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Everything posted by Nuke

  1. doing better than boeing. of course thats not exactly a high bar these days.
  2. harry potter movies are probably on my dont really care to watch list. we watched fantastic beasts (which i didnt know was a harry potter spinoff at the time). i fell asleep during the sequel. so i will probibly never get into it. i have a lot of respect for the author though. i remember seeing pamphlets in public restrooms saying that it was for satan worshipers, from some right wing christian group, then later on getting hate from the left over culture war bs. both miss the point that she almost single handedly got an entire generation of children to enjoy reading. i was simply from the previous generation and so never got into it.
  3. i mostly dont like having to keep 2 sets of tools. but then that comes back to the hardware store culture problem, they make more money if you buy two sets of tools, even though they dont sell fasteners that work with one of them.
  4. especially if you are going to dump all 6 at once. then its a lot simpler just to do 2 bigger ones. if you have six pairs of boosters with stepped burn times such that they burn out 2 at a time, then you add complexity and remove redundancy.
  5. i like how my doctor asked me if i wanted vaccines and then didn't issue them. seemed like my first appointment (pre covid), she had to practically twist my arm behind my back to convince me to take a flu shot. ive had the flu twice in my life and both times it was very mild. now its like "ok your done", 'but you forgot my....' "next!". i think health care (even free clinics) were better before the "affordable" care act. somehow dental remains unchanged. i got to get up at like 8 on friday for bloodwork, after fasting for 12 hours. function? without caffine? how?
  6. i find it cute because im pretty sure the military uses metric, and 24 hour time. its 100% a quirk of hardware store culture. if you need metric dont even bother, just order off ebay.
  7. ive seen a few episodes. its campy. i really didn't see any point to watch it with regularity.
  8. i really think that's the best you can do with 64 bit float. as far as gpu code thats more of a workstation gpu feature (gaming gpus have intentionally gimped fp64 implementations). if you are designing a product for real astrodynamics, you are going to probibly need a workstation gpu and some really exotic multi-core processor with some serious instruction set extensions. pretty much supercomputer hardware. so since your number format lacks a few orders of magnitude that are nice to have, you either have to use a really convoluted workaround, or simply scale things down so fp64 is good enough. not that these problems are impossible to solve or anything, its just you need extra steps that factor into your dev costs. since dev is probably the most expensive part of your dev team (of course you can spend a lot of money on voice acting now, eg if you hire keanu reeves to voice some kerbals). there is also considerable precedent for newtonian games scaling things down. newtonian is also a problem, you are going to want lagrangian or hamiltonian mechanics in a pro science sim product.
  9. medical stuff. when did it get so bloody inefficient. you have to schedule 3 appointments to do what normally would be handled on your annual physical. a job that was once handled by one doctor and one paper monkey now requires 2 assistants, a receptionist, 2 lab techs, and 3 hospitals full of bureaucrats.
  10. the best shows are the ones based off obscure or seldom seen characters. i know there is a trend towards keeping the usual heroes and you dont need to assassinate their character to create new heroes. there are better ways to pass the torch than to destroy what came before. in this case its better to add than replace. if you must remove them let them go out in a blaze of glory rather than taking them into the back room and shooting them or stabbing them with a light saber (solo's death was so forgettable i forget how he went, and i saw it in the theater).
  11. ok spent the last 2 days binging the last season of the bad batch. was pretty good. why is it that animated shows get a more mature handling than the live action ones? you would think the inverse would be true.
  12. i think at some point orbital junkyards will become a thing. where you bring in dead sats, salvage them, and use the parts to repair other space infrastructure. probibly a tubelike centrifuge with the lower pressurized deck being for hab, workshops, and warehouse with the upper deck serving as scrapyard (just lay it down on a palette and let spin gravity keep it in place). some conveyance system (think amazon warehouse bots) to bring it into an airlock so the crew doesn't have to suit up every time there is work to do. in the center you have dock and refueling tankage. would make money on support contracts with satellite providers. i figure every time you exhaust a fuel tank, you can cut the end off, stuff it with unsalvagable scrap, load it into a railgun and shoot it towards point nemo (this has an added bonus of boosting orbit). perhaps use it to put satellites back into their orbits after servicing provided its compatible.
  13. finally bit the bullet and got an imgur. i can now post memes that have been collecting on my desktop such as this. Radioactive death hamster. aka oppenhamster.
