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Everything posted by Nuke

  1. i guess i made it in time for the re-entry. how did superheavy do though?
  2. oh nutbunnies. i missed it because i was landing on gilly.
  3. the game asked me to send 200 tons to minmus. unfortunately the game cannot seem to handle the part count to complete that mission, at least not at my current level of tech progression. im doing it even though i get about four seconds per frame. its effectively a massive nerva cluster and a large number of hydrogen tanks. getting it into orbit took over two hours. i now got the monstrocity parked in a low orbit over minmus. i will figure out how to land later today. the real killer is that it takes 2 minutes to turn 90 degrees. i think my best bet is to raise the orbit slightly, kill all forward momentum relative to the surface and just kind of fall from that point. that should buy me enough time to re-orient the craft, and from there small angular adjustments are all thats required. lets hope my landing gear can take the load. there has to be an easier way to get 35 science. its a t1 mission requiring t3 parts, im on t2.
  4. filters would be nice. sorry if they exist and i havent found them yet. they seem to exist in the tracking station though.
  5. well they did before people started whining that people were mining on their gpus. i think my 2070 made me 5x what i spent on it, and it was my most expensive gpu purchase up to that point.
  6. even if they have to glue them on like with the shuttle, i think just having a smaller set of standard tiles will be an improvement. no shuttle had been lost due to tile issues, carbon-carbon panels dont count, that's a different material doing the same job. what ever happened to large ceramic coated hulls? skylon was wanting to do something like that. or at least large ceramic panels instead of tiles. seems its easier to replace a small number of large panels than a large number of small tiles. if you can solve the thermal stress cracking issue.
  7. cant stress how ephemeral computer upgrades are. in 2-4 years you will be wanting a better one. in that case trust fund, and just live middle class retired from there.
  8. yea, its not quite enough to retire on. investments, if done right, could turn it into enough. but not well enough you could give up your day job. i could live on it for 10 years and dedicate all my time to developing an indie game with hopes of selling it to some bigger fish down the line notch style. of course im lazy and easily distracted and would probably never get it done. i could probably stretch that out if i put it into a trust fund, pay it out in 5k increments, and because its not a liquid asset i could claim that as my income and qualify for a bunch of subsidies. i'm lucky if i see 3k a year now so that would actually be a qol improvement for me. more likely id go on a death trip to vegas involving various kinds of debauchery and substance abuse eventually ending in my death, possibly before the money runs out. thats more my speed. doomed but going out with a bang. but that sounds like too much effort so id do the trust fund and quasi homeless thing for awhile. also dont forget the irs is going to want a chunk of that too.
  9. i was just trying to come up with an application for the stuff. really it doesn't do anything conventional nuclear fuels cant do with less fuss. hard to find applications outside of blow stuff up or irradiate things. its not even suitable for interstellar transfers (pulse units or reactor fuel) because of shorter half lives (also kind of makes it useless for a nuclear deterrent). well that explains why they are so green. i know cherenkov radiation is blue, so there is probably also some biophosphorescence going on.
  10. part of the reason for water storage is to let the really nasty stuff with short half lives decay. leaving only the long half life stuff, then transition to long term dry storage.
  11. so island of stability elements. there are some caveats. the would all need to be manufactured one atom at a time using an extremely complicated process. we do not know the characteristics of these theoretical elements, half lives, etc. they will probably be short and therefor really nasty. they would greatly reduce the amount of material needed for a nuclear weapon. i dont think they would be suitable for reactors, as conventional nuclear fuels are more readily available and easier to work with. you still could use it for that though. because it would need to be manufactured at great expense, it is in the same boat as antimatter, an exotic form of energy storage.
  12. i found a new reason not to like touch screen interfaces. the lack of tool tips. unless an icon is obvious there is no way to determine what the function is without pushing it. equally disturbed by traditional point and click uis that dont have them. its a form of documentation that you dont miss until they take it away. icons should totally be more consistent between different softwares. like the play button that has existed since the dawn of recording and playback technology. ive seen it on 8-tracks, reel to reel tape, movie projectors, etc. icons sourced from early cell phone interfaces confuse me by being completely unfamiliar. when various softwares start copywriting their own iconography it renders a lot of technology more cyrptic than it ought to be. i also hate click/tap offs (where you open a panel to change a setting and there is no obvious way to close it other than to tap the thing behind it), infinite scroll, and common keyboard shortcuts being moved around (im looking at you windows). id rather have drop menus with highly descriptive text.
  13. i made money on crypto. half my current rig was paid for with it. granted when etherium went proof of stake i no longer could do any mining. i was just too late to get in on the ground floor. bitcoin requires asics and none of the other mineable currencies filled in the gap like i had predicted. i think thats why gpu manufacturers put out the current generation of power hogs to throw a monkey wrench in the works. my 2070 super was getting about $5 bucks a day and only pulling about a hundred watts. then it became 300 watts for half a dollar a day (on raven coin). you dont need a conspiracy when physics decides you are an idiot. it will just crush your hull and go about its business.
  14. cook your own egg sandwiches, its cheaper. i love my cermet coated griddle.
  15. seems their whole society has become dependent on unobtanium and so are able to overlook a little genocide to get it. of course this kind of thing sets up a chicken and the egg problem. you need it for interstellar travel, but its on a moon in another star system. how did you get it in the first place? dune had a similar problem with spice. the prequel books kind of sorted it out but it really wasn't necessary. people complained a lot about the lack of the spacing guild in the new dune movies but they are intentionally kept mysterious for the first book. all we know is that they need spice and are a serious power player, however their goal is to more or less maintain the status quo. the guild really doesn't get fleshed out until messiah anyway. also some exposition in the dialogue of god emperor.
  16. ive seen birth of a nation when i was doing my silent film binge. possibly the most racist thing you will ever watch. totally worth watching though for the battle scenes (may be considered the first war epic). in a world where everything is considered racist, its good to go back and see how much has actually improved in the last 100 years. also check out the golem, haxxan, and definitely metropolis. grossly inferior to antz.
  17. thats just what happens when you carpet bomb with napalm. ww2 bombers really lacked the accuracy to set up a precision-formed shockfront. it was all about getting close enough and saturate.
  18. well a bomb creates shockwaves, and you can probably through timing and precision, get a lot of shock waves to stack focusing the energy into specific areas. this is actually how pits of nuclear material are crushed to initiate fission, and then maybe fusion. i think its also used to put out oil well fires.
  19. did i forget to put ice pirates on there? primer was ok considering their budget was like $6000. im not sure i like snw that much, i think its only "good" because its not discovery. the animated treks are watchable and picard redeemed itself in the end. not really interested in any of the ideas they have been kicking around. for more series. and star wars is in that boat too. i think im gonna finish the bad batch and call it done (unless they dont cancel andor). ive heard jms interviews both confirming and denying the ripoff hypothesis. i dont think he wants to step on any toes of anyone who might fund his projects. also that was over 20 years ago so he had a lot of time to cool off about it. i actually hope history repeats itself and we get the b5 reboot and a ds9 continuation.
  20. i remember watching them all during their original run, but i dont think i got into star trek until around season 4 or 5 of tng. also i met the actors that play garak, rom, and bashir. i had their autographs somewhere but i think i misplaced them during a move.
  21. it doesnt really matter. good artists create, great artists steal. this is why we got 2 of the best shows of the '90s.
  22. this might be one of the best sci-fi theme songs ever.
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