I would be even more surprised if this hypothetical KSP 1.4 had real significant changes and improvements. I think it's all DLC's from here on out.
  20. If you check the main thread (and the first post) you will find that I added a build for 1.2.2.
  21. I don't have numbers obviously, but my subjective feeling is that pretty much everyone says "I know it doesn't matter, but I'll just let the periapsis < 70km, cuz I want to be a good citizen". Interesting that you have a different perception.
  22. Why not just set the NavBall to "Surface", disable Moderation (or set limiter to 30) and pitch up to 30 Degrees manually?
  23. Realistically, it will never get bad at all, you will not run into the risk of ever hitting debris accidentally. However, most players (including me) are kind of OCD and just don't like leaving garbage around. If you're one of those, you should deorbit it. If you're not, there's really no point.
  24. So I added a new build of the latest version of Trajectories 1.7.0 for KSP 1.2.2 which can be downloaded here. Don't expect these build to be around forever and please update your KSP version eventually. The next version will probably have features that make it incompatible with KSP versions < 1.3.0.
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