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Everything posted by larkvi

  1. The craft in question were built and launched in a new save and suddenly started showing the nodes as missing after launching another craft with Tweakable and KM parts, so I am not sure that applies. In any case, I will delete the crafts in question and try out the new 1.36 version.
  2. I have been having a lot of problems with my saves recently, and while a lot of rebuilding mod-by-mod has not fixed it, TweakScale seems to be involved, so I thought I might start here. I made a more minimal example with just three craft with the two mods I most suspect are involved, Tweakscale and Klockheed Martian, and I cannot exactly replicate the bug, exactly, but it was unpredictable in when it first appeared in the original save, and perhaps the save itself if just corrupt at this point, but I thought I would put the log up here and see if anyone has any suggestions for how I might proceed. I am playing 0.24.2 on Mac OS X. Using: Toolbar, Active Texture Management, Deadly Reentry Continued 5.2, Firespitter dll, Klockheed Martian and KM Special Parts, KW, Infernal Robotics 18.3, Mechjeb 2.3.1 dev 277, ModStatistics, Module Manager 2.2.0, NEAR 1.1.1, Procedural Fairings 3.08, RemoteTech 2, Scansat 6.1, TAC Life Support 9 (pre#4), Kerbal Alarm Clock, Tweakscale 1.34 Craft disappears, leaving only Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sofskjftnydv040/larkvi_20140803_01.log In this log, with more mods, but the same problem, https://www.dropbox.com/s/cpgfdfu0szmw61o/larkvi_20140803_02.log, most of my original craft is missing, leaving this: Interestingly, if I remove tweakscale, all the parts are there and attached, but they are no longer sized correctly, and the craft breaks apart. Is this related to the procedural parts bug/related to Tweakscale at all?
  3. Really liking this work. I like that it is more stock-alike than KOSMOS.
  4. I like a lot of the ideas proposed in this thread. Contracts as currently implemented feel flat and repetitive.
  5. I have been using FAR, but mainly for rockets, and will give this a try.
  6. Since it seems there are a lot of parts that would all seem to need the same orientation change, it would seem like a good candidate for a find and replace function. With find next/replace, it wouldn't seem like it would take too long to check whether it was a B9 Panel or not and only replace it if it were.
  7. Sirkut, I love the mod, but making boxes with the hinges drives me nuts, as they never seem to connect like it seems they should. Is there some way to get flat pieces to attach flush with the hinges, in a way that looks like a hinge on a door? I am attaching an image of one of my box satellites to show what I mean. You can see that the only way I could get the hinges to make a box leaves the hinges at a perpendicular to the flat piece. I suppose what I would really like is a 90-degree hinge that attaches on the flat sides. This may be a nitpick on a fantastic mod, but I find that there is a cognitive disconnect in how I think the part should work from looking at it, and how it actually attaches.
  8. So, the reason I asked is that I whipped up a little (and quite inelegant) PERL script to do the fixing, which might help people in a similar situation in the future: #!/usr/bin/perl # Open file to read open(DATA1, "<part.cfg"); # Open new file to write open(DATA2, ">fixed_part.cfg"); # Set your offsets my $x_offset = -0.09553684; my $y_offset = 0; my $z_offset = 0.03435089; my $node4_offset = 0; my $node5_offset = 0; my $node6_offset = 0; my $node7_offset = 0; # Update all of the values in position by the offset. while(<DATA1>) { chomp; $x = $_; $x =~ s/(position = )(.*)(,)(.*)(,)(.*)/"position = ".($2 + $x_offset).",".($4 + $y_offset).",".($6 + $z_offset)/eg; $x =~ s/(node_stack)(.*)( = )(.*)(,)(.*)(,)(.*)(,)(.*)(,)(.*)(,)(.*)(,)(.*)/"node_stack".($2)." = ".($4 + $x_offset).",".($6 + $y_offset).",".($8 + $z_offset).",".($10 + $node4_offset).",".($12 + $node5_offset).",".($14 + $node6_offset).",".($16 + $node7_offset)/eg; print DATA2 $x."\n"; }; close( DATA1 ); close( DATA2 );
  9. I will try that, but out of curiosity, would adjusting every part by -0.9553684,0,+0.3435089 have the same effect?
  10. If you click on the spoiler, it reveals the image. I was concerned the post would be much too long with the two large images.
