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Green Baron

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Everything posted by Green Baron

  1. I say spaceplanes have had enough since 0.23. All those wing parts block the view on the important things and they're still just flying doorleaves. Ok, i'm provoking a bit :-) Me too would like to see rockets evolve further and maybe a more meaningful contract system and more things to discover. Mods will keep me coming back to ksp every now and then ..., next version ... k
  2. I tried MechJeb long ago and found out that MechJeb was not as efficient as manual piloting, plus it didn't add to my playing experience. I find that docking, landing close to a desired spot and trying to find a notthatbad ascent profile (yea, you get it, still chewing on that every time when i change my rocket's design) are the key things in KSP and i want do them myself. And, let's be honest, since the invention of the navball-markers these tasks eren't that scary any more ... with a little practice one can be much better than an autopilot in chosing when and where to dock (on the dayside of course, or ahead of another docking maneuver) and how efficient/fast that goes, or not ? So my vote is on manually, but everyone can do as he or she likes and can. And there is no need depreciate the "other side". If it was stock there should be a switch, like a pilot who opts to land vfr or electrically. :-) k
  3. Yes, that's the way to keep the car from spinning around. I should be more precise: The Karibou is fun to drive (yes, it's a great mod :-)), it's just difficult to stop on a slope for the periodical F5 without sliding downhill (Kerbin and Mün, slope is not steep).
  4. This new forum is very annoying and i try to avoid using it. For example: - I allways have to take care where to put the mouse or i'm disturbed by popups blocking the line of sight. - When signed in, on every change of a page or window i have to click away the notification notification. Okay. that's a browser problem (Iceweasel/Firefox), but we haven't got much of a choice here do we ? It even happens when all notifications are disabled. - It's slow. Slow as a space-slug glued to an A-class asteroid. The forum is a nice example for overeager software engineering. Less is more, since before all this is a forum for a (very good) computer game, not some sort of "social network". It steals way too much time and attention. (personal opinion of course) k
  5. Hello, first of all: i appreciate the work behind these mods and i'm having a great time playing them. A question: the Karibou modular wheels skids heavily even in high gravity environments (Kerbin) compared to squads TR-2L ruggedized thingy which i'm adjusted to :-) Is the friction coded in cfg somehow ? Thanks for any hints !
  6. It's just a convention to avoid misunderstanding because radio communications, here VHF, have their limitations. E. g. B and V or S and F are difficult to distinguish on the radio, even under perfect conditions. Every radio operator (be it flight, marine or amateur) has to learn it and of course use it for spelling and clarification. It's easy to learn, intuitive to use and after a short time of practice everyone can utilizie it right away. 'th' is pronounced as 't' because th can be mistaken as a noise (imagine the sound of the engine in a small aircraft or the wind on deck of a sailing boat) (and of course some peolple just can't lisp, swabian tribes in souswest germany f. e.) :-) Nine can be mistaken as five (or vice versa) and thus is read 'niner'. k edit: And it's robust. Even for japanese (spanish have bigger problems with rrradio) :-)
  7. I think that's a good place to start (it's something like the radiation resonant with the caesium atoms level transition). Ooh, try to explain a kg to an englishman :-) He'd say "A second is a heartbeat." as he would say "An acre is a piece of ground a man can plough in a day.". "Ok", was my reply," may i use an ox or is that cheating ?". Is the alien moving towards us at a relativistic speed telling us to have the tea ready when he(*) arrives ("Oh, hello, you were faster than planned ?") ? Or is he leaving at a similar speed telling us he forgot the keys on the shelf near the door and asking us to send them until fraturday ("That was yesterday, wasn't it ?") ? Is his Cs-Atom in good condition or is it feeling cold due to long exposure to a harsh environment ? Is it concentrating on it's job or distracted by a nearby black hole (which was used by the alien for a swingby maneuver) staring at the event-horizon and forgetting about it's duty to count the time ? Hey, no offence meant to no-one, i'm just trying to be funny while waiting for 1.1 :-) Could it be helpful to the alien if we told him "That was measured yesterday while in a stable orbit 1AU above that yellow star over there on the surface of a planet with a gravitation of 9,81m/(s*s) ?". Oh bloody mess ... poor alien. :-) k (*) insert apropriate gender here :-)
  8. Where is the forums now ?

    I only get redirect errors ... so i take it it simply doesn't work yet ?


    1. 01010101lzy


      Right. Forums are still WIP now, so please stay calm until they fix all bugs (or transfer all data).

