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Everything posted by Kartoffelkuchen

  1. No, it's basically just that the Wings are splitted up into inner surface, outer surface, inner surface rudders and iuter surface rudders. OMS engines are also split up in the engine itself and the hull around it. And probably there is some more splitting going on. But I'm sure Dragon will include a .craft file when it gets released.
  2. You're using Blender as your modelling software right? You should try selecting all models and objects in your IVA scene in blender (You can easily do that by pressing B key and then marking everything), pressing CTRL+A and then applying the rotation. This sets the rotation of every single object to 0, 0, 0 , anyway how they are rotated really. Try doing that and then feexporting your IVA. Just a guess, I din't know how to make IVA's at all.
  3. In how far tvlover911? The *old, revised* shuttle is flying now really good, in FAR and Stock Aero as far as I've heard from Dragon01, since DECQ splitted the shuttle in a few more parts, which allows a better weight distribution, resulting in a much better flyable Shuttle.
  4. It clips, but not everytime, different camera virw angles make the difference. To fix that you just have to move the thrustTransform and snokePoint a bit away from the engine in Unity.
  5. I don't know Cris, you'll have to ask DarthVader about this, he worked on it. BTW, had some free time this evening and threw together this: https://sketchfab.com/models/c7cb55cdde6c49768f3f6e2543992374 It needs more details here and there, especially the Castor 30, but this is the direction where it will go.. hope you like it!
  6. Yes, I ran into this issue too when I worked on my Atlas V. There are two thrustTransform's on the first stage and two smokePoint's on it. The FX which is using the thrustTransform works perfect, two nice flames come from the thrustTransform, but the smoke which should be coming from the two smokePoint's only appears on one smokePoint. I didn't got a real solution for this, as you said, making only one smokePoint which is in the Center of the stage emitting the smoke then. Maybe a Plugin guy could have a look at Squad's Smoke System...?
  7. He is doing good, the main config for the Stock game is 99% done, some little twealing here and there and we are done. Also, RSS/RO configs for Atlas V, Delta II and Falcon 1 are working, there are a few small bugs but all in all he seems happy with everything. Falcon 1 is pretty much useless for RSS since it doesn't have roll control or RCS to correct the 2nd stages orientation, but those are mistakes I will need to fix, the rocket is really old and doesn't match the level of detail of Delta II or now of the Atlas V, it will be redone again (for the 3rd time by the way, hehe) once I have time for it. When Dragon sent me his latest changes over I'll release it, tomorrow or later, but it shouldn't take too long anymore.
  8. Whops, forgot this thread a bit, sorry. Anyway, Dragon01 said that there won't be any further content updates, if a new update comes which requires reconfiguration of parts this will be done by him, but he's not planning any content updates.
  9. Jay, now it works! But it looks a big pixelated, did I something wrong? I just imported the craft, added a camera and a Hemi as light source and rendered it. I have really almost no experience in rendering things... :S
  10. Hey nice to see that you are still there, it looks beautifull, except from some small texture bugs!
  11. Ready for launch... I've just finished the Atlas V manual, 11 pages, and we are almost done. Dragon needs to make some small changes to the FX and then we should be done for the first!
  12. Hey, I wanted to try this out, it looks really cool, but I am always getting this: I tried to import the Stock Z-Map Satellite launcher. THe importing process is normal, but when it is finished and I want to rotate the camera around the imported craft file it doesn't rotate and the things you can see above happen.
  13. Aha, I am looking forward to see something that you actually modelled *yourselves*.
  14. Na, not again _Augustus_. It's nice that you finally want to start modelling, or at least learning it. But isn't this a *way* too ambitious? I mean, you didn't even started to model. My well-meaned advise now would be: Concentrate now first on an easy part like a Fuel Tank, then, when you are a bit more familiar with it, making some more complicated things like an engine, and when you can get those things into KSP without any trouble, then you should be ready to maintain and work on something like this. Now, it's still too early for you. BTW, an Ariane V and ATV you can find in the German Space Alliance Mod.
  15. We are getting ready for an alpha release of the Atlas V. Also, I'm starting to look at the Delta IV Users Manual, and to filter important information out from it. So that means when Atlas V is out I'll start directly working on Delta IV.
