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Everything posted by Kartoffelkuchen

  1. Wait..so this makes multiple-object Fairings possible!? Would these Fairings also work with your plugin: If so, it would be awesome! I would be really happy to test (and use it), this is basically what I need for Launchers Pack!
  2. Well, how ironic that we hear this from you!
  3. Don't ask for 64bit support. Ksp 64bit is disabled and you really shouldn't use it. If you use it and run into any issues, try to solve those on your own or switch to 32bit.
  4. Sorry, this plugin from Thomas P. will be a dependency. Really, trust me, you wouldn't get the Atlas V to Orbit without it. +, it makes all the rockets way more stable. As for the other (old) depencies, like smokescreen, I will change to using Stock particles, simply because of the feedback we got about that FX, and offer a smokescreen file as alternative, if you want that more. So yeah, apart from Thomas' plugin there won't be any other depency.
  5. We found a solution! Hell yeah! We found a solution for the Fairing issue! Or more, Thomas P. found one! I've asked him to make a plugin, which shields parts based on the collider of the Fairing. He noticed that the automatically generated Dragcubes of the Fairings were completely off, and this made the rocket flip everytime when I tried to launch it. Then, he came up with the idea of completely disabling the Aerodynamics for the part which has that partmodule in its .cfg, and I've added that now to every Fairing, and now, all rockets fly super easy! It's kind of cheaty, but I haven't experienced any bugs, and as long as it works, I'm happy. Stay tuned for a soon Update! SOOOOOON!
  6. @MeCripp: Well, those two threads look really good! Thank you! @_Augustus_: Well, no, I somehow don't like Procedural Fairings that much when it comes to "real" Fairings, and it looks like I have something to make the Fairing "work" now...stay tuned.
  7. No...I've already thought about that, but really, it wouldn't fit with the rest of the rocket. Also, you cannot clearly say how they should look like, so no, I won't use that.
  8. Hi guys! Dragcubes - I've always wondered what those things are. It seems like they practically show the game where it has to simulate the parts drag or so. Maybe you know it, but I am working on the 1.0 release of my Atlas V rocket, and I have big issues with the 500 variants fairings. I first thought, because they are so big, and because the Aero doesn't supports these kind of Fairings, that their size would be the reason which makes the rocket flip over. But now, Thomas P. Kerman made the dragcubes of my Fairing visible and discovered this: Yes, those are the dragcubes. And now you can clearly see why this thing flips over every time. Now, I wan't to change those automatically generated dragcubes, but I don't have any idea how. I know that the game-generated drag cubes can be found in the PartDatabase, and I found this for that Fairing there: DRAG_CUBE { cube = Default, 126.6394,0.7717016,2.786276, 126.6394,0.8077257,2.706669, 11.37778,0.3338757,7.917125, 11.37778,0.4912322,23.55094, 62.35514,0.7758831,2.789024, 62.35514,0.7709386,2.789024, 1.35,12.67764,-4.533876E-06, 2.700002,25.35527,5.40001 } So, what the ... are all those numbers? How do I change them so that the Fairing has proper dragcubes? And when we are already at it, where do you recommend to place those cubes? I'd guess on the sides of the model, and when the model changes (like getting thinner) I'd place them there too. But is that right? It would be great if you could help me there guys! KK
  9. It will still take a while liquidhype, other things have higher priority than D3, so feel free to telease yours! It's good if people have a choice!
  10. I have remade the textures of the Atlas V first stage. In my eyes, it looks much better now, not so painted anymore, and it matches the real CCB better: I am somehow really proud of me there. So, Delta II and Atlas V 4xx are ready, BUT the Atlas V 500 version not. Why? It's so simple: The Fairings are so big, and not working, they just make the vehicle flip over. I didn't get it into orbit a single time. So yeah, we will hold back the new version for a bit longer, sorry sorry sorry, I would love to release it, but we'll better wait, until we have a solution. I will overhaul and improve textures for the next days.