    2. Green Baron

      Green Baron


      I'll be back then

  9. I remember the somewhat humurous writings of Stanislaw Lem on this :-) k
  10. Visited Hale. Unfortunately the lander "disappeared" after i switched to the pack of probes and scanners entering the Sarnus system to distribute them over the moons. Which is a lot of work so i rather sacrificed the lander than herding all those probes again. When i switched back to fly the lander over to Ovok it was gone. So, these are the last pictures from the mission, the crew is missing. Am not sure whether ksp's stability really supports running a 1.1-style relay system with many probes and stations over a longer time without having to replace the kraken fodder from time to time. Which really costs time (10 years) and probably temper in case of a planet like Sarnus.
  11. A guess: Did you check memory usage ? To do so run top in a terminal window. How large is your swap space ?
  12. I'd suggest [Planetname]-[Orbit/Biome]-[Function]-[Number] example: Urlum-Polarorbit-Scanner (or just Urlum-Scanner) if you like cause they are allways in polar orbit. In a time there can be more than two probes per body like a scanner, a science probe for those "in space around" and a lander for the "from the surface of" and in future many more will buzz around for the relay network. Plus kerbaled missions, stations, mining ops, asteroids, .... The list can get very long in the tracking station .... :-) The kraken is confused and stays away :-)
  13. I for my part am very much looking forward to running a relay network. Let's just hope those antennas get an anti-kraken-paint (color doesn't matter) or a S.E.P.-Field. A herd of probes might attract the kraken's attention .... As for the design, yep, it's a retro-look, but i find it nice, it fits perfectly into stock part design and once the dishes are in place the shape and color is not that important any more. But i'm sure we'll soon have mods were we can put effelsberg-style (and size) bowls in space. :-) k
  14. I'm having the same problem, though it's linux and (fairly) modded, but in stock it happens as well. And as far i remenber this bug is not new .... Dragging frequently does not work for me, the node-circle turns read, the node disappears or gets messed up. Often the bug apperars when the trajectory hits another soi, and when the next orbit is close to the current orbit. Then i can only place a node on the next orbit. I work around this with precisenode, copy and paste the time of temporary node i placed for another ship.
  15. Similiar errors in log of this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/133484-Parts-missing-from-VAB I suggest you find out which mod that is ... k
  16. Can we add this to the list ? Cannot place manoeuver nodes between ship and next AP/PE or AN/DN. This is annoying when you want to place a node relatively near the craft and the apsis is far away. Dragging the node around often results in deleting it or messing it up with the wrong handle. Additionally, when the orbit line of the next orbit after touching another SOI runs close to the current orbit line the manoeuver node allways (?) wants to be set in the next orbit, not thie current one. If that sounds silly: Pink line/blue line, the node goes to the pink line (next orbit), not the blue (this orbit). k
  17. Hi, do you really consider this a bug ? The filenames must be really long ones and even then there is a scrollbar .... k
  18. Trying to understand ... sorry. You mean they don't show up at all in the loading screen ? Sorry if i'm talking old, but you know that every game has it's own folderstructure and you must copy the craft files from an old save to your new one ? Or do you see the crafts but the little preview picture is green ? Nevermind, just load ... Is it a "long filename" from a windows filesystem ? Can you post it here ? Can you post a picture of the loading screen ? What should it look like ? k
  19. Should do on raspbian if X is installed, via ssh and x-forwarding cause most raspberries sit somewhere under the desk with just a network connection. Craft size might be somewhat limited ... :-) k
  20. I do everything with the keyboard. Well, there is not much to do. (Space-)Planes: hit t, adjust thrust, let it accelerate, rotate, adjust aoa and then just let it fy. At a certain height/speed adjust aoa again and at some time later switch engine mode until apsis reaches 75km (depends). Set maneuover node, to circularize and coast up, coasting with a high aoa lifts the apoapsis even higher. It's just a few short strokes on the keys to reach space. Try a bit ... k
  21. Yep, the whole rocket thing is underrepresented since 0.90. Without mods KSP looses it's appeal quickly cause there is nothing new to discover once you've been out there. But the ore thing was not that bad, with a good crew (engineer) long range crafts got much smaller because of the abiltiy to refuel out there. A rough scan is enough, you don't need the exact scanning, just don't land in the "black" areas. And use Scansat to store the maps, that's a nice mod as well. I couldn't play without KW, Transferwindowplanner, KAC, KIS/KAS, Precisenode, Scansat, atomic engines (long range and asteroid tugs) and a few other mods (Outer Planets gave me a kick, let's see how long it lasts). And yes, a reasonable duna window comes every 3 years, roughly. But that's ... natural. Concerning aerobraking, i suppose you're talking about kerbin, there chutes are no problem at all, there is allways plenty of time when you do it right to open these things between 3- and 2000 meters at speeds of around 200m/s. I'm speaking of flights inside the kerbin soi. Coming down from Jool is tricky but possible as well. Chutes work well at duna and eve too. KAS/KIS works well, kindly ask to rtm :-) k
  22. Rune, the galileo probe was not captured into orbit but sank down through the atmosphere until it was destroyed. Just thought that might be important to note . . . :-) k edit: You didn't say that, i just felt eager to note :-)
  23. just tried with a small probe and gave up. Coming in at 8km/h the craft exploded instantly at 198,500m altitude. I had no shields but doubt that would have changed something. Standard settings, 1.0.4. PE was 185km. k
  24. In my opinion KSP now needs rocket-addons like KW, SpaceY, etc. to keep it balanced. I know how to build and fly small "spaceplanes" (haven't tried large ones in 1.x yet), but it's way too boring to start and land them, takes minutes to reach orbit or deorbit and land. And it's much easier to lift 300tons into orbit with a rocket. The last spaceplane i built was docked to a station where it looks cool and there it stays. So i'm a hardcore rocketrist :-) k
  25. It's far from unplayable. Overheating never occured for me, even for probes on and around Moho (well, haven't looked for sometime ....). Structural failure never was an issue (provided i build at least somewhat reasonable contraptions), and against the wobbling and bending i use Kerbal Joint Reinforcements. But i must admit that there are bugs (wobbling course lines, diffucult placing of maneouver nodes when the course hit's another SOI, the claw ...). k
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