  16. Hey, so that with the keyboard input function didn't work, and the _getch function worked, at least more or less, but it doesn't mind which key I press, if I press a it moves on and if I press c or so it also moves on, that doesn't make any difference. Also, I probably didn't say all what I would like the program to be. So here's the full source code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { cout << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "Airplane Landing" << endl; cout << "\n\n\n\t" << " Task: Land the Airplane on the runway." << endl; _sleep(5000); system("cls"); // Start of the *real* program int Level = 1; // Level 1 if (Level == 1) { cout << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "LEVEL 1" << endl; // Startparameter double Altitude = 2000; // in Meter (m) float Speed = 82; // in Meter pro Sekunde (m/s) float Sinkrate = -5; // Sinkrate in Meter pro Sekunde (m/s) float Throttle = 0; // In Prozent (1 = Max. Schub | 0 = kein Schub) int Gear = 1; // Zwei Möglichkeiten: 1 (Extended) | 0 (Retracted) double DistancetoAirport = 8000; // Entfernung zum Flughafen in Metern (m) double Drag = 1; // Luftwiederstand int Speedbrake = 1; // Luftbremse (0 = deaktiviert | 1 = aktiviert // Anzeigen der Startparameter cout << "Altitude: " << Altitude << "m" << endl; cout << "Speed: " << Speed << "m/s" << endl; cout << "Sinkrate: " << Sinkrate << "m/s" << endl; cout << "Throttle: " << Throttle << endl; if (Gear == 0) { cout << "Gear: " << "Retracted" << endl; } else { cout << "Gear: " << "Extended" << endl; } if (Speedbrake == 0) { cout << "Speedbrake: " << "Deactivated" << endl; } else { cout << "Speedbrake: " << "Activated" << endl; } _sleep(5000); // Jetzt geht's los... int Levelcomplete = 0; // 0 = Level nicht geschafft, 1 = Level geschafft while (DistancetoAirport > 0) { system("cls"); // Anzeigen der Flugdaten cout << "Altitude: " << Altitude << "m" << endl; cout << "Speed: " << Speed << "m/s" << endl; cout << "Sinkrate: " << Sinkrate << "m/s" << endl; cout << "Throttle: " << Throttle << endl; if (Gear == 0) { cout << "Gear: " << "Retracted" << endl;} else { cout << "Gear: " << "Extended" << endl;} if (Speedbrake == 0) { cout << "Speedbrake: " << "Deactivated" << endl;} else { cout << "Speedbrake: " << "Activated" << endl;} // Geschwindigkeit Speed = Speed + (Throttle*2.5); Speed = Speed - (Gear*0.25); Speed = Speed - (Sinkrate/25); Speed = Speed - (Drag/2); Speed = Speed - (Speedbrake); // Geschwindigkeit zu niedrig if (Speed < 60) { cout << "\a\n\n\n\t\t" << "WARNUNG: GESCHWINDIGKEIT ZU NIEDRIG" << endl; if (Speed < 50) { cout << "\a\a\\t" << "MELDUNG: SCHUB WURDE AUTOMATISCH AUF VOLLE LEISTUNG GESTELLT" << endl; Throttle = 1; Speedbrake = 0; } } // Geschwindigkeit zu hoch if (Speed > 120) { cout << "\a\n\n\n\t\t" << "WARNUNG: GESCHWINDIGKEIT ZU HOCH" << endl; if (Speed > 140) { cout << "\a\a\\t" << "MELDUNG: SCHUB WURDE AUTOMATISCH AUF LEERLAUF GESTELLT" << endl; Throttle = 0; Speedbrake = 1; } } // Simulationsgeschwindigkeit _sleep(500); } } } Yeah, sorry, there are a few german comments in it, but I hope you understand the code anyway. So the program is a little console game. You must land an imagined airplane on the runway. You have a few elements to control the airplane, and you can see the speed, altitutde, gear state, speedbrakes and sinkrate. I'm currently just working on the speed. Everything which is in the 'while"-loop repeats. This is the real game. Inside this loop, there are the following elements: The flight data, like altitude, speed, gear state (extended/retracted), speedbrakes and throttle Underneath, I calculate the speed, with gear, speedbrakes and throttle in mind Then there are two if elements, these lower or rise the throttle if you are too slow or too fast, something like the real "auto-throttle" The last thing is the simulation speed. The _sleep(500) command says how long the program waits before the loop starts again You can configure the configuration of the airplane at the start of "Level 1", where all the variables are created and defined. My problem is now: You must be of course able to control the ships throttle. So if I just add a cin >> command, the loop doesn't work at all. And you'd have to confirm with enter key. So I am looking for a solution allowing me to make input with the keyboard, while the loop is running. Sorry if I didn't clarify this, I hope it is clear now. Is there something like this? It's funny to make a small program like this, but it's pretty much useless if you can't interact with it, hehe:D
  17. Thanks TheCanadianVendingMachine, that all looks promising! I'll try it out and report how it worked.
  18. Hi guys, probably this is the wrong forum, sorry, I didn't know where to post it otherwise. :| So, I am trying to make a little console game with C++, I have Windows 7 installed on my PC. To make the game work, the player needs to press a key (Let's say the key to press is 'W'). When pressing that key, the speed increases by one. This would work (more or less) with the following code: cin >> Input; if (Input == W) { Speed = Speed + 1; } You just press W on your keyboard and confirm with enter. But I want it so that if I press the 'W' key the speed increases automatically by one, without confirming. Isn't there something like On ' 1 ' { Speed = Speed +1; } ? If so, please let me know! I'd really appreciate any help!
