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Everything posted by Nuke

  1. scott manley on why its stupid to send a mass simulator to the moon when the rover they were planning to send is ready to go, due to some congressional shenanigans. was supposed to go into science facts, but im stupid.
  2. recent events have made me want to watch taxi driver again.
  3. turns out the problem can be fixed by booting into safemode and renaming a directory. https://hackaday.com/2024/07/19/this-week-in-security-snowflake-the-cvd-tension-and-kasperskys-exit-and-breaking-bsod/
  4. its gotten to the point where i would rather buy nvidia stonks than gpus.
  5. which one is going to be sacrificed to the rocket catching gods?
  6. not quite dinner time, but i mixed some creme cheese, sharp cheddar and bacon, with a bit of seasoned salt, smoked paprika, onion powder, cayenne and black pepper and one package of large mushrooms. mixed the filling stuffed the shrooms and stuck em under the broiler for 5 minutes. bacon can even make mushrooms edible, nay delicious. same filling also works in jalapenos.
  7. analogue can work but it makes saving the state of the network a nightmare. so the applications are limited. i suppose you can re-train with digital input, but you have to do that for every copy. rather than just loading a state and let it continue from there with a perfect stored copy.
  8. i kind of wish there was a way to get third party traction. ironically the only thing the two parties agree on is that third parties are bad and so that is the only rhetoric you hear. if getting a kennedy on the ballot cant do it i dont know what can. the others are just too entrenched.
  9. i believe both our parties have ran out of morale high ground. people will vote for one or the other for all the wrong reasons. with any luck we get a reset in four years. oh i wish i had a cryotube, then i could just sleep it off like a bad hangover.
  10. well im also the cook so... i give them the ultimatum where il make what they want if they do dishes. ive yet to see anyone take me up on the offer.
  11. also look up explosively pumped flux compression generators.
  12. thats easy, just turn off coolant to the coils, they will quench and fail catastrophically.
  13. just another bickle. thats pretty much the way i see it. the kid that did this (and he was 20) probably is the same kind of kid who would shoot up a school, only circumstance would change the target. our society has seriously failed its young men in the last 2 decades. starting out should be a steady climb, not a massive cliff. you can do what you are supposed to do, work hard, and still get nowhere. so its no wonder many take an alternate way out.
  14. im the smart one in my family, im also the biggest carnivore. coincidence, i think not. best application of the hannibal lecter cookbook imho. fish > human. peta member = human. therefore the ethical thing to do is let the fish live and eat the peta member.
  15. in addition to the chicken thing, idk why everyone is anti-beef all the sudden. cows and grasslands go together like bacon and cheeseburgers. they cut the grass and fertilize your lawn for you, providing native habitat for grassland dwellers, birds, etc. free range cattle are happier and taste better. ive even herd there were experiments with gmo cows with reduced methane emissions (il let myself out).
  16. ive more than once held my solder in my mouth while my hands were otherwise occupied. you can have my 60/40 when you pry it out of my cold dead hands. *double checks to make sure i spelled solder right*
  17. depends on whether or not you bought hannibal lecter's cookbook. that said pesticides dont bother me, im more disturbed by the process used to remove gluten from wheat. i go shopping and everything is x/y/z free. like they are removing essential ingredients, and another process that we, the people in the kitchen, doesn't get to control. organic is just an excuse to make you pay 20% more. most of the waste comes from efforts to make useless empty calorie snacks that are killing us anyway. learn to cook and eat real food. its as simple as that.
  18. to be fair i believe he is mostly exploring sci-fi possibilities. hence his name. i have no problem with this. just know what you are getting into. you might be wanting scifi to be hard and as close to realistic as possible, but we all watch star wars/trek/gate/etc. and none of those are going to win any realism awards. scifi is the gateway drug to the relm of science, engineering, etc. this is a good thing.
  19. ants observed performing surgery. https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(24)00805-4
  20. not nominal = you need to burn most of your propellant to put it where its supposed to be, shortening on-orbit life. otherwise they go to the home for wayward starlink satellites = anywhere they land.
  21. radio augmented telepathy. brain chip, meet esp32.
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