  11. So, I have been getting some good practice with part welding, and have a part I am generally quite happy with, However, as you may notice in the lower-left corner of that image, What is happening, such that the landing legs are not binding to the skin of the storage compartment, but rather are off in empty space like that? How can I fix it. Part code included for reference. PART{ name = utilityModule-mk4a module = Part author = Cogito Shipyards rescaleFactor = 1 PhysicsSignificance = -1 node_stack_top = 0.09553684,2.216247,-0.03435089,0,1,0,2 node_stack_bottombattery-inlinemed3 = 0.1032854,0.353361,0.07098518,0,1,0,1 node_stack_bottom = 0.09553684,-1.97075,-0.03435089,0,1,0,2 node_attach = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 CrewCapacity = 0 TechRequired = advMetalworks entryCost = 0 cost = 24000 category = Utility subcategory = 0 title = Utilty Module (mk 4) manufacturer = Cogito Shipyards description = A one-piece utility module with MP, O2, H2O, and electric, as well as water/CO2 recycling capabilities. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0,0,0 mass = 10 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2038118 angularDrag = 1.491243 crashTolerance = 34.67261 breakingForce = 329.6713 breakingTorque = 329.6713 maxTemp = 3000 fuelCrossFeed = True MODEL { model = KWRocketry/Parts/Structural/KWFlatadapter2x1/KW_Struct_FlatAdapter21 position = 0.09553684,1.916252,-0.03435089 scale = .8,0.53333,.8 rotation = 0,0,0 } MODEL { model = AIES_Aerospace/FuelTank/AIESrcs125ra/model position = 0.09553684,1.678249,-0.03435089 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 0,0,0 } MODEL { model = NearFuture/Parts/Batteries/battery_inlinemed/battery_inlinemed position = 0.1032854,0.933361,0.07098518 scale = .85,1.2,.85 rotation = 0,0,0 } MODEL { model = NothkeSerCom/Parts/SerCom2mt3 position = 0.09553684,-0.02724886,-0.03435089 scale = 1.25,6.8,1.25 rotation = 0,0,0 } MODEL { model = AIES_Aerospace/FuelTank/AIESrcs125ra/model position = 0.09553684,-1.73275,-0.03435089 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 0,0,0 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = 0.5034045,-1.23663,0.8775699 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 360,25,270 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = 0.5016669,-0.695519,0.8823432 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,25,270 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = 0.501361,-0.1544003,0.8858418 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,24.99995,269.9999 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = 0.4996239,0.3867106,0.8906144 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,24.99996,270 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = 0.503131,0.9278293,0.8973741 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,24.99996,270 } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/CargoTransferBag position = 0.4791588,1.033851,0.8864847 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9998,24.99998,270 texture = CargoTransferBags , CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/Food } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/CargoTransferBag position = 0.4753639,0.3440814,0.8798597 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9998,24.99998,269.9999 texture = CargoTransferBags , CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/Food } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/CargoTransferBag position = 0.4677306,-0.3589902,0.8794567 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,24.99998,270 texture = CargoTransferBags , CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/Food } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/CargoTransferBag position = 0.4671007,-1.038159,0.8724307 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,25.00002,270 texture = CargoTransferBags , CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/Food } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = 1.092342,-1.23663,-0.08579291 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 360,90,270 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = 1.095935,-0.695519,-0.08220042 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 360,90,270 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = 1.098976,-0.1544003,-0.08044423 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,89.99995,270 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = 1.102568,0.3867106,-0.07685198 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9998,89.99995,269.9999 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = 1.110176,0.9278293,-0.07717313 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,89.99996,270 } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/CargoTransferBag position = 1.090177,1.033851,-0.06004896 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,89.99992,270 texture = CargoTransferBags , CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/Food } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/CargoTransferBag position = 1.082568,0.3440814,-0.05941023 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9998,89.99999,269.9999 texture = CargoTransferBags , CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/Food } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/CargoTransferBag position = 1.078977,-0.3589902,-0.05266334 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9998,89.99995,269.9999 texture = CargoTransferBags , CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/Food } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/CargoTransferBag position = 1.072342,-1.038159,-0.05506231 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 360,90.00003,270 texture = CargoTransferBags , CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/Food } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Utility/telescopicLadderBay/model position = -0.5045143,-1.507748,-1.073671 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 0,300,0 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = -0.2876546,-1.23663,0.6110839 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 360,320,270 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = -0.2927151,-0.695519,0.6115261 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,320,270 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = -0.2960149,-0.1544003,0.6127264 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,320,270 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = -0.3010746,0.3867106,0.6131687 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,320,269.9999 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = -0.305719,0.9278293,0.6192033 