  19. OK, I've made it now a bit else than before, but it's still not working. I edited the mesh collider for the stem of the wheel, it went a little bit inside the mesh collider, now it doesn't conflict with it anymore, but it's still not working. Also, it looks like the game doesn't even sees that there's a wheel collider. The gear sinks in the ground, until the mesh collider of the stem has contact with the ground. So, must I enter the name of the Wheel Collider itself (The name would be just "Wheel Collider") or must I use the name of the gameobject the Wheel Collider is applied to (The name then would be "wheelCollider")? I've also rearranged my hierarchy a bit: Front Landing Gear (Parttools export component on it, animation component) Fahrwerk_vorne (This is the thing which will retract when the animation is played) Steering (This is a new empty gameobject which is the object where collider and wheel is applied to, for a proper steering) Reifen_vorne (The mesh of the wheels which should be rotating later ingame) wheelCollider (The object with the Wheel Collider for the Wheel) Scheinwerfer (They have no function yet, they are just there for design purposes) Fahrwerk_vorne_Stange_1 (The Strut you can see on the first picture going away from the gear stem, also animated) Fahwerkklappe_vorne_seitlich_links (The thing which covers the gear when it is retracted, see image in post#1, animated) Fahrwerkklappe_vorne_seitlich_rechts (The thing which covers the gear when it is retracted, see image in post#1, animated) I don't get what I'm doing wrong
  20. Hm, your explanation and the stuff you linked made things a tiny bit clearer, but I'm still not really getting it. I've removed now the 2nd wheelCollider. So, the things I need would be those: MODULE { name = ModuleLandingGear animationName = Front Landing Gear wheelCollider = wheelCollider wheelName = Wheel wheelRotationAxis = -1,0,0 BrakeTorque = 20 BrakeSpeed = 0.5 } The FXModuleLookAtConstraint I think I don't need for now, I just want the wheels to rotate. In Unity, the gameobject "wheelCollider" is a child of the "Wheel" object. The Wheel object is the wheel mesh itselves, without any colliders on it, the wheelCollider object is only the wheelcollider for the Wheel. I've made it like that, and it's still not rotating. Also, the gear sinks into the ground, as if there was no collider for the wheel at all. I hope you will be patient with me, and can help me..
  21. Hello guys, I have worked on a landing gear for a project. So far, the animation works good, but now I'm running into issues: The wheel itself isn't rotating at all, which could end bad when you try to land..you know? Here is a screenshot of my Unity editor: The Steering works ingame, but as I said, the Wheel is not rotating at all. Here's my part.cfg (or at least the important parts): MODULE { name = ModuleLandingGear animationName = Front Landing Gear BrakeTorque = 4 BrakeSpeed = 0.5 } MODULE { name = ModuleSteering controlAxisType = Forward steeringAxis = 0, 0, 1 steeringTransformName = Wheel steeringLocked = false steeringCurve { key = 0 16 key = 10 9 key = 30 2 key = 100 1 } } MODULE { name = FXModuleConstrainPosition matchRotation = true matchPosition = true CONSTRAINFX { targetName = Wheel moversName = wheelCollider } } I oriented myselves on the Stock smallgearbay landing gear, but it's not that big help. I also looked at this image flying around on the forums from the Stock Landing Gear, but I have to say, I compared it with the Landing Gear config file, and it didn't helped at all. There's simply no "Steering" gameobject visible in the hierarchy of the Stock Landing Gear from the image. I think it has something to do with the FXModuleConstrainPosition, but I don't get how it works. And from the other existing threads I didn't get the information I want or I need. Creating landing gears is really the most undocumented thing you can have for modding. But I hope someone can help me!
  22. No, currently there's no real RSS config except for the two posted on the page before. But Draon is working on it, and should be finished soon with it. Also, he fixed now the too fast and overexpanding RS-27 and RS-27A flame, and Falcon 1 also has its own FX now. From my side, I still have to do some changes to the model, I got a bit blocked by school stuff this and the past week, but now that I have holidays things should and will change.
  23. That's sad DECQ, but luckily, Dragon is absolutely happy with everything now! He is is going to get his final touches on the FAR-Config and the FX overhaul. Thanks for your help! :] So @EVERYBODY: DECQ's leave will not cause the update to be delayed, Dragon is happy with everything and finishes the configs and FX soon.
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