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Everything posted by PB666

  1. From an asteroid that weighs less than you ship, throwing both in escape orbits. Im launching a sputnik on a first stage mk1 to mk2 adapter setting on a size 3 enigine at full throttle.
  2. Reject, you failed to disclose why you clicked on the thread, binary isn't a method. Once again , i clicked for the same reason as my previous post.
  3. I heard a rumor that Alaska is orbiting a GBH.
  4. Mention men and not women, bigotry, cheater.
  5. I catch your minishark with a childs fishing pole and a cheap artifiicial luer. I feed it to a cat that just happens to be walking by. After turning his nose i spray hormones on it, he marks it as his territory. Attack.. I put a 500 pentullion ton thermonuclear device inside dress and detonate ot (largely based on like veiws of the Dres does not exist video) I then detonate dreas right when its at the hohman transfer point for kerbin, thous sendin KPA in its general direction.
  6. Reject, you forgot the introduction, affiliated institute, and you did not define yor statistao nethod. I clicked on this thread to referee rocket squids work, he needs alot of review.
  7. If you want to go prograde burn at the sunrise termination, angle to prograde for Kerbin is 180' ( in mechJeb) for most of the outer planets, but you are only accurate to the SOI, if you want to create a holmann transfer from LKO then you need to center your burn slightly after. The furher out in the system you want you apogee to be the later your burn. If you have some inclination corrections to make LKO is a good place to 'start'. If you really plan ahead you can launch with those inclinations and just expand upon them, in general however you will only be able to do a few degrees before the reward no longer pays off, this is because the sin aspect increases rapidly with only small changes in the cosine aspect, and also because there is a limit on how efficient the plane matching will be without an alignment of a transfer window start point time and an inclination node. For the inner planets or objects its a burn at angle to prograde of zero, in general, because the energy required to get to moho is so great and because its orbital period is so small you want to wait for a closer overlap of the inclination node, this then requires a inclination shift at launch and a considerable burn at sunset termination, AtP > 0, in this has you want to launch and not establish orbit but instead keep the verticle ascent positive until you have achieve your hohmann intercept preferably most below 75k alt. Once established you then correct inclination to optimal and make final inclination corrections in the transit. Moho is hard, not because of the time, but because of the dV required to transfer (you can use kerbins gravity well to improve) and moho has no atmosphere so you have to retro into moho at just about the lowest altitude posible, there is no way to soften this expense. So planning on the inclination side is the way to go, That 6 degree inclination change close to moho can be extremely costly.
  8. They should take pictures of Neptune or how about moony McMoonface, the next named moon of the jovian system. Public facebook advice sourcing is about as reliable as a screen door on a submarine.
  9. I spend all my time in a sensory deprivation chamber until the ghosts get bored and leaves, it decides to haunt brittany spears, instead. Since we are speading into other game characters, I create a virus that infects the grox, allowing them to take over any planet, including those with atmospheres and life on them, as long as they can sterilize then rapidly enough. Sterilizes the galaxy.
  10. The limit on ion drives is not exhaust velocity, its power, you can increase the number of plates, but there is a feasible limit of power per crossectional area of about 100 KW per meter. When you look at the ion drive equation you quickly realize that higher ISP requires proportionally more power but delivers per each higher thrust it become impractical with the power generation capabilities. In the case of xenon, bevause its a fraction of the fissile products it can be used but, again, you are not going to ever get 2100 dV from near c accelerated ION drive from a uranium fission reactor, no way, thier current in-space efficiencies are way too low. Given the these ion drives weigh a few kgs, if you had something like a cyclotron you could, lol. I'm talking theoretical here, not realistically, lets just be clear. And not only would you eject xenon, you would be ejecting literally anything that could be sucked out of the uranium, so you could get dV higher. But thats not the problem. Fissile energy conversion is not that good and is very heavy so you MW efficiency per ship mass is going to be lousy, its not going to happen. The technology that really makes sense is fusion, because the products are pretty much all gases and can be used dirctly as propellants and I calculated the maximum efficiency point is to about 0.1 c. Even anti-matter explosion powered you want to accelerate to about 0.7 c, which is the credible limit of space travel which is about double the credible limit of space travel. This is my interest in these matter-antimatter quarks, because if they can be made stable then this is a source of fuel for interstellar travel. Fusion power Electric Propulsion Will work for extended periods in space? Mass fraction of reactor. Major Ion accelerators. In the 0.1c range. Mass fraction of cyclotrons, efficiency. Spent fuel + Accelerant fuel lowers the mass fraction cost of the reactor, but decreases ISP. Bigger ship, dueterium storage. Fusion heat to MW conversion efficieny?
  11. Say 1/100 th of your ship is nuclear, if you could eject at c (ignoring the lorenze transformation) 3 x 4 x 1 / million = .000007 ln (1/.999993) is roughly ln 0.000007. c x 0.000007 300 e 6 x 7 e -6 = 2100 dV But seriously the MW transformation would be rediculous.
  12. Where's my ring, man there are cheap. Engaging people but too stingy to buy a ring and then too ashamed to tell the engaged about the whole thing.
  13. The place where the body stores radioactivity, just in case it needs it. How much chalk could a chalk chalker chalk if a chalk chalker could chalk chalk?
  14. Moho is not the first planet, since kerbol is to small to be a atar it must be a planet, in which case dres is a moon.
  15. No, i was wondering which video @GregroxMun was refering to. Cause there are two kinda of funny don't go to Dres videos.
  16. Which video this one: or This one:
  17. Its not a car engine, its like comparing a jet ski with a jet aircraft. IC create power and motion, and pressure, FC create electrovoltaic pressure and power. What do you need most? Anyway, I wonder where this is going to go, I think its kind of nuts for a whole bunch of reasons.
  18. If you exhaust velocity is c, yes. Power efficiency is horrible.
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