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,320,270.0001 } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/PressurizedResupplyTanks position = -0.3123165,1.071701,0.5875583 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9998,320,90 texture = PressurizedResupplyTanks , CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/RPTWater } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/PressurizedResupplyTanks position = -0.3408736,1.0475,0.6158127 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 0.0001348962,140,270 texture = PressurizedResupplyTanks , CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/RPTWater } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/PressurizedResupplyTanks position = -0.3244579,0.3468013,0.5674396 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,320,90.00003 texture = PressurizedResupplyTanks , CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/RPTWater } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/PressurizedResupplyTanks position = -0.3345209,0.3272204,0.6112123 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 0.0001331887,140,270 texture = PressurizedResupplyTanks , CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/RPTWater } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/PressurizedResupplyTanks position = -0.319478,-0.3773694,0.566931 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,320,89.99996 texture = PressurizedResupplyTanks , CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/RPTOxygen } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/PressurizedResupplyTanks position = -0.3261603,-0.3926702,0.6135404 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 0.0001195283,140,270 texture = PressurizedResupplyTanks , CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/RPTOxygen } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/PressurizedResupplyTanks position = -0.308005,-1.070328,0.5678995 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,320,90 texture = PressurizedResupplyTanks , CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/RPTOxygen } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/PressurizedResupplyTanks position = -0.3377584,-1.09713,0.5951499 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 0,140,270 texture = PressurizedResupplyTanks , CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/RPTOxygen } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = -0.7185853,-1.23663,-0.07035567 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 360,275,270 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = -0.7224761,-0.695519,-0.07362165 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 360,275,270 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = -0.7256588,-0.1544003,-0.07510628 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,275,270 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = -0.7295491,0.3867106,-0.07837202 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,275,269.9999 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = -0.7371007,0.9278293,-0.07738926 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,275,270.0001 } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/PressurizedResupplyTanks position = -0.7193896,1.071701,-0.1044308 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9998,275,89.99997 texture = PressurizedResupplyTanks , CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/RPTWater } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/PressurizedResupplyTanks position = -0.7595612,1.0475,-0.104645 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 0.0001109906,94.99996,270 texture = PressurizedResupplyTanks , CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/RPTWater } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/PressurizedResupplyTanks position = -0.7137481,0.3468013,-0.1272417 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,275,90.00002 texture = PressurizedResupplyTanks , CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/RPTWater } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/PressurizedResupplyTanks position = -0.7518156,0.3272204,-0.1034055 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 0.0001280661,94.99998,270 texture = PressurizedResupplyTanks , CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/RPTWater } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/PressurizedResupplyTanks position = -0.7098672,-0.3773694,-0.1240795 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,275,89.99995 texture = PressurizedResupplyTanks , CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/RPTOxygen } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/PressurizedResupplyTanks position = -0.7475501,-0.3926702,-0.09584679 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 9.050001E-05,94.99998,270 texture = PressurizedResupplyTanks , CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/RPTOxygen } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/PressurizedResupplyTanks position = -0.7024392,-1.070328,-0.1152816 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 360,275,90.00002 texture = PressurizedResupplyTanks , CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/RPTOxygen } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/PressurizedResupplyTanks position = -0.7427469,-1.09713,-0.1170515 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 1.707547E-05,94.99999,270 texture = PressurizedResupplyTanks , CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/RPTOxygen } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = 0.4493605,-1.236641,-0.6284459 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 360,300,270 } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/CargoTransferBag position = 0.451316,-1.03817,-0.6650596 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 360,300.0001,270 texture = CargoTransferBags , CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/Food } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = 0.427519,-0.6955304,-0.6350324 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 360,300,270 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = 0.4199938,-0.1544003,-0.6407759 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 360,300,270 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = 0.4150869,0.3866992,-0.642091 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 360,300,270 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralIBeam1/model position = 0.4086579,0.9278293,-0.6380086 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,300,270 } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/CargoTransferBag