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Everything posted by Kobymaru

  1. Release should come soon-ish, if you can't wait then there's a pre-Release somewhere in the thread that should work with 1.3. I'm on the fence about releasing the In-Flight Trajectory lines feature, because there is clearly some coordinate mess-up going on that I would like to work out. If I can clear that up, it'll be in the new version. If not, then I guess I'll release an "experimental build" for the early-birds that can help me debug the issues.
  2. Please narrow down your Mods to the minimal combination where this bug still occurs, check if it occurs for every vessel in every situation (or just specific ones) and then post logs, preferrably in a pastebin somewhere. Yeah, that's a problem. I tried to use Trajectories for an Eve-Atmospheric entry, and the prediction was so wrong that it was completely useless. Puppies cried tears that day. This is a tough one to fix, but help is of course appreciated. I think I'll proceed to write some sort of Telemetry/Logging module, because I need to "see" the numerical values to start to figure out what's wrong. Well I always said "not to be implemented unless I get pull requests". And while DennyTX was not willing to contribute to Trajectories directly, he did set a nice (almost copy-pastable) code example with his Landing Aim mod. And that's what happens when I get code examples But even so, I'm still having trouble with keeping the aiming reticle on top of the surface and the trajectory line from drifting about. The feature still has some baking left to do.
  3. Hi, what exactly is "World Space" and how does it relate to the position vectors in KSP? Specifically, to FlightGlobals.currentMainBody.position and FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.transform.position ? I'm trying to draw some lines using Vectrosity from a set of coordinates. That worked using the Unity.LineRenderer, but when I try to use the very same coordinates for rendering of Vectrosity.VectorLine, the lines go out straight out of the screen and behave weirdly when rotating the camera. ps.: Is there some sort of "reference frame guide" for KSP? I keep getting confused by World/Body-Relative/Krakensbane/Surface-Relative and all kinds of coordinate systems.
  4. Well my idea was to integrate it into KerbalEngineer because that provides a nice Framework and already takes care of some of the calculations. Since I don't know your math, I don't know how well the fit would be. Also, I don't know if it's ever gonna get merged, so we might have to consider writing an own plugin for that. Also, I believe @linuxgurugamer might be interested because he's writing an autopilot for suicide burns and has been having trouble with the math. Unfortunately, I can't promise to have a whole lot of time for coding in the near future
  5. Sorry about that, I saw some in your code and just assumed they are the reason why AA works so well.
  6. There are people like @Boris-Barboris who say that PID controllers are from our Grandparents time, and Neural Nets are all the Rage nowadays Those are also implemented very nicely in AtmosphereAutopilot if you want to take a look. About the whole "horizontal velocity component", I tried to do some research and I posted some of my results over here: tl; dr: It's not as easy as it looks, and you'll probably have to do a numeric simulation because there are no formulas. But then again, I would love to be proven wrong. That's why I'm very very curious by now about your implementation
  7. This is how I can reproduce it: Press Alt-Tab, you are now in Windows Desktop Press Alt-Tab until KSP is selected or KSP is selected in the task bar Observe that the mouse behaves as if Alt was still held down (displays "currently selected" with the ship info) Thanks for opening the bug but don't sweat it, it's very low priority due to the simple workaround
  8. There is a minor (almost microscopic ) annoyance that I have with EVS: When I alt-tab out of the game, then I go back into the game, EVS acts as if I am holding down the Alt-Key (highliting vessels under the mouse, showing vessel info), when I am not. The workaround is to just tap they Alt key. This is super low priority obviously, but I was wondering if it could be fixed if it were a fairly simple thing?
  9. Also, I can't even seem to get the Icon to show up. Tried both the release from SpaceDock and to compile it myself, and on 2 computers and a total of 3 different installs. DLL seems to be loaded, can even set a breakpoint in FixedUpdate(), but IsLandingAid never turns true. Maybe has something to do with this exception: [ERR 23:03:20.664] NameToLayer is not allowed to be called from a MonoBehaviour constructor (or instance field initializer), call it in Awake or Start instead. Called from MonoBehaviour 'LandingAim' on game object 'cupola'. See "Script Serialization" page in the Unity Manual for further details. UnityEngine.LayerMask:GetMask(String[]) LandingAim.LandingAim:.ctor() UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent(Type) Part:AddModule(String, Boolean) Part:AddModule(ConfigNode, Boolean) PartLoader:ParsePart(UrlConfig, ConfigNode) <CompileParts>c__Iterator62:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) Is this Mod working for you guys? Am I just too stupid? ps.: But seriously, I'd love it if you took a look into merging your code into Trajectories. We have a list of Surface-Relative coordinates for the calculated trajectory (including Aerodynamic forces!!) which you could use as a guide instead of the orbital trajectory. Worst case, I'd probably steal your code if that's OK.
  10. Really curious about how you did the timing Can it do landings with a high horizontal velocity component as well?
  11. But... but why not integrate it into trajectories? I take pull requests, you know.
  12. There was actually a bug in KSP, a long long time ago that did the exact same thing. But that was fixed, obviously.
  13. The current plan is to release it when KSP 1.3.0 drops.
  14. They had one built into the Geforce Experience, but since it now requires you to be logged in for some reason I don't use it any more. You have 2 other options: FRAPS: fairly simple, but limited, and has a watermark OpenBroadcast: Powerfull streaming/screen recording tool, but is a bit weird to set up
  15. That's what I meant: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/blob/DEVELOP/FOR_RELEASE/GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/CHANGELOG.txt Sorry, didn't see that before.
  16. Is there a changelog available? I mean from the last stable version (0.50.18) to this new pre-release or the next stable version
  17. Two things: First, parts have colliders that don't necessarily match the visual mesh of the part. So it could well be that you *do* have parts clipped, and you just don't see it. Second, do you have Autostruts? I had a similar issue, but I was able to "fix" it by going through the parts and disabling autostruts one by one, and found the one part whose autostrutting caused wild oscillations.
  18. North/South Impact target distance readout fresh from the press: https://github.com/neuoy/KSPTrajectories/commit/60a39a6ce8c421fc7130bfc8c16955900c65de89 On another note, I should probably clean out out all the calculations from the OnGUI method, considering it may be called multiple times per frame.
  19. Sounds interesting. I took a look in the code and I see one main problem: In order to calculate the forces on a ship (see StockAeroUtil), we interate over parts and query variables like bodyLiftMultipilier and accesses the drag cube data of a part. What I don't know is that if a non-active vessel object actually has all these variables initialized. My guess is that it is not.Take a look at StockAeroUtil.SimAeroForce, around line 160. If these variables are initialized for a non-active vessel, simulation should be doable. If not, then no dice. If you want this to be compatible with FAR, you will have to check that as well. Either way, this would be quite a big refactoring that I don't have time for: you would have to do the heavy lifting. If you want it merged, then you would also have to make sure that nothing (new) breaks for the main use case.
  20. Should be theoretically possible, but I don't know if the code changes would need to be too big to be realistically doable, I'd have to check. Why do you need this anyway?
  21. First time I hear about this, but it sounds like a legit issue. I don't have OPM, so I don't know much about it. Is there anything special about Sarnus? Is it particularly big or something? Does this happen all the time, or only on certain trajectories? Are there any other planets where this happens? Could you please create an issue here: https://github.com/neuoy/KSPTrajectories/issues
  22. You can create Waypoints in KSP and "activate navigation" to them. After you have done that, click "Active Waypoint" in the Trajectories targeting section.
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