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Everything posted by Nuke

  1. mmmmm spherical beef. just roll it through the kitchen.
  2. yea it was around 5:30 am when i realized the launch was today, but i hadn't slept yet so i went to bed. looks like i didnt miss much.
  3. up she goes. in flames or in space, fate will decide.
  4. with all the suffering in life, remember, eventually you will die. maybe i don't get positivity for positivity's sake.
  5. the woman behind white fragility still refuses to debate her ideas. "its not scientific" "science is racist" "but statistics show that your policies are making things worse" "math is racist" you just cant win with these people. best thing you can do is ignore them. don't interact with them, because they will never do so on a level playing field. and hope that they just go away and history remembers them as the sad sacks they really are. racism is a product of ignorance and fear, more ignorance and fear is not the answer.
  6. i never made more than $14k a year, with a college degree, and im 41. still waiting for that white privilege to kick in. its gonna be awhile at this point. someone who got $30k+ on their first out-of-college job (that they cant even do right) telling me im somehow harming them simply by existing is not good for my morale.
  7. star trek picard may have just put out the best episode of star trek since the '90s.
  8. its silly, the funny thing is these policies are correlated to the rise in school shootings. because some of those policies were being tested out when i was in school, way back around the time of the columbine shooting. i saw first hand how "special needs" students were shoveled off to special schools that served as nothing more than a dumping ground for free thinkers and sociopaths alike. the weak got bullied, i was a large dude with some scary friends (one of which committed suicide awhile ago), so i dodged most of it. most of the kids were medicated, there were your lithium zombies and your adhd ritalin crowd. they had me on the stuff and i wasn't even hyper. half the kids there were labeled as disabled. parents got to collect benefits, which end the second you graduate. then you get thrown into the world with no meds, a diploma from a school for the mal adjusted (i did also attend a vocational school for computer science and electronics, as i was one of the brighter kids in that school), needless to say my transition into adulthood was not an easy one. oh and the chemical withdrawl from the meds we could no longer afford was nice too. i didn't get healthcare again until the affordable care act passed. that was in the 90s, i loathe to think of the abomination public school has become now. having them undermine your future before you even make adulthood is just evil. they did just as much if not more damage than my messed up family did. pink floyd had this figured out in the '70s.
  9. i for one do not like music that sounds like coital expression, or anyone using a vocal soundfont on their synth. autotune does it too. its a bit of an uncanny valley for me. i do still fantasize about getting hitched to an opera soprano though.
  10. mmmmm ham. sometimes i score a spiral ham for christmas, but rarely. it usually doesn't survive the day. when its down to a bone i will usually make a pot of beans. with a 12 pounder you should have some pretty good sandwich meat. toast a hoagie and stuff it with ham and swiss (we usually get a wheel of baby swiss for the holidays as well). i usually have a zero wastage policy, leftovers are to be consumed and i don't cook again until they are gone (except meals that incorporate the leftovers). actually this is how i pull off enchilada night. i just do a pot roast on saturday and enchaladas on sunday, much to the chagrin of those who feel that pot roast is a sunday meal.
  11. i dont know about that. i once has a computer die in a power outage. avalanche had taken out some high tension lines somewhere about juneau. the computer was on a suppressor too. i guess the psu blew itself up and the computer was dead. i changed power supply and it was still dead. so i replaced the core components as well. funny thing was when i took the old parts and hooked them up to a different psu (one fished out of a dumpster i might add), they worked fine. one of those situations where parts work in isolation but not together.
  12. today is easter, or as i call it, "eat an entire box of peeps in one sitting day". also peeps are best served on fire.
  13. after breaking the ear off of an easter decoration resembling a food item, i have come to a grand conclusion. superglue is only useful in 2 situations, the first is gluing your fingers to the thing you are trying to fix, and the other is gluing the lid onto the tube of superglue so that it will never open again, sparing you its curse. i managed to put the ear back on the bunny egg platter thing. my mom is in the early stages of cataracts so i hope she doesnt notice the hairline fracture and the skin cells glued to the bunnie's face. ive replaced that damn thing four times. this is why i drink out of prego jars and eat cereal out of cool whip containers. anything fancy has a life expectancy of a fly in a frog enclosure (ive been using the same prego jar for at least 6 years, but fancy matching china may as well just come broke).
  14. i think the whole notion of using space for peaceful purposes was just a smoke screen to allow governments to develop space tech for military applications. they know the first nation to put nukes or some other wmd in orbit will give them a huge tactical advantage. the real space race really hasn't even started yet. what we have seen thus far is more like a pre marathon stretch. to continue the metaphor, starship (or an equally capable vehicle) will be the starter pistol going off. at that point the sky is no longer the limit.
  15. yep. horrible episode. was this written by a 12 year old? i didn't even recognize lizzo with her clothes on. christopher lloyd can still do cool stuff (i liked that movie he did with bob odenkirk), but this wasnt it. overall this season has been terrible. it was good when it was just a space western. definitely pulled a reverse picard-s3.
  16. part of the expense comes from the fact that i live in alaska. i paid $5.99/dozen. some of that is shipping.
  17. quail eggs can be had in some places. we mosly use chickens because they have a pretty high rate of egg laying. i did have ostrich saussage though, im not a fan, its rather gamy and very beeflike in its texture. ive eaten such a large variety of critters, and large birds seldom rank very high, i dont even like turkey that much and merely tolerate it during the holiday season. i recently had some gater jerky that was pretty good.
  18. i think id spend and extra couple bucks a dozen for griffon eggs. that would be an impressive omelette. gmos solve a lot of problems so its kind of funny how non-gmo has been the marketing slogan everyone goes with. meanwhile people are willing to eat cricket and fake meat products. for me food science involves predicting whether a cantilope on the counter will keep one or two days after purchase. my record is 4. who knows how long it lived on the barge. gmo the heck out of that thing so it can keep for a week. a lot less waste and id probibly eat more produce.
  19. that is a very large beer. the superheavy is a really thirsty booster.
  20. when i was playing around with game dev, i always called the kraken the wiggles. the further from your center of the game world you got, the bigger the errors got until they were bigger than your craft. this is what killed my newtonion physics mod for freespace. i couldnt get anything bigger than a small moon into the game.
  21. pinouts i had were specifically for my supply (in fact the whole sf line). they were intended for cable modders i assume and lack some details you would find in the full atx spec. everythings either labled as ground or vcc, and one is not used. i think its up to the psu manufacturer to decide what aux means, and corsair decided it was ground. would not be surprised if the aux lines on the squid connector just go to an i2c eeprom to fetch the psu spec data. this seems to be all the rage in the tech world. smart anything just means a look up table. had it not been for that connector, nvidia wouldn't have lost a long time customer.
  22. i was looking at the pinouts for my gpu connectors and i noticed that the only difference between a 6-pin and an 8-pin, is the 8-pin has 2 extra grounds. i think the rule of thumb is 120 watts per 18 gauge wire pair. but im wondering what the advantage is for having an extra pair of grounds. whatever advantage the 12vhpwr gives you, it omits the extra grounds found on dual 8s, and you might as well run dual 6s. frankly im glad amd did not re-invent the wheel on this one and used 8-pins. i think id have done a mini-16, and the i2c lines in the housing instead of having this stupid overengineered (and therefore expensive) composite connector. id rather they just put a power limit slider in the gpu drivers so i can tell it what the power budget is without it needing to talk to the psu. and to think while they were specifying a stupid new connector to replace something that was already ok, they would have specified new structural members in the gpu mounting hardware to support ever growing render bricks.
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