  14. to be fair the steam deck was pretty impressive. i just wish they wouldn't remove the linux header files and make it impossible to build native linux games and source ports on the deck. that was likely also intentional. i can run my emulation stack just fine so figure that. app stores are just parasites that dont even filter out malware correctly.
  15. id hate steam and others less if i could transfer games between stores or even play classic games ive previously purchased on disc for free or even a small fee for the transfer. instead i think im going to archive ccd images of those games for long term bulk storage on my nas. there are a few on there already, you can pull the images off the internet but no way to determine if they are clean or not. some of them games have been in my cd case for well over 20 years and may not even work. so the clock is kind of ticking. i did find out the cd drive in mom's comp still works with only the loading mechanism being toast (its either a broken belt or sticky lube, so easy to fix).
  16. what about the chosen one is a ruthless dictator?
  17. i cant help but think the move to low quality is deliberate. i find the first or second generation of a product is the best. but after that its all about cost cutting. you are buying the same thing for the same price, but they found a way to make it cheaper so they get the bigger cut. i got maybe a first or second gen consumer 3d printer and the thing still works great while others complain that their monoprice is breaking down. things like finite element analysis i think are abused to reduce materials costs, but also take away the kind of overbuilding you used to see eg with antiques or amish furnature. they just didnt know and materials are cheap so they overbuild. office chairs for example are a good example. ive had 20 year old chairs that work fine, yet all the modern ones are trash after 2 years. the fundamental difference is a grade of steel that is slightly cheaper, or a lower thickness though not far enough in price to warrant a $700 difference in the final product. the rest of the components are more or less identical. even some of the premium options bulk up the parts that never fail and ignore the gimbal that always fails. essentially selling more expensive trash. if you are into electronics and like to mod the deficiencies out of consumer products. you find a lot of boards that have slots for parts that aren't populated (in some rare cases 10% or less is populated). sometimes this can be for a more premium version of the same product. but it leaves one scratching their head when its not. i know its because when the designs are sent for production, they will actually build a small run of initial models, and do a thing where they see how many parts they can remove before the product fails to function, and then ship the result. so even when a qualified engineer designed the thing, their work is effectively thrown out by a middleman. i dont understand how consumers can tolerate this kind of waste. i just watched that one yesterday. i miss my ti99.
  18. sometimes i think im not suited to a well ordered world where all problems have readily available solutions. im more suited to the wastelands. i can turn my empathy off in a heartbeat and am paranoid in all things. good traits to have in a wasteland. i would probibly die, but not before a lot of other people. i just had two panic attacks trying to acquire a couple vietnamese chicken sandwiches on the 4th (thousands of vietnam war veterans are turning in their graves). its always the small stuff that gets me. as for the apocalypse, bring it.
  19. its like that one riff in ironman i still cant play. if i cant learn some iommi licks how can i call myself a metalhead.
  20. its sad when what once was a $100/hr job is now done by interns. nobody wants to pay for talent anymore when you can just sell a bunch of defective junk that the customer has to buy again in 2 years. same kind of bs happens in music, movies, video games, etc. the only solution is for people to stop buying these products en masse. mom is already yelling at me to go downtown for street food. she refuses to go herself even though she constantly complains about being cooped up in the house because of her disabilities. she can do it, she has the power chair. ive never been comfortable asking someone to do something i wouldn't do myself. especially when i have crippling anxiety about crowds. i suppose il just get it over with and get yelled at again when i get something she doesn't like.
  21. ive more than once sent kerbals out of the ship to push. most often in an effort to deorbit something or at least get it to scrape the atmosphere enough to come down over a series of orbits. we dont have any kerbals but we can make a robot (bonus points if it looks like a kerbal). using a few retractable probes (perhaps on a tripod of linear actuators) tipped in a sticky rubber material and using thrust gravity to hold it in place. you approach the satellite and take some high resolution images for analysis on the ground. assess spin and try to determine the cg (either by analyzing its spin or looking up design schematics) and find push points. first use the probes to halt the spin and reorient the satellite. then approach from the from the prograde side land the probes in unison while simultaneously applying thrust. lower its perigee to a re-entry orbit. then just back off, re-orbit and go for the next piece of space junk, or return to a station for refueling and maintenance. it makes since as you can de orbit several pieces of space junk between refuelings and dont become junk themselves.
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