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Everything posted by PB666

  1. I think you putting the cart before the horse. BTW in our current world RNA is the least stable of the three common heterobiopolymers. It has a half-life in the environment of a few seconds. DNA has been recovered almost 100000 years in age, and fully intact collagen has been extracted in bone. The basic problem with RNA is that it has to have a cosiderable amount of polypeptide protection to survive. OK i agree that RNA as a information biopolymer is prolly how life starts, but the first life form that creates an effective RNAase has a doomsday weapon that could kill life even if it went extinct. They have found fully functional RNAses in the environment that were a few thousand years in age. Going from an RNA world tona DNA world were RNA is used locally as a translation and regulatory facility is a difficult step. If some thing were to terminate life in the process, RNAses could remain around after inhibiting the restart of life. Getting to that first step is not hard, I concede that, the progression is difficult and requires a number of permissive scenarios.
  2. Not sure how this thread got pinned.
  3. you mean like this post? I had thrown many warning shots over the bow, but they played so impulsively that they did not reason that there were significant long-reverting errors in thier game.
  4. Banned because no one has a legitimate reason.
  5. Granted, but Blowing yourself up is cheating. Ask the waiter. I wish the next poster would attack the previous poster.
  6. What? more rules, I can't, that is to say probably can but don't want to, handle all the complexity. WAITER! I wish that there was a cheater in my attack.
  7. Banned for banning your fellow [something]ator.
  8. somone held your arm behind your back? might this be an anthropology study? Thats it we are unsuspecting guinea pigs. lol. If I were you i would ask for an exercise wheel, psychodelic would make look all cool.
  9. Rectal rehydration is a technique for rehydrating individuals in a coma or unconscious under circumstance were an IV isotonic saline solution is not available. You wouldn't want some first year med student who failed biophysics to find you collapsed in a desert and insert a fire hose up you rear end to rehydrate you. Simple coomon sense is that if you have six liter of blood, and loss of 2.5L would make you pass out then practically speaking adding mich more than 2.5 liters (50 grams/kg body mass) might start having problems.. For example rupturing of the colon, acute rapid septicemia followed by a systemic bacteremia, osmostic shock, hypertensive crisis, asthmatic attack, etc. In this way if they bring in a 50kg woman, and you add 2.5 liters and she does not regain consciousness after a hour or so and blood pressure is unresponsive, the technique is probably not going to work if you add 5.0 liters more and may kill her. In addition certain older individuals lose tha ability to retain sodium, accesive drinking of water can result in low sodium in the blood causing a number of cardiovascular problems. In addition if you drink too much water at once and you have a defective/malfunctioning esophageal shincter you could actually drown. This happens to binge alcoholics. The drummer from led zepplin died because he drowned in his vomit. There is a recommendation the most people don't follow, but you are not supposed to eat with four hours of sleeping in a flat bed, just like you are not supposed to eat or drink before going to swim. Its actually not so silly when you think about it, a severe blow to the chest may not break the skin, for instance, but break a rib that puntures the heart that kills you. You rib is not dangerous to you, but can be made dangerous by some other act, in the same way you can swim in a pool full of water, even swallow a few gulps, but if someone holds your head down you will drown eventually. The philosophical point here is that humans are a composite of many things, we need many things therefore to survive, but we are not immune to the excesses of any one thing.
  10. I have a answer to all of these questions. Its quite simple . . . . .if you need facebook to know whats on your mind, such trivial but funny questions should not bother you too much, because you have much deeper emotional problems. The question to the answer is why do people hand over so much of their lives to addictive behaviors that make them unhappy, unusually sensitive to everything that anyone says, or having a temper tamtrum at the tagging of a picture.
  11. But this poster is in his eva suit and on his space ship the planet disappears and gravity drops to zero. A mysterious dust appears. I use my magnetic field generating satellites to polarize the dust and then steer the dust backnto were the planet was. Then i use the genesis device to reform the planet complete with vegetation. I coolect an offworld lauch oad from moho and use it to build a factory ship around the new planet. inthen land a offworld runway and a launpad, i reland crew and they mine and rebuild the KSC. From the mun i send out, away from my planet a pulse wave of intense pentaelectron volt cosmic particals that sterilize the entire kerbol system, with minmus in opposition from its far side i then sterilize the other half of the kerbol system, everything except neo-kerbin itself. A set of probes are sent out to sterilize the darks side of any planets moons or asteroids. A register is placed to monitor any non-inertial velocities and sterilez those non-inertial bodies once again. The probes then dive into a self destroy themselves in Jool. Only then is the next player allowed to play.
  12. invalid attack At the next poster I creat a very fast spinning asteroids with alternating positively and neagative carged size creating a giant magnet. I then steer a huge magnetic/ion storm into KSC.
  13. for any given circular orbital velocity like he siad escape velocity is 1.4143 x that velocity but the deltaV needed is that velocity minus the circular orbital velocity. therefore the dV needed is 0.4143 x orbital velocity in that circular orbit.
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