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Everything posted by SmiteZero

  1. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Smite
  2. v.2 is pretty crazy, indeed. Here\'s some Mojoworld: (May have to click for slightly larger) Thanks again Nova for most of the parts
  3. The one time I accidentally got myself into a polar Mun orbit, most of the plane change was made in the TMI burn and then fixed up in the Munar entry burns. Basically I ended up with a trajectory from Kerbin to the Mun that went above or below it\'s plane. When you get to the Mun then, it\'s easy to drop right into a polar orbit.
  4. That would be great if your screenshot showed anything. protip: If you want to see stuff you need to shine light on it.
  5. 'At' the spot doesn\'t have to be right on the apsis by the pinpoint. You must be doing something spectacularly wrong. Perhaps you\'re thrusting retro when you think you\'re prograde/vicaversa
  6. Yeah. Thought so. Glad I can still pick \'em. Never played much with the new one. It\'s the clouds that got me first - not TG clouds, kinda like Vue, but Vue is annoying and most people render huge day-lit fantasy scenes. Then I remembered TG had a second iteration and that was it. Terrain and actually the way the sun appears.. I recognize that atmospheric model.. just looks like TG. Thanks. You know of course that now you\'ve induced me to render my own.
  7. Mojoworld, right? (Or Vue, but I think Mojoworld) Second thought I\'m calling that Terragen. The skybox isn\'t crazy enough for MW
  8. This is a tip for everyone submitting screenshots: Backlit scenes don\'t show us a damn thing. I see it frequently. It\'s like people don\'t even look at what they want to show the rest of us. Light your model so that the face we see is also facing the light. ie. put the sun behind you.
  9. SmiteZero


    Can\'t get past the interface. I\'m sure there\'s a game there, I can see it off to the side in ultra-low-res, but if you don\'t follow conventions and I have to read the manual to find out just how to even access the main menu (let alone use it) then it\'s a fail. (hint: the method used to access the menu is retarded - See if you can figure it out!) I challenge anyone to jump into this with no reading and try to figure out what [snip] is going on. I gave up after having to look at the manual twice - I didn\'t even get to the part where it told me how to actually interface with the interface... because [snip].
  10. Ah. Not balanced for general use. Pity.
  11. I\'m fairly sure I heard somewhere that wobble is linked to the collision mesh and the size of the mating faces of adjacent parts.
  12. Or, you just point in the opposite direction and fire your boosters...? ???
  13. We cannot allow a Kerbanaut Launch System gap!
  14. Answer: Stop yourself moving sideways before you land.
  15. The next objective is to fit them to an atmospheric vehicle and drop them over Normandy. (challenge thread) And how do I make them not explode? Did they eat nitro for breakfast?
  16. That\'s a sexy rocket. What parts are those? Saturn V pack?
  17. ^LMFAO This opens up so many possibilities for humorous Kerbal torture.
  18. .... See my sig image for more info. e: I had a thought: Re-entry will be a little bit, how shall I say.. tropical.
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