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Everything posted by Kartoffelkuchen

  1. You must simply make a new project and copy the PartTools folder into the Asset folder in your project. Keep up the good work so far!
  2. Yes, heavier engines are planned for the new rocket. As an alternative to Whizzy, you could also use the LV-X5 with a medium fuel tank instead of a short fuel tank, it has much more power.
  3. The current parttools version is 1.0 compatible, it hasn't been updated since 0.23.5 or sp I think.
  4. Looks funny, will try it out! BTW, could you upload a second version without the music? Our lovely GEMA here in germany blocked the video because of the music...
  5. Well, this is actually looking pretty well sir! Was it just your first day in Blender or the first time you actually modelled something? If so, man I don't beliebe it! If I look at my first models... *glbs*. Keep it up!
  6. Version 1.1 released! What's new? 2.5m Engine (LV-65 "Peacewalker") 2.5m Long Fuel Tank Doesn't sound too much, though it makes really fun to play with it and it offers many new possibilites, for example an ICBM: or an early Atlas rocket: or the Mercury - Atlas variation: You can download the new version from Kerbalstuff Note: Those parts are not correctly embedded in the techtree yet, they will get included later but for now they are not!
  7. Hey guys, did some progress on SpaceX's Merlin 1C which will be used on my Falcon 9 V.1.0 and for the Falcon 1 when it will get a remake, which will take place soon. I hope so at least. Edit: It looks like the model looks a bit liquid here and there, and there are some strange looking parts. Ignore them, it has to be a problem with the Sketchfab upload, at least I don't have those issues in my blend file.
  8. Oh god, it looks so great! I love especially the textures, they make the parts look used, and this is what I connect with soviet spacecraft: This a bit dirty, old look. And you did a great job to represent that look on your parts!
  9. Ohh noice! Wait.... My Antares plus that Cygnus? The Antares was originally for DarthVader, but now, we could just put the Antares and Cygnus here...say if you are interested raidernick, if so, I will talk to DarthVader.
  10. If it is a .blend file, simply delete it. Somehow the have found their way into the zip file, I can't delete them right now because I am kinda on holiday until Monday. Only folders, pngs mu files and cfg files should be in your gamedata folder. Thanks for all your very positive feedback guys! :]
  11. Oh thanks for the applause guys! :] @MeCripp:Oh, erm no the blend files shoudn't be included! :/ I don't know how they found their way into the zip file. :# And that flag on the interstage is nice! Though the fairing looks wrong...^^ And yeah, aura is indeed based on the Delta's, you are right sp1989!
  12. Version 1.0 has been released! Also, this mod is now beeing developed under another name: SELV - Stockalike Expendable Launch Vehicles. I put it into a modpack, because I am planning on making more stockalike rockets, and making a new thread for every new rocket would be probably quite annoying for you. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/122576-SELV-Stockalike-Expendable-Launch-Vehicles-V-1-0-KSP-1-0x?p=1962698#post1962698
  13. Hello guys! This is a modpack which includes stockalike rockets, which are (a little) based on real world rockets, but with the KSP-Touch on them. On the beginning, I was working on only one stockalike rocket, but making it was quite funny, so I packed that into this project. As the name says, the goal of this project is to add (more or less) stockalike rockets, which are partly based on real world rockets. License: All rights reserved. Note: You may edit parts of this mod and upload it to the public, if I gave you the permission for this. To get a permission, please write me a PM. DOWNLOAD FROM KERBALSTUFF Since this is my first stockalike mod, I would be really grateful about feedback, which things are good and what needs to be improved! Modpacks made for this: [TABLE=class: outer_border, width: 600, align: center] [TR] [TD]Aura Texture Pack 1.0 by Fr3aKyHDx A really great looking visual overhaul of the Aura parts. Complete new textures and new FX for an even better playing experience! Download from Mediafire[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  14. Hello guys, I have a question: I want to calculate the speed of a satellite which is in a circular orbit around Kerbin. Or Earth, the formula should be the same. I have looked on the internet and found some formulas for exactly this, but the problem is that when I tried to calculate the formulas I always got results like 4.83318...x10^14. And that can't be true at all. Would you guys be so kind to help me? I would really want to calculate that, but I can't come to a correct result. And I am not really skilled in maths at all, so don't be angry with me when I don't understand something directly! Thanks in advance, Kartoffelkuchen
  15. It is not really more complicated than launching a rocket, and you land just as you would fly a spaceplane. Though, if you are using the version provided from the first page, it won't be compatible at all with KSP 1.0, you want to use the fix from Mike-NZ, which is available here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121748-Component-Space-Shuttle-CSS-ksp-1-0-2-unofficial-release-thread
  16. Ohhhh yeeeeeees! What kind of wheels do you mean? Landing wheels/gears or rover wheels? I would be very happy to see you making landing gears, I still didn't completely figured out how exactly they need to be setted up.. Oh, and will you also record the stream and upload it to youtube later? That would be great, since I will probably not able to watch it!
  17. Thanks! Yes, I don't want to start anything against _Agustus_ (not here, and nowhere else!), and I don't want others to do. It is enough that I made a really hateful and awful post against him yesterday, and I don't want that it comes that far again, and that both sides learn something now. Back to the topic now, I will release a first version soon, next week probably, after I have refined the configs.
  18. @-ctn-: This here is a very good thread with many modding information:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94638-Mod-Development-Links-Compilation-START-HERE Here's a tutorial on how to export animations from Blender into Unity (Note: You can just copy the .blend File into your unity project, you mustn't use .fbx): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/27450?p=346176&viewfull=1#post346176 And here, setting up suntracking Solar panels in Unity: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/38408
  19. The one on the right looks best to me. Those things on top of the nozzle coming outward are clearly defined, the engine looks round, and simply looks the best to me! Keep it up!
  20. Maan, this looks great!! Take some rep! You should rotate the thrustTransform so that the blue arrow is pointing away from the engine nozzle, right now it points upward, so if you just put the pod on the pad it won't launch unless you turn the capsule around. Or is that wanted...? As for the FX, I ran into the same issues when making my Atlas V. Flames are on both engines, the smoke is only on one engine, and still, I haven't found a real solution for that. :/ But keep it up, it looks really great, and I can't wait to fly it! EDIT: As for the RCS, the green arrow in Unity must point away from the nozzle the FX comes from. Also, I'd suggest using the Stock particle FX, those engine flames for RCS don't look good to me.
  21. Yes, I ran into that issue too when I started off with modding, haha! Pretty annoying thing. It would be good to see your part.cfg, because that's the error source.
  22. Interesting, good luck with this project! Modding is great, and it's great that you decided to get into this, it's really wort it, though it can be really frustating sometimes. If you need help somehow, feel free to ask!
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