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    Spacecraft Engineer
  1. Sorry I wasn't more specific. I have setup a better test craft and was able to generate more thrust this time, problem solved The issue I was having is that the description mentions that it works best over mach2 but my most recent test craft didn't really generate any meaningful thrust until over mach3.5. But I guess that is going to vary with altitude and intake area too. My previous craft were having trouble using the engine at mach 2.2 @ 10km. Cheers anyway.
  2. I can't get the ramjet to generate any significant thrust in 1.2.2 with Realism Overhaul
  3. I'm trying to build a nuclear powered aircraft but when I set the thermal turbojet to use atmospheric mode I get almost no thrust (0-0.5KN). It's connected up to the reactor properly as other propellants work as expected, its just atmospheric mode that doesn't. Anyone know why? Thanks. Edit// Test craft to show what I mean: Atmo: Water:
  4. Even in a small light aircraft like a PA-28 you really feel the ground effect as you land. It's cool :-)
  5. 900MB-1GB reducton in memory use with this and a very heavily modified copy Thanks.
  6. Do you have a small anti-matter tank hidden in the top section? If so, lock it up.
  7. That's a very childish response. The dude was only offering constructive criticism that just happens to be completely valid. It's not about like or dislike... these engines are awesome. He was offering advice onto how to make them even more awesome. Simple.
  8. One of the versions posted only required 7k dv for an orbit due to the massive rotational speed of the planet (1500+ m/s).. Obviously that was a bug After I installed that version (3 I think) all of my rockets in carreer mode suddenly had over 2k dv left after making orbit .
  9. Depending on what units KSP actually uses, that could be hotter than the surface of the sun (Approx 5505 C)
  10. @AncientGammoner There's some discrepancy with tank Dry Mass when using Modular Fuels Tanks. Rockomax X200 3200 Liquid Fuel Dry Mass 1.2 Stretchy Tank scaled to the same volume (almost) 3208 Liquid Fuel Dry Mass 2.807 Hope thats of some use to you. Cheers.
  11. They have a use, but it depends what you want from them. They are good as large second or third stage craft, as it will reduce the mass of your entire launch vehicle for similar DV.
  12. Sure here you go: There is also a bug with the Fuselage tank, they require a BaseMass to be added otherwise a tank using this will have 0 mass when drained and bad things happen, it was done by someone earlier in some configs that were posted. Edit, the liquid fuel and Oxidiser sections should look something like this: @TANK[LiquidFuel] { utilization = 1.0 mass = 0.0005 @amount = full @maxAmount = 40% } @TANK[Oxidizer] { utilization = 1.0 mass = 0.0005 @amount = full @maxAmount = 60% } Note that 0.005 will probbaly be too high. 0.004 or 0.0045 would be better. I personally use 0.0025 but thats along with a reduction of Liquid Oxygen tanks to 0.003.
  13. I just made a few versions of each part containing LiquidH2, LiquidH2 + LiquidOxygen and LiquidFuel + LiquidOxygen but the contents do not scale with the size unless it is LiquidFuel or Oxidiser. IE, its hardcoded to only scale Liquid Fuel and Oxidiser by a pre-set ratio, which also over-rides any changes in fuel ratio made in the tank config. So no Liquid Hydrogen procedural tanks just yet...
  14. Last I heard (read) Ialdabaoth was absent from KSP due to RL getting in the way. But here's to hoping he's ok and comes back
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