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Everything posted by Papa_Joe

  1. New release out. Available on Git, SpaceDock and Curse. CKAN should update normally as the same repo is in use as before. Version - Release 27 Nov 2021 - KSP 1.12.2 ------------------------------------------------- - Changed: Back to previous maintainer, *Papa_Joe*. Thanks *Micha*, for your support!. - New: recompiled for KSP 1.12.x and DotNet 4.8 **NOTE:** This version is incompatible with versions of KSP before 1.8. - New: CLSInterfaces.dll is also updated to DotNet 4.8 so version has been updated. I expect no issues with older versions, but for maximum compatability, devs update your dependencies. To avoid the KSP dll bug, rename your CLSInterfaces.dll to some unique name such as: "myMod_CLSInterface.dll" - New: Added a Dev folder with instructions for integrating CLS into a mod. Added a code sample to folder for embedding in a mod. Added notes for renaming the dll due to the KSP 1.12 duplicated DLL bug. - New: Added maximum scroll height to scroll display for crew and parts list. Can be set in the Options Window. Default is 600 px. - Fixed: Corrected scrolling of crew or parts lists when viewing a selected space details. Window no longer grows too large for screen. Let me know if you have any issues. Enjoy!
  2. That sounds like a rounding error issue with the float values. I'll look at the termination logic for fuel transfers. I've seen this in the past, but thought I had it licked. If you can capture a screen shot when it happens, that might help. Did the details pane show that the transfer was complete, meaning that the xfer buttons and labels returned to normal, and only the close button failed? Were pump sounds still running or not? Thanks for the feedback on the science section. I can't make any changes for the upcoming release, but I will look into this. Part may be a fix to labels for clarification, and the other is a feature enhancement. In other news, I've completed the CLS update and am preparing a release. I have an SM release following that.
  3. That's fine but I will be using the file name SM_CLSInterface.dll. No need for the extra s at the end. I will be releasing an update of SM when I release a new version of CLS as well, but it may be a few days. Thanks so much! I got your PM. I am grateful for your assistance!
  4. I agree that a reflection based approach comes with performance penalties. That is one of the reasons Codepoet and I went with an interface based approach. I'm not inclined to build such a class, but I was willing, IF the community thought it a good approach. In SM for example the interface is embedded pretty thoroughly, so it would be a major rewrite.
  5. I have a recompiled version of CLS working on my dev environment. I've added the dev folder to the distribution and added a dev_notes.txt file with instructions for integrating into CLS, along with a sample code file. I've included a link to the CLS wiki on accessing the CLS API for detailed instructions. Testing the build and distribution. Working with Curse to regain edit upload rights to the project. @micha If you would be so kind, can you contact curse to restore my edit/upload rights? I have opened a ticket, but no response yet.
  6. I've just completed looking over @micha's thread, and I'm embarrassed. I should have read this before releasing Ship Manifest. Now that I'm properly aware of the issue (thanks to @Gotmachine), I'll set about properly addressing the dll issue. CLSInterface.dll was originally intended to be a hard dependency in other modders' code and was implemented before we better understood reflection. This means that it is a breaking change to convert that to a soft dependency and a fair amount of work for those mods that support it. However, since it is typically distributed with those mods, simply renaming it in SM will only correct the issue for SM, and not for other mods. CLSInterface is also a hard dependency for ConnectedLivingSpace, so I cannot simply remove the file from the CLS Distribution. Therefore, the duplicate issue will remain for now, as both the supporting mods and CLS itself depend on that .dll. So, here is what I propose: 1. Recommend other modders rename their interface file with a prefix (or suffix) referencing their mod in the filename of the distributed copy of CLSInterfaces.dll. Ex: SM_CLSInterface.dll. This will allow each mod to function, and not require constant changes as CLS is updated, and eliminate the concern about dll version differences. The interface typically does not change at all, but the version currently gets updated with the release. Going forward, I will only change the interface version If I make a change to the Interface. 2. Long term: Create a soft dependency class that can be embedded directly into a Mod's code, thereby eliminating the need for the interface. Use of this will require changes to a Mod's code to support its use. I will provide both the soft dependency class as part of the Devtools folder in the distribution. I will also include instructions for their use and distribution. Comments?
  7. Indeed. Thanks for the info on the bug. I admit I've been away for a while and am not up to date. After Posting, I realized I could simply rename the dll as part of my distribution. I will do that on the next release. In the short term you can safely remove the CLSInterfaces.dll from the SM install if you have CLS loaded and you encounter issues.
  8. Ok. it is simply checking for duplicates. The problem with that is that these files are not actually code. they are interfaces, allowing communication from one mod to another. so they will not cause issues in actual fact. SO I"m thinking that a whitelist may be needed. Otherwise I can look into using the CLSInterfaces from CLS instead of embedding a copy in my mod. However, since there are no errors in operation, I'm not inclined to fix what "isn't broken". I think that Zero Mini AVC is reporting a false flag. It is doing what it is designed to do, but reporting a problem that doesn't exist.
  9. Is that file causing a conflict? I will test with my recompiled version of Connected Living Space and the last release. If there is a conflict, I will resolve it. Update: I'm seeing a clean log file with my test environment, with only module manager, MechJeb2, Ship Manifest and ConnectedLivingSpace. all are working in flight, CLS is working in the VAB, no errors are being generated. The log shows that both the CLS Mod version of CLSInterfaces.dll, and the SM mod version of CLSInterfaces.dll loaded. no conflicts. Let me know with a log if you are getting something different.
  10. I've checked my most recent release and indeed, there is no ConnectedLivingSpace.dll in it. @AtomicRocketBooster, please let me know which release you are using, or if your issues are related to CLSInterface.dll.
  11. Please provide a log file. Without it, we cannot see what errors may be occurring.
  12. Is the ConnectedLivingSpace .dll bundled in the release? It should not be. Which release are you referring to? ShipManifest is designed to run standalone, so there should not be a ConnectedLivingSpace .dll in the Ship Manifest mod folder. I will review and verify this is true. the CLSInterface.dll is a soft interface to Connected Living Space, and will not cause a conflict. It should have no impact on the installation with our without CLS installed.
  13. Hey all, With the release of Ship Manifest, I'm now turning my attention to CLS. I'll be pulling the latest code and going thru it. I'll look over the issues posted here, in @micha's thread and his Repo for any low hanging fruit. Update soontm.
  14. Hey all, With the release of Ship Manifest, I'm now turning my attention to CLS. I'll be pulling the latest code and going thru it. I'll look over the issues posted here and in @Micha's Repo for any low hanging fruit. Update soontm.
  15. Preparing a release of ShipManifest.  Anything I will need to do for CKAN beyond the version file, and the git release?

