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  1. So the Kane landing contracts require you to take a magnetometer scan when landed. Does the MLEM have a magnetometer mounted normally that Im missing? So far as I can tell it does not, but quite possibly Im just not seeing it. Edit: Also, the MLEM-CRD Cosmic Ray Detector doesnt feature in the Apollo issue - is it supposed to be attached to the descent stage?
  2. I was largely correct - it was only my relay satellites (!) using Saturn parts.... oops. I can always add more The new parts look wonderful, much improved over the old ones!
  3. hmm. Maybe Ill make a backup of my current install before trying that. As it stands Ive only build a few rockets using the Saturn parts, due to their great expense and my low operating funds. Thanks for the advice! If the only issue is due to the missing parts, I am likely safe as there are no currently flying craft using the saturn parts I think. Edit: would switching to this Apollo branch also yield the Agena changes? I have a LOT of craft currently active using Agena-D parts. Its my go-to satellite bus for the moment.
  4. Is it easy enough to switch to the Apollo branch for an inprogress game, or will this break stuff? Id expect a little pain for my case, as I installed with CKAN to start with.
  5. Your link doesnt seem to load a reference properly for me, it just links to Wikipedia's C-3 page. Which text is word for word copied? Do you know whether it is Astronautix copying Wikipedia, or Wikipedia copying Astronautix?
  6. Can anyone recommend a mod to use with this one, to provide ejection seats to the Leo capsule? Ive had a couple losses due to OhScrap parachute failures at about 200m off the ground.
  7. So, the bottom of the Leo-C Service Module has a flat base with a crew tunnel to it. Would it be possible to have a similar model for a Leo-A Equipment module? Either as a separate part, or as a part switch for the Meduci-E? Im planning on building a Leo Modular Space Station, and the original series A plans seem to use a "Gemini Transport" which appears to be a regular Gemini capsule with a crew tunnel to a Ring Docking Mechanism - much like the current Leo-C part, but with the ability to separate the Equipment Module still and fire the Retro Module. I think for now, my current LMSS plans will just use the Leo-C module, as its not like I really need the ability to use the Retro Module for my current Leo Transport design. Edit: The first Leo Transport constructed has used the Leo-A modules, while I disregard the gap between the docking adaptor and the module
  8. I'm hedging my bets. Getting the Inon Transfer Vehicle to orbit took 4 attempts with minor redesigns each time. That was costly. Had I attempted to launch one big rocket and it failed, that would be the end of this career save - I'm very tight on funds at present. Ive researched the Sarnus S-I rocket parts, but the launcher ends up around 40,000 funds, which is a significant portion of what I have. So I don't really have a launcher that would do this all in one go. I suppose that is the same issue the Gemini planners thought to solve, so it seems an apt solution. I'm still a few missions away from landing. Leo-5 is planning to enter munar orbit and conduct additional science before returning home. Leo-6 will conduct Munar Orbit Rendezvous with a prelaunched Leo Belle Target Vehicle to demonstrate the possibility, and Leo-7 is slated to be the landing, using the Dona lander. Funding will be tight, so I'll be looking out for opportunities to fit contracts in.
  9. For the BDB team: This is some really impressive work. Thanks so much. Below Ive added some screenshots from my current Gemini-inspired mission. Per @Friznit's helpful wiki, I saw that a proposal was made for a Moon landing cheaper and faster than Apollo could achieve. Well in my current career playthrough, I simply lack the funds to purchase the Sarnus and Kane parts necessary for recreating Apollo at this stage, but I might well be able to manage a Mun landing using the Leo parts. The simplest approach seemed to be sending up an Inon stage to orbit for a Leo capsule to dock with, then use the Inon stage for the TMI burn. I've played a fair bit of KSP, but not with BDB before - you've revitalised the game for me. Thank you.
  10. Isnt that just an Agena upper stage, if you arent using the Atlas part? Or are you putting an Atlas stage on top of a Delta rocket?
  11. On the note of the wiki, Im currently assembling a Belle Target Vehicle using your (very helpful) wiki. I went looking for a little more detailed view on how the acquisition lights were attached, and found this on StackExchange: I note that image has a different positioning of the approach lights to your build example: Your build example above has the lights on the materials bay, rather than the TRU as in the image above. I dont know the origin of the image, so I dont know whether its authoritative or not, but I thought it might be worth mentioning. Edit: I might be mistaken here... these approach lights seem to possibly be different to the running lights. Ill position my running lights there anyway as I think it looks good
  12. Oh, I like that idea. This will let me keep using my Bossart designs as I approach the Sarnus engines! Thanks very much for the quick advice.
  13. What are the Bossart -1X and ADLV parts for? Im also struggling a little to find the engine appropriate to the Bossart-II. The unofficial wiki seems to use a different set of names for some of the parts. Edit: disregard the Bossart-II engines question, its the upgraded config from Booster upgrade 2.
  14. Would also be nice to see configs for RestockPlus. Im going to have a short fiddle and see if I can get something I like working. Edit: I see there are already such configs! Not sure how I missed that...
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