position = 0.4174167,1.03384,-0.6628389 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,300,270 texture = CargoTransferBags , CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/Food } MODEL { model = BrassMoustache/Parts/airfilter/model position = 0.2453424,1.052459,-0.82463 scale = 0.25,0.25,0.25 rotation = 270,120,0 } MODEL { model = NearFuture/Parts/Capacitors/capacitor-radial01/capacitor-radial01 position = 0.1089715,1.164581,-1.072829 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,350,-0.0001074005 } MODEL { model = NearFuture/Parts/Capacitors/capacitor-radial01/capacitor-radial01 position = 0.9350668,1.164581,-0.6801348 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,230,-0.0001087132 } MODEL { model = NearFuture/Parts/Capacitors/capacitor-radial01/capacitor-radial01 position = 0.1819357,1.164581,-0.1610625 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,110,-0.0001001522 } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/CargoTransferBag position = 0.4236866,0.34407,-0.667196 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,300,269.9999 texture = CargoTransferBags , CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/Food } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/PressurizedResupplyTanks position = 0.2869853,0.1906886,-0.8239689 scale = 0.75,0.75,0.75 rotation = 6.337517E-05,120,1.073127E-05 texture = PressurizedResupplyTanks , CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/RPTCO2 } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/CargoTransferBag position = 0.4234239,-0.3590016,-0.674835 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 359.9999,300,270 texture = CargoTransferBags , CargoTransferBags/Parts/CargoTransferBags/Food } MODEL { model = BrassMoustache/Parts/waterfilter/model position = 0.5754799,-0.04494905,-0.2752164 scale = 0.25,0.25,0.25 rotation = 90,300,0 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/xenonTankRadial/model position = 0.4523233,-0.3130879,-0.9197795 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 3.073585E-05,120,270 } MODEL { model = CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/PressurizedResupplyTanks position = 0.5359548,-0.5134015,-0.4072166 scale = 0.75,0.75,0.75 rotation = 5.085862E-05,120,6.127467E-06 texture = PressurizedResupplyTanks , CargoTransferBags/Parts/PressurizedResupplyTanks/RPTWasteWater } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/xenonTankRadial/model position = 0.4591869,-0.6096005,-0.9151816 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 5.464151E-05,120,270 } MODEL { model = KOSMOS/Parts/FuelTank/Kosmos_TKS_RCS_Tank/model_Raded position = -1.182172,0.347259,-0.1641947 scale = 0.75,0.75,0.75 rotation = 1.895289E-06,355,-1.074871E-05 } MODEL { model = KOSMOS/Parts/FuelTank/Kosmos_TKS_RCS_Tank/model_Raded position = 1.373246,0.347259,0.09549306 scale = 0.75,0.75,0.75 rotation = 1.895289E-06,175,-1.074871E-05 } MODEL { model = NearFuture/Parts/Capacitors/capacitor-radial01/capacitor-radial01 position = -0.7390541,1.463359,-0.7126434 scale = 1,1,1 rotation = 2.897804E-05,180,180 } RESOURCE { name = MonoPropellant amount = 1900 maxAmount = 1900 } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 22820 maxAmount = 22820 } // RESOURCE // { // name = XenonGas // amount = 1600 // maxAmount = 1600 // } RESOURCE { name = Food amount = 2000 maxAmount = 2000 } RESOURCE { name = Oxygen amount = 1000 maxAmount = 1000 } RESOURCE { name = Water amount = 1000 maxAmount = 1000 } RESOURCE { name = CarbonDioxide amount = 0 maxAmount = 125 } RESOURCE { name = WasteWater amount = 0 maxAmount = 125 } MODULE { name = FSanimateGeneric animationName = DoorAnim startEventGUIName = Open service hatch endEventGUIName = Close service hatch toggleActionName = Toggle service hatch availableInEVA = True availableInVessel = True EVArange = 2 } MODULE { name = RetractableLadder ladderAnimationRootName = Telescopic ladder ladderColliderName = ladderCollider ladderRetractAnimationName = Retract } MODULE { name = TacGenericConverter converterName = Carbon Extractor conversionRate = 6 inputResources = CarbonDioxide, 1, ElectricCharge, 1000 outputResources = Oxygen, 0.9, false, Waste, 2.218, true } MODULE { name = TacGenericConverter converterName = Water Purifier conversionRate = 6 inputResources = WasteWater, 1, ElectricCharge, 1000 outputResources = Water, 0.9, false, Waste, 6.382, true } }
  12. So, I just thought I would share a thing I am doing with these excellent parts. I am welding together a utility module which I will use on both my minmus base and orbital station for storing life support supplies. Thanks for the good work!
  13. This is a lot of fun--thanks for putting it together and cleaning it up.
  14. Maybe I am barking up the wrong tree, and I can certainly wait until Monday for the video, but I assume that changing E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common to the appropriate corresponding directory (/Users/myUserName/Library/Application\ Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/) and then changing all instances of '\' to '/' will be sufficient in order to recompile this using Mono to work on my mac? In any event, I am going to be picking and choosing some of the changes for one of my other installs, so I might just install parts and changes piecemeal.
  15. technogeeky, those sound like good improvements. When do you think you will have a working compile we can try out?
  16. All the visible dishes, battery packs, and solar panels are from AIES. It has a lot of really decent probe parts, including some quality small engines (I actually deleted a lot of the larger parts, just to save space). The four small dishes have a nice animation, to boot.
  17. I am happy to have you use any of the images, and I can send any others you need. I have been meaning to take more images of my probes.
  18. DMagic, these are some of my favourite parts in the game--thanks so much for making them.
  19. Really enjoying the series, especially since I am learning a lot from the look behind the curtains. I have been trimming my parts folder and it has improved loading time. I'd love to have the cfg that made the radiators work if you can add it to your post. Also looking forward to the craft files. (I can't get welding working at all on my setup, sadly.)
  20. Thank you for all your work in getting this amazing mod back up and working after the update. It makes designing probes and satellites so much more fun.
  21. Just wanted to say how much I have been immensely enjoying this series, and how much I am looking forward to the next one.
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