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Everything posted by SmiteZero

  1. Hahaha. Oh. Hell. Yes. Are you not able to make your own decoupler? The Quabits one, is, as stated, complicated.
  2. SmiteZero


    Personally I would consider allowing your child to live in your house and eat your food part of being a parent and I feel sorry for any children whose parents treat them as a liability. You still havn\'t answered how old your child is. Yes, they should be doing chores and helping out around the home. What you ask them to do is another matter. If they say none of their friends have to do chores, that is irrelevant to them because they are not their friends. It\'s the old 'If x jumped off a cliff..' deal. Respect your parents. Help out and clean up because you helped make the mess (or, it was made in part because of your existence in the household). It\'s not an unfair thing to have requested of you once in a while. Your mother carried you for 9 months and then squeezed you out painfully betwixt her thighs. I think she deserves a bit of help just for that. When you move out, you\'ll be doing them ALL yourself. Trust me - you will appreciate the self-discipline you learn now later in life.
  3. I want this, but my poor parts folder is already full to the brim... :\'( ..what to delete...
  4. KB-71 And.. It\'s beauty is in it\'s name.. Oh, and.. See all the bits? That\'s what happens when you retro into your just-jettisoned first stage.
  5. Basic textbook examples incoming. Don\'t flame me. Childb... what? oh.
  6. In my limited experience you post silly replies in already necro threads. It had already been dead for two weeks.
  7. Hey, I\'m not sure if it\'s just be but your fine solid radial ullage boosters seem a bit broken in that they always damage the part below them, even though they should be angled outwards. To wit: In this setup you can clearly see the boosters clear of any other objects. No matter what I do, they *always* cause damage to the part below them on the stack when fired.
  8. You can\'t run Fraps? I was fairly sure I had about the oldest computer here..
  9. Hey! While I\'m here... The 1m->2m fairing cone adapter.. I\'ve noticed that one part alone causes a massive FPS drop for me on any medium complexity rocket usually just until it\'s jettisoned. On a slightly more complicated rocket (That runs fine without the part), the inclusion of that one part will kill my framerate any time it\'s close enough to have it\'s physics calculated. Warping >x2 and taking things out of physics brings my framerate back to normal while I warp. I think something might be wrong with it.
  10. No. You just HAD to necro this thread with your stupid comment, didn\'t you? Thanks a lot. Now it will never go away.
  11. I\'m aware of the existence of said television series. I honestly had no idea why you might be referencing it. Because you want a perfect orbit and he\'s a perfectionist. Of course.
  12. Yeah.. What? Monks? Are we orbiting Tibet?
  13. Well I\'m hardly going to use your hand metaphor... Could get sexy ugly.
  14. The tight missions are the best missions. When that fuel budget is starting to look really doubtful and the best you can hope for is a prolonged aerobraking session at the end.. 'That\'s Kerbal!'
  15. Yeah. Most mods can be found as old threads by their creators, uploaded to the forum as attachments. The Space Repository was always out of date, anyway. why the heck are people posting these stupid 'I SAVED IT FROM THE REPOSITORY' threads? http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=1633.0
  16. Yeah, what? OP isn\'t making a lot of sense. English, do you speak it?
  17. Really? It\'s wording makes it sound like it\'s the potential for it to actually explode. Nice of you to clear that up. Guess that\'s why OP\'s changes don\'t do anything.
  18. SmiteZero


    Knowing what 'his age' is might help us to determine if he\'s a lazy teenager or if you should be reported for child slavery.
  19. When it\'s you or him, man, things change. Would the racist answer be that Shaq would fashion a makeshift shank out of the cardboard box? The only contender you really need to make this a sure lose for everyone else involved is Grigori Rasputin.
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