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Everything posted by Kartoffelkuchen

  1. YANFRET, please clear your inbox. ;
  2. I ran into an issue where the Delta K gimbal is inverted, meaning that if you steer to the right the stage goes to the left, when you steer up it gets down. This is a really *fascinating* phenomene, because it doesn't appear everytime, it only appears sometimes, but often enough that it appears in every flight, but not the whole time. I have absolutely no idea what's causing this, I already had something similar with the Atlas V Centaur, but only one or two times, which is really strange, it didn't happen in 0.90 before, and as far as I know Squad didn't change anything on the gimbal module. Nah, anyway, I wasn't sure if it could have something to do with the fact that the engine and tank is one single part, so I just splitted the engine from the rest of Delta K. As I did that, I realized how ugly the AJ10-118K engine was! So I reworked it, it is the first "high poly" part I am fabricating for this mod, meaning that it has 48 sides, in relation to the other parts, which all still have 24 sides as normal KSP parts, some modifiers on it which makes it look even better and more smooth.. though it has no memory impact, from the side of the model! Of course, I also made a complete new texture, and I think it looks much much better now! I will see if that makes a difference in gimballing, if not, you at least have a new engine!
  3. Already tried this? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/113069-KSP-x64-Total-Unfixer
  4. All of his mods are available on Github: https://github.com/raidernick CKAN probably doesn't support other hosters like Github, though I don't know, I don't have CKAN.
  5. That's great to hear! Even with an "old-style" Centaur! I noticed that CCB and the 400 interstage segments overheat too much, but I've already fixed that. I'm now working on DII.
  6. Hey A while ago, I modelled the BAe-146 passenger "cityliner", also known as Jumbolino, because I wanted a small modelling challenge, something else. Now, it is modelled, and partly unwrapped and textured, but I didn't got it through Unity, the wings and especially the gear didn't work at all in game, which frustrated me very much. Now, I gave up on it, and wanted to ask if anyone would like to finish it. Some parts will need to be unwrapped and textured, others are already. The whole thing needs to be pushed through Unity, and part configs have to be made. Not easy, but I am sure someone out there will be able to to this. Here are two preview images: Note though that this is not a full replica, it is only heaviliy based on the real airplane. A note on licensing stuff: I give those files away for free, in hope that someone can get this model into KSP. If you are this person, you can publish this as your own mod (eg. make your own thread etc:sticktongue:), though I want to get credit for the models. You are not allowed to make money with this, in whatever way, otherwise, do whatever you want with it. Download from Mediafire Greeetings, KK
  7. Theoretically, you'd 'simply' need to change the rotation of one gameobject of the part. If this will actually solve the problem, is not clear, but I will have a look at this tomorrow. I have plans for updating this to 1.0 (I know I've already said that on the Community ISS thread, but another person gave me the impression that he would be getting that alone, so I didn't bother with that anymore ). Wait and see.
  8. Well, after those "excellent news", that KSP is coming to PS4, and that it "totally won't affect the PC version development", I decided to go ahead with reconfiguring the rockets for 1.0, you never know how things turn out. Anyway, here is the Atlas V. Atlas V for KSP 1.0.2 compatability update PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS ONLY A TEST VERSION! Use on your own risk, though there shouldn't be any game-braking bugs. Though you never know. The Atlas V is heavily rebalanced, the major things are: Thrust and Propellant of Common Core Booster reduced Mass of almost all parts increased Thrust of RL-10 upper stage engine increased to 100kN, resulting in shorter orbital insertions AJ-62 SRB's now have gimbals to compensate for asymmetrical number of boosters on each side Rocket performances are now much more like the performance of the real rocket: [TABLE=width: 500] [TR] [TD]Version[/TD] [TD]Payload to LEO (Real)[/TD] [TD]Payload to LKO (KSP)[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]401[/TD] [TD]9.8t[/TD] [TD]6.27t[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]501[/TD] [TD]8.21t[/TD] [TD]5.25t[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Yeah, as you can see, I've balanced it that way that it meets almost exactly the real performance if you scale it down to 64% Please report what you think what needs to be changed! DOWNLOAD
  9. Thanks tmikesecrist3, I just wanted to say that I cannot switch the launch site too.
  10. Wait what!? Why? Can I help somehow?
  11. Is ireading so hard!? You have to go into the part.cfg and edit this node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 To node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2 Do this for all bottom nodes.
  12. @juanml82: Do you have the parameter 'rescaleFactor = 1' in your part.cfg? If not, the part won't be scaled correctly in the game. And the parameter 'scale = 1' changes nothing.
  13. Though you have to say that Mike-NZ is basically doing everything Jozvin planned for the new version, or, to put it in another way, Jozvin only made a new model because there were important errors in the old model, and now Mike-NZ is working on exactly those things and more. So his question if he shall continue is absolutely right. Guys, please actually talk with each other, you really should get clear who is working on what aspect. Mike seems to work on everything, but he ignores the fact that Jozvin is working on a heavily optimised version.
  14. 1) Create a new Tag in Unity. Set the tag to object_hidden: (from the Mod Development Compilation ) 2) You have to completely remove the Mesh Renderer Component (right click on the heading "Mesh Renderer", Remove Component)
  15. Jep. Add this: MODULE { name = ModuleGimbal gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform gimbalRange = 4 } to the part.cfg of the engine you want to have gimbal on it. With 'gimbalRange' you define the range the engine can gimbal, in this case 4°.
  16. Thanks! I am using Blender for modelling. You can really do much with it, and it is free! Edit: Oh, and the 4.1 release will be postponed until the 1.0.3 release, simply due to the fact that they stated they were revising the heat system (and if I remember correctly, they also said that they were changing the atmosphere again a bit), and it wouldn't make any sense to work it out now perfectly, if they are changing the atmosphere and heat system again. Hope you guys understand this, sorry, I know it takes much much much too long, but I don't want to redo things several times, only because the guys up there changed something!
  17. Haha I thought it was a joke when I first heard about that!
  18. Everything here is not 1.0 compatible. It has been mentioned on several pages now. Some people try to fix it though.
  19. Actually, while I was configuring the Launchers Pack for 1.0, I realized that there's no real difference. Ok, you have to follow the prograde marker more carefully, but it makes launches more interesting and challenging. Alternatively, you could use the stock pfairings, though that makes detailed textures difficult. YAY, a HLV!
  20. I am working on a 1.875m Service Module, "HESM" (High Efficiency Service Module), which can be used in really many constructions, like Resupply Modules or upper stages for rockets. It has a really high Isp (392 Vac.) and 100kN thrust and a liquid fuel amount of 540. + it has RCS tanks and built in RCS thrusters. Here's a small album which shows some possible uses of the stage: I am planning to make a full station resupply module, HESM is the first part of it. Hope you like it so far (though don't mind that strange UV map which makes some interesting effects on the tank, I forgot to uncheck something in Unity :S).
  21. You can just go into the part cfg and add up the position of the nodes (-> if node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -5.0, 0.0 and node_stack_top = 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, then the length of the tank should be 10m. This works out mostly fine for the stock Parts, though it mustn't be right. You should better be using a .mu converter. As for retexturing, try Paint.net, you can open and save images in .dds format with it.
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