  11. Nice! May I request something: It would be great if you could make the KK plugin and assets reload if you press Reload on the Database Alt+F12 tab. That would make things easier, for example if you change the config of an asset, you wouldn't have to restart the complete game.
  12. You'll eventually need to restart the game, maybe even twice, and check if it works then. It can be a bit tricky sometimes. Though, I would post on the KK thread if you still have this problem after restarting. Also check the Log (Windows: ALT+F2) if you get any warnings or exceptions.
  13. Yes, Kerbal Konstructs is really super easy. I solved all problems with my assets and can now test each part in KSP to see if it works and to see in how far I need to change it.
  14. Yes, awesome, now it works! It turns out I made everything right with the .cfg (as you already said..) and how I placed that and with the KK installation...the issue was that I already had installed another static building, which had an issue in its config file, and it seems like it completely broke that plugin (and the game a bit too, BTW). Thank you very much for your effort AlphaAsh, really! Now I can make my own bases...you'll hear from me. This is an awesome plugin by the way!
  15. Thanks for your time! I will reinstall KK and see how it goes!
  16. Hey, I am having a problem with the current version of Kerbal Konstruts. I am using KSP 1.0.3. I want to spawn a new Launchpad at the KSC, I have no further packs installed apart from the Kerbal Konstructs plugin. 1. I klick on "All instances" and then on "Spawn new". I choose the "kkrocketpad2" and place it correctly, enable collisions and edit the launchpad parameters (name = Testlaunchpad, Site Category = Rocketpad, Site Type = VAB and the other things are not that important) 2. After all parameters on the KK Launchsite editor have been correctly changed, I click on "save" and "close" to close the launchsite editor. Now, something interesting happens. I had the Debug Log open (Alt+F2) and now I see the following exception: [Exception]: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object I always get this message when I hit "Save" in the Launchsite editor. Well, now I closed the editor, and hit "Save" in the "KK Instance Editor", and klick deselect, and again, the Exception comes up, once I click Save and once I click Deselect. The deselect button doesn't work. In the main Kerbal Konstructs main window, I also click on save, and again, I get that exception again. I closed all the KK windows by clicking Ctrl+K, and relaunch the game. The launch pad is still there, so it seems everything got saved anyway. I now try the same process with a launchpad I made myself. But now, the Launchpad is not saved after a restart of the KSC. I got the same exceptions as I got when saving the kerbal konstructs launchpad, though this time, my launchpad disappeared, the kerbal Konstructs launch pad is still there. I checked out the config of the kkrocketpad2, and it seems that the position is saved in its config file ( INSTANCE { ... } ), but the position of my launch pad is not saved in its config file. As I said, I am using KSP 1.0.3, though there's almost no difference between version 1.0.3 and 1.0.4, right? Or do I have to use KSP 1.0.4? Windows 7, KSP 32-bit, KSP 1.0.3 KSPwin medsoz Testlaunchpad // <- This is my test launchpad which I wanted to place Maybe you can help me...sorry for that long text:P
  17. Hey guys, I will be working on the Atlas V launch pad! Some images from what I have: The towers around the launchpad The smoke & flame "bucket" The LO2 storage tank, for the CCB And finally, the Mobile Launch pad. THough it won't be mobile in KSP, sorry.
  18. Thank you! Well, you can make your own mod of it, as long as you credit me for the model and partially the textures and you don't make money with it.
  19. Yeah, that would be true. Right now, it has a diameter of 1.875m.
  20. Yeah of course, if you have the time for that, it would be awesome!
  21. A far as I know we can't do that with KerbConstruct, we would need to write an extra plugin for that, but I don't think it should be too hard. We only have to find a person who can do that.
  22. Why not just make it upgradable, like the career mode buildings? Though it should of course work in Sandbox mode, and it should be downgradable.
  23. I have a model of SLC-41 (that Atlas V launch pad), though it is far from finished: (it would look 10x as good as now with proper textures). Much is missing, I've made that while working on the Atlas V models. Though, if there's interest, I can of course continue to work on it. Though Tristonwilson12 seems to do a good job working on that pad! Awesome project guys, awesome!
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