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Everything posted by larkvi

  1. What mods are you using? I want to see what can be ruled out.
  2. I seem to have city lights on Minmus? It doesn't look like I am seeing the Kerbin lights through Minmus, but I could be wrong. I am using a lot of mods, so it is possible that another might be at fault, bit I am not sure how to easily locate this spot in a clean save. http://imgur.com/a/mrHVY Logfile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2n18g977atxrjxs/MinCityLights.log?dl=0 Edit: (I actually thought I had found a cool anomaly--consider making Minmus ruins on purpose as an easter egg.)
  3. I re-copied the game from the master for this save, re-upgraded RemoteTech and Contract Configurator and could not replicate the problem. Everything seems to be working this time.
  4. Will the new Hab & Station nodes be in the release? Most of the mods I want to fix are in those categories.
  5. I got: Exception occured while loading contract 'RemoteTech.RT_KerbinRelay_4sat': System.Exception: No ContractRequirement with type = 'CelestialBodyCoverage'. at ContractConfigurator.ContractRequirement.LoadRequirement (.ConfigNode configNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 I am running RemoteTech 1.7.0. Checked, re-copied both this mod and RemoteTech, checked .version of RemoteTech, definitely the case. Thing is, I finished this contract already. Can I safely ignore it? Edit: I tried to ignore it, and it gave me the failure conditions.
  6. Probus is still re-doing the habitation side of the tech tree, at which point it will be possible to make a MM file for UKS/Karibou/HabTech in the same way that you see people doing for the aerospace parts, above.
  7. If you can share the documentation for how to format the modulemanager files (and do you have notes on your design decisions for guidance?) I can try to add UKS to the mod. Tantares also seems to be missing.
  8. Oh, and for a completely (square/boxy) different look, there is LLL, also not currently updated for 1.1pre:
  9. Glad to see people making nice parts for probes! Going to soften the blow of AIES not being 1.1 compatible.
  10. A few to try, updated to 1.1pre: Not yet updated: Some other mods that make for good station play include KAS/KIS (EVA building) and Infernal Robotics (robotic arm). You can learn a lot of good tricks from Project Gateway while you are waiting for mods to come up-to-date: Also note that people make some shockingly nice stations with unexpected mods, like this one with Planetary Base Systems:
  11. I believe that only shows up if you have a mod, like UKS, that has water as a resource.
  12. Been enjoying this with 1.1 and it seems to be working great for the most part. I did notice that not all modules with crew capacity have mulch storage under USI-LS, which I think they should (command module, for example). I have been playing around with this mod and UKS, and I wonder if you might add a switchable warehouse module and a flatbed module that meets this form factor, and has bigfoot attachments. I am specifically thinking of putting UKS drills on hinges, like I did with this Buffalo truck.
  13. The prerelease version seems to be working, balances rockets and can launch to space without incident. One notable thing is that since it doesn't seem to know about the new feature to toggle translation or rotation for RCS ports, it does not give correct values when those are toggled. I might have a strange sideways force, but I am having trouble duplicating it in a way that I understand what is happening.
  14. So, I downloaded this on April 1st, not thinking, but did not actually use chutes until today (been working on my SSTO and base components). All I can say is I was surprised, bewildered, and that you are an evil man. An evil man who does great work on parachutes, but I was glad of the new, non-nyan version.
  15. What do I need to edit in order to fix the sizing to work with my KScale2 setup? I assume this is accessible, since the RSS scaling exists?
  16. Thank you for continuing the good work! I will try it out. What does "final Version of scaling for models implemented to work now with every damn configuration that is possible out there" specifically refer to? Procedural Parts?
  17. DMagic, this is still one of my very favorite parts mods, and makes my probe missions much more fun. A recent mission:
  18. Texture Replacer supports making custom suits, if that is what you are looking for: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107471-1-0-4-TextureReplacer-2-4-7-(4-7-2015)
  19. Thanks, I tried that and also made another change (I had some setting that exported multiple animations, which I disabled), and now the part is animated correctly in Unity. I do seem to have a new problem, where the model shows up as dollhouse-sized in Unity, but progress is progress, and now I get to explore a new part of creating parts.
  20. Does this change rotation periods or altitudes? Kerbin still seems to have a 70km atmosphere? The Kerbostationary orbit is the same?
  21. Hello all, I have been trying to make a landing end for landing 2.5M modules as bases. I really like the legs RoverDude made for the MKS hub, and since he licenses the parts CC Attribution Sharealike, so I took the legs from his file and added an adapter. The part looks good in blender, but the animation does not play correctly when I import it into Unity (instead of the mirrored leg behaviour, both legs traverse the same direction, which is obviously broken). I am probably doing something really stupid, but I cannot figure out what; if anyone, looking at the file, could give me a way forward, I would appreciate it. Here is the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4icgpkuyxjlufz7/legsandcylinder.blend?dl=0 and the FBX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/okunh2dzmavmh1s/legsandcylinder_export.fbx?dl=0
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