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Everything posted by PB666

  1. Kerbiloid has said less enlightened things in seriousness.
  2. You mean a lander that goofs up and plunges into the surface, scattering bits and pieces about a cold surface that can preserve microbes and cetain crustacoeans until the heat death of the universe.
  3. Come agian?, i didn't catch your answer. Enceladas, NdG Tyson wants to go fishing there, you would want him to catch an oversized tardigras.
  4. Banned for not appreciating the distractive qualities of certain bushy-tailed rodents.
  5. Rules are against the rules, unless, of course, its the rule that bans rules.
  6. Personal warp fields that bends space time near the feet giving the appaerance of gravity. Alternatively as i first saidmagnetic feet. This thread is a joke, more or less.
  7. Huh? The real answer is that Dres is not. I can feel the force luke, its chaos Which nerdier star trek or wars? (ask a stupid question)
  8. Doen't it need a downward facing radio altimeter to land? Programmable to land?
  9. I wish you were right, granted you are not . . . . unless of course i cheated.
  10. Landing on a moon is exactly what they wanted to avoid, since the probe might carry contaminants, they could land on an atmosphereless moon thats about it.
  11. Do not take note of the Majic Boulder in my soup. Waiter, there's a void in my soup!
  12. Curiosity for sure. Cassini is the type of mission were you have batteries and fuel for a certain life and thats it, hey, time for replacement. NASA could do with more missions. I have no problem with a Cassini II. But just before we go about pouting lets take a look at the legacy. Asteroid 2685 Masursky fly-by (2000) It also produced the most detailed global color portrait of Jupiter ever produced (seen on the right); the smallest visible features are approximately 60 km (37 mi) across. The researchers observed a frequency shift in the radio waves to and from the space craft, as those signals traveled close to the Sun. noted that mission scientists were puzzled by the fact that no "spokes" in Saturn's ring are visible.- A new, high-resolution picture of Saturn .(2004) Cloud motion photos of saturn. F-ring effector moons photographed. Phoebe fly-by and characterization. Cassini's first flyby of Titan Discovery of two moons "Methone" (S/2004 S 1) and "Pallene" (S/2004 S 2) Cassini's flyby of Iapetus Huygens entered Titan's atmosphere at 09:06 UTC and had landed softly on its surface! (2005) 2 close fly-by's of enceladas. reveals Enceladus has an atmosphere! Radio occultation experiments on Saturn's Rings, to determine ring particle size distribution Daphnis discovered. closest flyby of Enceladus with a distance of 175 km Flyby of Tethys at a distance of 1,500 km (930 mi). Flyby of Hyperion at a distance of 1,010 km (630 mi) Flyby of Dione at a distance of 500 km (310 mi). Flyby of Rhea at a distance of 500 km (310 mi). NASA confirms the presence of hydrocarbon lakes in Titan's northern polar region! (2008) Scheduled missons complete. Equinox------------------- Cassini to directly sample Enceladus's cryovolcanic plumes! radar coverage of Ontario Lacus, one of the largest methane lakes on Titan. (2010) Equinox completed, technical faults occurred but were recoverable. Solstice ------current mission-------- Just a whole bunch of fly-bys. (Tellene, Pallesto, Pandora, Pan, Atlas, Solstice, Aegeaon, Promethus, Epimetheus) Thats kind of alot, it swooped within 25 km of some of those moons, one of the closest surviving fly-bys of any atmosphered moon. Its punched its antenna through saturns rings, sucked in volcanoe gas, buzzed moons, let's just say it a good lesson in living hard and dying in your prime. The kind of life that deserves an improved replacement mission by some mature space agency.
  13. Banned for being funny looking.
  14. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=6551 Ripples on ripples on waves on waves.
  15. Slenderman definitely does not live on dres!!
  16. http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-36703721 OK, based on what has been observed. - Statistics may be weakening despite the coincident, so there is also a possibility its something else, not 750 GeV - If it does exists is a boson of some type, possibly a higgs variant (spin 0) possibly as graviton (spin 2). - Not a supersymmetry particle, lacks the characteristics required to be a higgsino or gluino.
  17. Banned for banning for ninjaing me and not have a clever reason to ban the Dres lover several posts back.
  18. Banned for caring about Dres in the wrong thread.,
  19. Wait theres a dres debate thread and a dres awareness society thread. I have to say the rules of humans dont apply to kerbaldoom because everything is a tenth scale and roughly 1/10^0.5.. If you want to compare dres with something in the sol system else you need to multiply its core characters. Multiply its radius by 10 Multiply is mass by 3.16 Then compare.
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