    1. HebaruSan



      Right now CKAN is set up to pull this mod from https://github.com/mwerle/ShipManifest (see https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/7756), so we'll have to switch it back to your repo if you're planning to post a new release there. I see on the forum thread that you already talked to @micha about this, so I've started a pull request to take care of that:

      We can merge it once the new release is posted.

    2. Papa_Joe


      Thanks!  new release is out.  I've commented on the pull request.

  16. Just an update. I've reached a decent stopping point on this release. I'm merging Dev to Master and preparing a release. I will have distribution issues to deal with for distribution points beyond Git. I will work thru those and get them updated. Release ShipManifest · PapaJoesSoup/ShipManifest (github.com) Update. v6.0.3.0 is released. available on Git (PapajoesSoup), Spacedock, and Curse (Papa_Joe's project). I expect there is a sweep timer for CKAN, but I've reached out to @HebaruSan to offer any support if needed. Another Update: I've talked with @HebaruSan, and a pull request is in process to update CKAN to point to my GitHub. CKAN users, we have you covered.
  17. It is likely a missing or malformed Localization text reference. In order to support multiple languages, we replace the text strings with a reference to a localization file entry. I recommend you provide a log file so someone can see what error is being generated and provide you support. Typical rule: no log, no support.
  18. Correct. I will work out all the distribution issues once I set up a release. Update: I'm about to go to bed, but I've created a good build with the code from @micha merged with mine. I've added a deployable radiator control panel. I'll be testing it tomorrow, and I'll start work on the release process, working out the kinks. So progress, and a new release soonTM.
  19. Correct. I will work out all the distribution issues once I set up a release.
  20. As a follow on to my work with the automation script, I've created a Github project for the development setup script: PapaJoesSoup/KSPDevEnvironmentBuilder It is a work in progress, but feel free to comment on it in GitHub and I will continue to keep it up to date and improve on it as I go along. Alternative methods and suggestions are welcome, so lets work together to make it convenient for all. I will also be adding a wiki to capture some of what has been discussed in this thread, as well as how my script works.
  21. SSTU contains a version file, and that file is out of date. Try deleting the SSTU mod folder and reinstall SSTU. KSP checks versions of Mods, so it may be an out of date mod version you downloaded. The mod may or may not work correctly, but I would still look for the most recent version of the mod.
  22. With my return to modding, and my resuming support of Ship Manifest, I'll also resume support of Connected Living Spaces. Thanks to @micha for his support during my absence, and for keeping this mod alive. I am deeply grateful. My dev environment is setup now, so I'm working to get the source code repos updated with the updates that @micha has delivered.
  23. Necroing an old thread. With my resuming support of Ship Manifest, I'll also resume support of Connected Living Spaces. Thanks to @micha for his support during my absence, and for keeping the mod alive. I am deeply grateful. My dev environment is setup now, so I'm working to get the source code repos updated with the updates that @micha has delivered.
  24. Just an update. I have a new dev environment set up, and have updated my Git repo (Dev) with the latest code from @micha, and updated the project settings for my needs. I'll be working on getting all the associated links, distribution points etc worked out before I do a maintenance release for 1.12.x. I'm not expecting any bug fixes or new features yet, but just want to get to the point that my Project distribution system is working again. an I have a new release on my GitHub that I can distribute to Curse, Spacedock, and any other locations that @micha was supporting. More to come.
  25. A cursory look at your log indicates that a shader "FullMetal" is missing. Many parts depend on it, so those parts fail to load correctly. Errors start at line 63087. Textures Unlimited and its shader packs was the last mod being processed... I'd start there.
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